ifirit Posted April 29, 2005 Posted April 29, 2005 Hmm...20 years before Silent Hill 1? I'd actually always assumed that Silent Hill 1 took place in the 70's, as every car you see as well as many references to pop culture found in the game are from that era....Right? The official word from Konami was that Silent Hill takes place in the same year that it was released (1999). The timeline of the first three games is expressed in the Silent Hill Chronicle. It seems to fit to me, but then again I haven't looked at the timeframe of the games as in-depth as you probably have ifrit. But then, what leads you to believe SH1 is 20 years after the movie? If that were true, then Cybil being in there wouldn't make much sense....I guess it's too early to say anything just yet. The reason I mentioned this was to show that the games are not directly related to the film. What you will see and hear about in articles and forums is that the use of characters names in the film are similar (if not identical) to those from the games. Just because the names are the same, don't assume that they are the same. EDIT: I read the post above this one, and.....oww...man, my head hurts now. I think I'll go and play Sesame Street ABC - nice and easy, with a nice ice pack on my forehead. (Very nice theories there ) Newbies all get that. The headache will go away after brief periods of vomiting and vertigo. If spots appear on the skin, rub on all your friends' controllers and memory cards. Any bleeding or hemorraging should be looked at by your family doctor. Other side effects include: prolonged insomnia, frequently asked questions, and sexual side-effects. (Do not use if you are pregant or nursing.) Quote
Nulion Posted April 29, 2005 Posted April 29, 2005 Ahh, I see... I actually kinda get the feeling Konami didn't really think about the timeframe the games took place in, and just said 1999 to please anybody who wanted to know. The setting just doesn't look the part though...My guess is more that they wanted the games to be timeless, or just not make much chronological sense, as it really isn't important. The names in the movie though, well, I think that'd be one biiiiiig coincidence if the Cybil in the movie (Who is a police officer) and the Cybil in the game (Who is also a police officer, of course) aren't the same person. Fair assumption, but you're right - we just don't know that much yet to really say one thing from another. What I'm hoping most for is not that it'll make sense in the overall plot arch of the games and their continuity, but that it'll have the same soul - so far, it's looking like it is, and that makes this noob a happy noob And thanks for the medical info, this uncontrollable vomiting has, to say the least, been a pain. I don't think I'll ever get that chunk of pepperoni off the Escape key ._. *runs to doctor* Quote
StarZander Posted May 5, 2005 Posted May 5, 2005 Page 3? Come on people. We have something divine here, and it slips all the way to page 3? I'll never forgive you. To make it more than just a bump, there are a few screenshots of Part 4 of the No Escape series available, if you want to see. http://noescape.rateofinjury.com/ Quote
Nekofrog Posted May 5, 2005 Posted May 5, 2005 If there is nothing to discuss, there is no reason to bump. Quote
StarZander Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 If there is nothing to discuss, there is no reason to bump. We don't need anything to discuss. We just need to make this thread survive. It contains too much to be lost. Quote
Super Metal Mario Posted May 7, 2005 Posted May 7, 2005 Never got to play it only a demo but i do plan on it. Quote
ifirit Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 In an attempt to keep things moving, as some people think the topic has gone stale, I'm going to provide a short bump by helping you find and identify bootleg copies of the Silent Hill soundtracks. It will help to know where you should invest your money and which companies to avoid. Bootleg Soundtrack Identification: There are two types of bootleg CD's floating around on the internet: illegal bootlegs and legal bootlegs. The illegal bootlegs are obvious to spot as they often feature covers that don't match those of the original CD's. These are often made by individuals that are just trying to make some extra cash. Versions of these bootleg CDs include: Dustfungus' Complete SH1 OST (not sold by Dustfungus), which features the image of Lisa from the waist up, smiling; Dustfungus' Complete SH2 OST (not sold by Dustfungus), which features an image of Mary on her deathbed looking very sad; and finally The Sound of Silence OST which features the images of the four games' main characters. These soundtracks were/are available for free. Dustfungus offered his for the price of materials and shipping, but a long time ago. If you see these copies of soundtracks available, notify the respective owners. In addition, some of these illegal bootlegs will feature remixes (including OCReMixes) on the CD not found on the originals. The legal bootlegs are much harder to spot, because they are made by companies located in South-East Asia and the production is very close to the originals. The reason that these companies can make legal bootlegs is that the original producer has sold out of stock, yet demand for the product is still high. The producer then "leases" the product to other printing companies to print on their own. These third-party printings are thus legal, but not valuable. The three most prominent companies to produce these legal bootlegs are: Sonmay (which features the SM logo on the back), EverAmine (which also features the logo on the back), and Alion (which features their logo on the front of the CD). The easiest way to identify the bootlegs is by the CD Catalog number. If the Catalog numbers don't match those of the originals, then it is a third-party copy, not the original. The