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Realizing this, I understand now what will make or break the success of the film's story, which when considered seems fairly obvious: the role of the Red Pyramid in the film.
Or you know, success could depend on the quality of filmmaking combined with the fact that the world is actually getting a movie based on the Silent Hill games.
Just like the Mario film was appreciated for its being a Mario film, am i rite
Realizing this, I understand now what will make or break the success of the film's story, which when considered seems fairly obvious: the role of the Red Pyramid in the film.

Or you know, success could depend on the quality of filmmaking combined with the fact that the world is actually getting a movie based on the Silent Hill games.

You're the type of person, with your cockamamey theories and shit, that will never allow the movie to be enjoyed because the filmmaker might not have made the film that fits with your arduous and drawn-out vision of the game.

Just enjoy the fact that Silent Hill fans are getting a movie at all, and don't peg success of the movie on all these BS notions that a handful of hardcore fans may subscribe to.

I really feel I have to defend ifirit here. He makes more theories than anyone (here atleast), to give people as many perspectives on the games as possible. If you want to keep it simple, or just in your own perspective, then you don't have to read his theories. ifirit probably knows more about Silent Hill and everything around it, than anyone else in the world. But he's still just a fan, and I've known him for quite some time now, and I can promise you that it won't matter if the movie sucks or is loved by the entire world, because he will enjoy it and most likely love it either way. Because it is Silent Hill.

When he speaks of it's success, he's speaking in a general sense, and what the general public will think. He's not saying "I won't like the movie unless it's exactly like this and that and whatever.", he's just trying to predict what people will think, and I think he's pretty accurate, because he's very thorough in his research, and is usually right in these things.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood some things, I'm just speaking from my experience as a good friend of ifirits, and I just felt I needed to defend him. That's all.

When he speaks of it's success, he's speaking in a general sense, and what the general public will think. He's not saying "I won't like the movie unless it's exactly like this and that and whatever.", he's just trying to predict what people will think, and I think he's pretty accurate, because he's very thorough in his research, and is usually right in these things.

The "general public" doesn't care about the theories. The "general public" plays Silent Hill games because they think they're scary, they like the story and gameplay, or some combination of the above.

If you expect the filmmakers to find a way to explain some of the most obscure details in the series' to appease hardcore fans (which are fewer in comparison to the "general public") and to somehow make the movie fit in line with the game storyline, then I'm willing to bet you're going to be sorely disappointed.

I'm sure everyone will enjoy it in their own way, I just think that people who make Silent Hill details their life will never have the movie live up to their expectations, because let's face it, the movie has to appeal to most, if not all, cinema-goers who plunk down the money to see the film, and the diehard, minutiae-oriented fans can't expect the film to cater to them on such a hardcore level.

right in these things.

If you expect the filmmakers to find a way to explain some of the most obscure details in the series' to appease hardcore fans (which are fewer in comparison to the "general public") and to somehow make the movie fit in line with the game storyline, then I'm willing to bet you're going to be sorely disappointed.

right in these things.

If you expect the filmmakers to find a way to explain some of the most obscure details in the series' to appease hardcore fans (which are fewer in comparison to the "general public") and to somehow make the movie fit in line with the game storyline, then I'm willing to bet you're going to be sorely disappointed.[/ quote]

David Lynch does it, why can't Mr. Gans?

That is to say, a movie that is so intricate and complicated thatnobody gets it. Fuck the general public. The Silent Hill Movie's not about money, it's about Chris Gans making a movie of a game that he really enjoys, and us being glad that someone is finally doing it. (After we see it, we can talk about content).

The way in which David Lynch makes movies is done because that's his mode of telling great stories. He's not doing it for the benefit of anyone, he does it for the benefit of the movie.

In a licensed property, such as Silent Hill, appeasing fans with things they recognize and including convoluted references to inconsequential aspects of the games can detract from the movie itself. A movie should be made with a view to it being a good movie, not just a movie based on a video game.

Realizing this, I understand now what will make or break the success of the film's story, which when considered seems fairly obvious: the role of the Red Pyramid in the film.

Or you know, success could depend on the quality of filmmaking combined with the fact that the world is actually getting a movie based on the Silent Hill games.

You're the type of person, with your cockamamey theories and shit, that will never allow the movie to be enjoyed because the filmmaker might not have made the film that fits with your arduous and drawn-out vision of the game.

Just enjoy the fact that Silent Hill fans are getting a movie at all, and don't peg success of the movie on all these BS notions that a handful of hardcore fans may subscribe to.

but his theories aren't that drawn out and they are on par on the whol story of silent hill. it's easy to understand. Lot's of people suffered in the town throuhgout it's history. Different faiths come into the play and a woman who worships fallen angels causes havoc. That's pretty much it really.


