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I don't suppose that applies to manga too, does it?

It's not "go to the store and pick out any comic book they have for free" day. There is a specific selection of specially produced titles from publishers like DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, Top Cow, Red 5, etc. I don't know off-hand if any of the big manga publishers are participating (Tokyopop, Viz, Del Rey) but FCBD is generally an American comics event.

I'm pretty sure I didn't say it was. I'd never heard of FREE COMIC BOOK DAY until this week and since you brought it up, I thought I'd ask.

He was just clarifying. Some stores have writers and pencilers do free signings/sketches and do discounts if they're participating with the giveaways.

Last year I ended up doing free sketches for kids... not that I'm a professional or working for any comic. And not that they cared, they just want a free picture of a character they like. It's kinda fun, anyway.

He was just clarifying. Some stores have writers and pencilers do free signings/sketches and do discounts if they're participating with the giveaways.

Last year I ended up doing free sketches for kids... not that I'm a professional or working for any comic. And not that they cared, they just want a free picture of a character they like. It's kinda fun, anyway.

I heard it about it when I went next door to the local, little "Comic Dungeon" searching change for a 5. I doubt they'll have anyone really exciting show up, but I might stop by anyway.

Or maybe not, I'm on a lot of the local nerds' shitlists right now. :P


I went to a comic book store once on a free comic book day and really found myself interested in a serial or two that they previewed. Too bad I'll probably never know what it was... this was in 2005 or 2006.

Unless there are backlogs for this kind of thing???


Atomic Robo! That alone would be worth checking out.

...although the only comic shop I know near here was one in Georgetown that closed several years ago. KF


Never had a chance to get into comics, but since a lot of the role-playing stores I frequent also double as comic stores, I might stop buy and see what I can pick up.


I got a bunch, couldn't find the Simpsons one.


William Shatner Presents

The Avengers

Wolverine: Origin of an X-Man

Contract #1

John Stanley's Nancy (?)

Blackest Night #0

The Stuff of Legend

I also got several comics that were given away, but weren't part of the FCBD listing. Some sorta store-specific clearance, I guess.


My wife and I went; I got the "mature" bag they were handing out, and she took the kiddie one. Full list in the quote box:

My bag:

William Shatner Presents (previews of three serials by Bluewater Productions)


Contract #1

Atomic Robo

Savage Dragon

love and rockets (sucked)

The Avengers

Wolverine: Origin of an X-Man

The Stuff of Legend *best of the pack*

Blackest Night (Green Lantern event preview)

My wife's bag:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (reprint)

Star Wars: Clone Wars

Melvin Monster / Nancy

Transformers / GI Joe


Cars (of movie fame)

Sonic: Evolution of a Hero

Bongo Comics Free-for-all (simpsons comic)

All in all, a total haul for us. I'll be getting the entire Blackest Night event, and The Stuff of Legend when they both release in July.


I too checked it out but most of the ones I picked up were decidedly juvenile.

Let's see:



-Wizard of Oz

-Dark Horse, Best of (something like that)


I wanted to pick up the atomic robo one, visited two different stores, but no such luck.

Oh well, I'll pick up the book in its entirety for my birthday most likely.

On a side note, the little "hole in the wall" store I visited had a Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy pair that made the trip decidedly worthwhile, even if you weren't into comics.



The comic book shop me and friend went to (his regular stop) was out of the free stuff by the time we got there, but he was also giving out leftover stock so I picked up Incredible Hercules (Love & War Part 3) and Justice (Chapter 12). And also a copy of Deus Ex for $2. :3

At the next place my friend got Resurrection/Tek Jansen, and I was about to get TMNT but the guy was like "one per group" and we're like "wtf" and he's like "I don't make the rules" and we're like "what about that pile behind you" and he's like "that's for subscribers" and we're like "okay w/e" and left.

My wife and I went; I got the "mature" bag they were handing out, and she took the kiddie one.

I'm kinda surprised that the Wolverine one would count as "mature" when it's got "great for all ages" on the cover. The story itself kinda reads like a basic 90s cartoon for that matter...

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