CORRECT catalog numbers are listed below. Silent Hill 1 OST (Japan) - KICA7950 Silent Hill 2 OST (Japan) - KMCA120 Silent Hill 3 OST (Japan) - KOLA038 Silent Hill 4 OSTs (Japan) - LC1292 Be careful as well, since the special edition soundtracks don't feature the Catalog numbers and will be much harder to spot. This is due to the fact that most were never originally for sale. Silent Hill 3 Limited Edition OST (Japan) Silent Hill 4 Limited Edition OST (North America) Silent Hill 4 Robbie's Tracks (Japan) Also to help you identify the correct CD cover of the soundtrack, use MaskRider's catalog of SH soundtracks to find the right one. MaskRider's Silent Hill CD and DVD Catalog I've not gotten the information on the European Soundtracks, but likely, there aren't that many bootlegs out there. (If your wondering why I'm posting this now, I realized that all the copies I had were bootlegs. It sucks.) Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 this is funny. I just got done writing some stuff down for my little pisser SH story I'm working on and came to Gen. Disc. to see this thread on the 1st page. Then, prompting my clicking on this thread, Promise (SH2 ending song) came on Winamp (which is on shuffle). I'm not shitting you. Anyway, I figured Ever Anime was a bootleg company, most of the OSTs I buy look like they're bootleg and they either have SM or Ever Anime on the package somewhere. Oh, btw Ifirit- the dude at No Escape took what you said in here about his story and posted it on his Forums: http://forums.rateofinjury.com/viewtopic.php?t=78. Quote
ifirit Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Oh, btw Ifirit- the dude at No Escape took what you said in here about his story and posted it on his Forums:http://forums.rateofinjury.com/viewtopic.php?t=78. That totally made my day. (Totally, man.) I feel like I'm becoming a part of the internet culture. (That's so cool.) Anyway, I left a short message on their boards and will probably add any further discussion of No Escape on their forums, but I'll be sure to link it here whenever I do. (Woah, I got even got a homepage mention. I am completely blown away.) You know, I'm a little disappointed that people think that there's not much to discuss about Silent Hill anymore. Though, we have covered most of the basics, there are lots of ideas left to explore. Particularly, I'd like to talk about the style of writing used in the games and how the execution is created. Though, the stories seem very unique, they follow a specific set of rules when it comes to characters, locations and the sequence of events that take place. Anyway, I'm working on a couple of things on my own right now, hence the lack of updates recently. However, I'll be checking by every once-in-a-while. It's really cool stuff, but my lips are sealed for the time being. By the way, Instrument, how is your fan work going? My offer to help still stands. I've had a few ideas here and there. I also have some small materials available for you to review. PM me when you get the chance. I might not get to it immediately, but I'll answer as promptly as I can. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 Instrument, how is your fan work going? My offer to help still stands. I've had a few ideas here and there. I also have some small materials available for you to review. PM me when you get the chance. I might not get to it immediately, but I'll answer as promptly as I can. My work is gonning slowly, but it's coming together as I think about it. I'm trying to treat it like a game concept rather than a comic. I'll PM you about it. As for what you said about the 'rules' of the characters, I believe too that it feels like they're all following a list of characteristics. If my memory serves correctly; they never really spoke unless spoken to. Unless it was a small comment like Henry and "What....the hell?" That's all I got at the moment, too busy trying other things. Quote
Eccles Posted May 28, 2005 Posted May 28, 2005 Dark forces are at work, gentlemen. I'm not being weird I really do mean it...I'm playing through Silent Hill 4 again. For *shame* Anyways, I have a habit of doing this, because I like noticing all the things that make sense with the knowledge of things to come. For instance the first memo you get makes a lot more sense when you know who wrote it and why. Another thing I've noticed is that Silent Hill 4 has quite a few parallels to a film...Eraserhead by David Lynch. The first thing that tipped me off was one of the locations; The Lynch Line in the subway. Nothing really special there, the Silent Hill guys love putting in little nods to people like that and have done ever since SH1. But what got me was the fact that Eraserhead and SH4 are really quite similar. They both follow a man named Henry who finds himself trapped in his apartment slowly going crazy. The differences being that the film follows Henry Spencer and the game Henry Townsend (and obvious physical differences that don't warrant commenting on). Both the film and the game blame crazy events within them on the same thing SPOILER A demonic child of some kind. They both feature the main character peeping on the outside world for more information (though the woman seen in Eraserhead is infinitely more freaky than the woman seen in SH4). There's also the fact that after each ordeal both Henries find themselves back in their apartments as if nothing had happened. I don't feel like listing every single line that could be drawn...and it's silly to say that SH4 is like the video game of Eraserhead...but suffice to say there are a LOT of similarities. Quote