I just saw a new commerical of Silent Hill minutes ago. It just looks better and better, especially seeing PH almost gut the girls with the Great Knife.

And BTW, some comic stores are putting out promos for the movie in form of a newpaper detailing some of the town and a poster. Check out if your local shop has them.

When he speaks of it's success, he's speaking in a general sense, and what the general public will think. He's not saying "I won't like the movie unless it's exactly like this and that and whatever.", he's just trying to predict what people will think, and I think he's pretty accurate, because he's very thorough in his research, and is usually right in these things.

The "general public" doesn't care about the theories. The "general public" plays Silent Hill games because they think they're scary, they like the story and gameplay, or some combination of the above.

If you expect the filmmakers to find a way to explain some of the most obscure details in the series' to appease hardcore fans (which are fewer in comparison to the "general public") and to somehow make the movie fit in line with the game storyline, then I'm willing to bet you're going to be sorely disappointed.

I'm sure everyone will enjoy it in their own way, I just think that people who make Silent Hill details their life will never have the movie live up to their expectations, because let's face it, the movie has to appeal to most, if not all, cinema-goers who plunk down the money to see the film, and the diehard, minutiae-oriented fans can't expect the film to cater to them on such a hardcore level.

You seem to be confusing Silent Hill fans, particularly those who frequent this thread, with normal video game fanatics. Silent Hill has always had a cult status (no pun intended) within the video game community, because of its incredibly artistic influences. Any person who has taken a good look at that virtual world can see that. And art is a substantially subjective thing to discuss. Yet, for those who understand the principles of true artistic flair, good art is reasonably obvious. Also, artists, in particular the creators of this series, tend to be very protective of whom they allow to handle their works. So, in order for anyone to earn the trust of the creators to adapt a film for Silent Hill, they have to prove it. Gans apparently was able to because he was able to show Konami that he was a "hardcore fan," based on the thirty minute audition video he sent to the executives at Konami. So, if Gans is one of those people who makes the details of the games his life, is it completely unreasonable to expect the film to contain some merit of faithfulness to the series?

Honestly, it sounds like you've not been reading over the press materials surrounding the film and judging for yourself the depth of the film director's thought processes. (I apologize for the tone of that statement, but my impression seems to be that you are not informed well enough to support your argument. And in this arena, accurate support is critical to presenting claims.) Gans has stated numerous times that he understands the intrecacies of the Silent Hill series and had worked over the last five years to develop a tightly constructed adaptation to the original game. Visually, that point was made clear at first glimpse; fans are simply waiting for the opening release to see not IF it adheres to the series, but how far so, as that can determine how much it furthers the discussion on the subject of Silent Hill's mythology. I say this because you can't even discuss the subject of Silent Hill without having to theorize even a little. So, if you feel the need to counter a claim, provide one of your own to help further the discussion.

Anyway, as a thank you to all of those who worked to continue the discussion on the subject, I'm PM-ing them a copy to an exclusive "Making Of" video for the film, something I'm sure "hardcore gamers" would appreciate. I'll also direct them to a contest where they can win a free official limited-edition T-shirt from the film. (It's good to be hardcore.)

For the rest of you, I suggest you catch up on your reading in another...

Silent Hill Film Update:

Essential Silent Hill Links:

On the Silent Hill Forum, member Kodaemon has compiled a list of essential links of press and promotional materials for the upcoming film (opening in US theaters on April 21, 2006). This list includes many important links, such as the official film site, theatrical trailer, promotional teaser, press interviews, set visits, convention videos, and a whole lot more. For those who want to catch up on everything related to the film, this is your one-stop-shop.

Silent Hill Forum - "Essential links"

Silent Hill Television Spots:

I'm sure by now many of you have begun seeing the television spots for the upcoming film (one which was shown this past Sunday during rerun of "Family Guy"). I've seen spots shown also on Comedy Central, MTV, Fox, and Spike TV, but some of you may have noticed that there are some variations. Well, you are correct. So far, there have been four officially released tv spots for the "Silent Hill" film. I've compiled links to all four spots (which have not been added to the essential links just yet). So without further delay, here they are.

Silent Hill Television Spot #1 - [MegaUpload Mirror] [.mov file / 3.41MB]

Silent Hill Television Spot #2 - [YouTube Stream] (Stream-only)

Silent Hill Television Spot #3 - [saveFile Mirror] [.mpg file / 22.2MB]

Silent Hill Television Spot #4 - [saveFile Mirror] [.mpg file / 22.0MB]

Smaller video files are available for spots #3 & #4, but I wanted to offer you guys the higher quality video files. Also, if anyone can find a downloadable version of spot #2, please post a link here.