Eccles Posted May 28, 2005 Posted May 28, 2005 I actually kinda get the feeling Konami didn't really think about the timeframe the games took place in, and just said 1999 to please anybody who wanted to know. The setting just doesn't look the part though...My guess is more that they wanted the games to be timeless, or just not make much chronological sense, as it really isn't important. Technically it is. According to the timeframe, SH2 takes place fifteen years after SH1 and SH3 takes place two years after SH2. Something like that, anyways. Yeah, it's a double post...call it an impatient bump. Quote
Xiro Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 I have decided to post here out of desparation... I've been coming here for years and just never gotten around to joining...but at long last, I wanted to make a Silent Hill tribute song.... Kind of looking to find sounds...mainly from SH4:THe Room.... But I've googled,jeeved, and everything elsed trying to find sounds I could use...preferably some good voices....all to no avail...so if anyone can find some...please send them to: Dark_Link@snowboard.com Quote
Raenok Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 I forgot to mention this. The Silent Hill comic? It's already out. Its' title is Silent Hill: Dying Inside. Be prepared for F-bombs, artistic violence, and a bratty little girl. Oh, and pick up Sticks and Stones while you're at it. For a book without words, it's pretty emotional. Quote
Firedrake Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 The Silent Hill comic has been out for months. Don't bother with it. It's a horrible, horrible series that treats the franchise like a crappy gore flick. Quote
Eccles Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 It's twue. Though I have to say I like the artistic style used in the first two comics. It's not as good in the third fourth and fifth ones, though...I prefer actually being able to see what the hell is going on in the pictures. Quote
Eccles Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 Having completed it three times over, I present questions that Silent Hill 4 left unanswered (spoilers ho!) 1) Why didn't Sullivan kill Henry when he had the chance? Henry wakes up in the ER and Sullivan is attacking a nurse...why didn't Sullivan kill Henry? He'd already completed the other sacriments so it doesn't really make any sense. It could be because Eileen hadn't died like the others, but that raises the question of why does Sullivan attack you in the field rather than eileen? 2) Continuing the questionning of the ER...why doesn't sullivan follow you out of it and why isn't he in there when you go back in? 3) Why does Eileen act like a child when she gets beaten up? I dunno if anybody has ever let her get damaged a lot, but she will often cry for mommy and daddy or whine "Im scawed". She'll also start hitting herself sometimes. There were more, but I forgot them. Quote
RazorOutlaw Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 So I was wondering if anybody had managed to download that Silent Hill scenario that a fellow made in Sim City 2000... Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 Having completed it three times over, I present questions that Silent Hill 4 left unanswered (spoilers ho!) 1) Why didn't Sullivan kill Henry when he had the chance? Henry wakes up in the ER and Sullivan is attacking a nurse...why didn't Sullivan kill Henry? He'd already completed the other sacriments so it doesn't really make any sense. It could be because Eileen hadn't died like the others, but that raises the question of why does Sullivan attack you in the field rather than eileen? 2) Continuing the questionning of the ER...why doesn't sullivan follow you out of it and why isn't he in there when you go back in? 3) Why does Eileen act like a child when she gets beaten up? I dunno if anybody has ever let her get damaged a lot, but she will often cry for mommy and daddy or whine "Im scawed". She'll also start hitting herself sometimes. There were more, but I forgot them. 1) I betting Walter didn't know Henry was there until he got off the ground was watching him. 2) Why he doesn't follow you out, I'm not sure. However, why he's not there when you go back in; he does have the ability to teleport (as seen in the last fight) 3) I've heard this alot, Eileen seems to only get worse in condition and act child-like when you're not using the candles in the room to ward of the hauntings. I've gone through the game twice, first time she hardly ever got touched and she was in bad shape and acting like a kid. I also didn't use the candles like I was supposed to. Second time through tho, Eileen took tons of hits and I kept up on keeping the Room clear. Eileen was fine. Quote
Eccles Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 3) I've heard this alot, Eileen seems to only get worse in condition and act child-like when you're not using the candles in the room to ward of the hauntings. I've gone through the game twice, first time she hardly ever got touched and she was in bad shape and acting like a kid. I also didn't use the candles like I was supposed to. Second time through tho, Eileen took tons of hits and I kept up on keeping the Room clear. Eileen was fine. See, I used the candles to clear the room out (save for two or three hauntings that happened when I didnt have any candles) and she still got in pretty bad condition. With the hitting herself and the "Where mommy? I'm scawed" and whatnot. Okay, something else that the game doesnt answer... Why does little Walter save Eileen, but not Richard? He's there for both of their deaths, but he stops big Walter from killing Eileen (she said so). Also why can other people leave their apartments? Presumably they're going through the same thing Henry is, but they can get out of their rooms (you can see them through the peephole on the door). This one isn't a SH4 one, but the others in the series...why does it change who can and can't see the alternative Silent Hill? In SH1 Harry had to explain to Cybil what the other world was like...but in SH4 Douglas and Vincent both see it as its alternative version. What's up with that? Quote
Kiyosuki Posted June 3, 2005 Posted June 3, 2005 3) I've heard this alot, Eileen seems to only get worse in condition and act child-like when you're not using the candles in the room to ward of the hauntings. I've gone through the game twice, first time she hardly ever got touched and she was in bad shape and acting like a kid. I also didn't use the candles like I was supposed to. Second time through tho, Eileen took tons of hits and I kept up on keeping the Room clear. Eileen was fine. See, I used the candles to clear the room out (save for two or three hauntings that happened when I didnt have any candles) and she still got in pretty bad condition. With the hitting herself and the "Where mommy? I'm scawed" and whatnot. Okay, something else that the game doesnt answer... Why does little Walter save Eileen, but not Richard? He's there for both of their deaths, but he stops big Walter from killing Eileen (she said so). Also why can other people leave their apartments? Presumably they're going through the same thing Henry is, but they can get out of their rooms (you can see them through the peephole on the door). This one isn't a SH4 one, but the others in the series...why does it change who can and can't see the alternative Silent Hill? In SH1 Harry had to explain to Cybil what the other world was like...but in SH4 Douglas and Vincent both see it as its alternative version. What's up with that? I personally think its because everything every Silent Hill character goes through is an individually experienced phenomenon, different from person to person. Thats why Cybil didn't see anything that Harry had gone through until the very end when everything was getting fucked up anyways. Maybe people enter that parrallel world without others around them knowing. Its an interpretive thing. But I do think it differs from each person's individual perspective. Its hinted at in SH2, where Angela see's a monster that James see's as something completely different than what the player (James) is seeing when she describes it. As for Eileen? I guess he just liked her better than Richard. I mean, Eileen's a pretty likable person. She has nothing to do with any cult, she's not a bitch to anyone really, she's just a nice girl going through life. I think while Walters' adult side, who was considerably more warped and neautral in mentality saw her as just another tool to use in his plan, Walters' child side, the last bastion of his better self saw things more simplistically and realistically. Eileen just didn't deserve to be in that situation at all, and neither did Henry really. I think that kid was the part of Walter that was still "sane". Portrayed as a kid becuase thats the last time he really was sort of..sane. He just liked Eileen and Henry, thats why he helped them out while his other half tried to kill him. I know some of the other characters like Cynthia didn't deserve any of what happened to them either, but like I said, Young Walter just liked Eileen and Henry better. Its as simplistic as a child's point of view. It was a way of saying Walter's in conflict with himself. Thats how I saw it. Personal conflict is a major theme in Silent Hill afterall. Quote
Razumen Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 I've heard this alot, Eileen seems to only get worse in condition and act child-like when you're not using the candles in the room to ward of the hauntings. I've gone through the game twice, first time she hardly ever got touched and she was in bad shape and acting like a kid. I also didn't use the candles like I was supposed to. Second time through tho, Eileen took tons of hits and I kept up on keeping the Room clear. Eileen was fine. See, I used the candles to clear the room out (save for two or three hauntings that happened when I didnt have any candles) and she still got in pretty bad condition. With the hitting herself and the "Where mommy? I'm scawed" and whatnot. I'm pretty sure Eileen becomes more 'possesed' if you leave her alone than she does when getting hit by monsters. Of course protecting her is still a good idea, but you should never leave her alone unless you're going back to the apartment and the area where the portal is is free of monsters. Also while the apartment hauntings affect the possible endings, I don't believe they directly affect Eileen. Also why can other people leave their apartments? Presumably they're going through the same thing Henry is, but they can get out of their rooms (you can see them through the peephole on the door). Perhaps, now this might be a long shot, but perhaps because their doors arent chained from the inside? Up untill the point where they themselves get transported to Walters realm they don't think they're in any danger, sure they might notice that something weird is going on with Henry's room, but it's been a know fact for awhile that there's something with that room. and when Walter does transport them there, it's impossible for them to leave then. Quote
Sous_Bgob Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 So reading all the post I bought SH1 for the PS last week.. couldn;t play it more than 30 minutes.. which is prob a shame most of you will say.. It was just a really bad RE mechanic that I couldn;t get past.. now if SH 2 or 3 is better maybe i will get them but...naw... Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 It was just a really bad RE mechanic that I couldn;t get past.. now if SH 2 or 3 is better maybe i will get them but...naw... Silent Hill 2 is one of the greatest games every made. Quote
Sous_Bgob Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 It was just a really bad RE mechanic that I couldn;t get past.. now if SH 2 or 3 is better maybe i will get them but...naw... Silent Hill 2 is one of the greatest games every made. Even better than Virtual Jenna Jameson?!?!?!?! Quote
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