Official Film Website Update:

This might be old news to some (probably many), but a new character downloads page has been added to the official flash site with downloadable media of the exclusive images posted on many online magazines and publications. The media includes posters, PSP wallpapers, PC wallpapers, IPod Skins, and AIM icons of the monsters and characters from the film. The list includes "The Miners," "The Red Pyramid," "The Nurses" (who premiered on MTV.com a few weeks ago), "The Grey Child" aka (Mumblers), Dahlia, and two variations of "The Janitor" (a monster adaptation of the body strung up throughout the first game). Check out the page to download all the media.

Sony Pictures - Silent Hill - Character Downloads

In addition to the new downloads, a new entry has been added to the filmmaker's blog. The blog reiterates what Gans has said before, that the official theatrical release of the film will be the director's cut of the film and that the DVD will be produced at a later time. As said earlier, the film will run at 125 minutes in length, much longer than was the expected 90-100 minutes. So, "put here to feel joy" over knowing that you'll be able to enjoy the film as it was intended to be shown on opening night.

Sony Pictures - Silent Hill - Filmmaker's Blog

Promoting the Crap Out of the Film:

In addition to the new television spots, internet banners, ads, pop-ups, website, online word-of-mouth and comic-book convention appearances, producers for the film have also created some unusual items to help promote the film. First of course is the newspaper, which, yes, was made available online after their distribution as items at the Wondercon event, Fangoria Convention and the recent Big Apple Convention in New York. While I wouldn't pay money for one at a comic-book store, might be willing to spend a few dollars for some autographed editions (that was their main purpose) from the actors and executive producers. But, please make sure to check their authenticity before haggling, because nothing sucks like finding out something is a fake.

Second, Sony Studios in Culver City, California have erected a billboard in front of their filming lots for the film. This billboard helps to welcome people to that special place where you can "relax to get away from it all." You can read more about it on joystiq.com

JoyStiq - Silent Hill billboard welcomes you to... Culver City

Third, in case anyone was interested in seeing what was available at the comic cons over the last couple of months, check out this post by Amazonagent from the Silent Hill Forum, who took a photo of the awesome stuff that he got while at the Big Apple Convention.

Lastly, even other films have begun adding promotions in for Silent Hill (at least the series anyway), as was recently seen in the film Stay Alive (according to many, it was very poor, at best).

shows a discussion between two of the main characters talking about the glitch used to kill the final boss in Silent Hill (SH1), while throwing in a gab about Silent Hill 4: The Room. (Spoiler for those who may not know: If you enter the last boss battle without any ammunition, then the boss will die on its own. However, this glitch does not work when you have unlocked the hyper blaster [which the two guys in Stay Alive refer to] as it has unlimited ammunition and cannot be dropped.) Some people get lost during that conversation, so unless you're a hardcore fan, this reference will likely just go over your head. (Take that, n00bs!)

The Silent Hill Experience Update:

SHE Released! and New Silent Hill Website on Konami Digital Entertainment of America:

Konami Digitial Entertainment of America (KDEA; formerly Konami Computer Entertainment of America) has launched a new website for the Silent Hill series featuring a new site for the upcoming PSP UMD title "The Silent Hill Experience." The site functions as the official site for the title revealing new details about the interactive media disc as well as a link to purchase the item, which was official released today! So go out and purchase your copy today.

In addition to the already mentioned interactive comics, music, trailers, film interviews and images, the UMD will include a new chapter of the Silent Hill: Dying Inside series called "The Hunger." I can't say how it will fit into the series, but like the other comics featured on the disc, it will be interactive. In the meantime, feel free to check out the screenshots and wallpapers available on the site's media page.

Konami Digital Entertainment of America - Silent Hill - Main Page

Konami Digital Entertainment of America - The Silent Hill Experience - Official Flash Site

Konami Digital Entertainment of America - The Silent Hill Experience - Game Information Page

As a secret for those who visited the page while it was under construction, the original page featured FMV sequences from the first game, remastered and edited with better flow, on a broken television with the traditional derelict background hiding some words and numbers. As the construction was continuing, the television featured the next game in the series with remastered FMVs looped from the game. A real treat for the fans, that without the hardcores would have been fated to become another lost memory. (Yea! for the hardcores!) Now the real task for the hardcores will be to find copies of the remastered videos for the n00bs to download. I'd offer the .swf files, but Phthisis put me in a bad mood.


Aww, no special doohickeys for me.

Hmm, These new trailers have caused me some distress.

"I am the reaper" huh?

What does this portend?!

Edit: Just in case anyone hasn't realized this yet, reading the plot outline given on iMDB shows that this movie has very little, if anything to do with the original Silent Hill Game, so far as plot is concerned.

I don't consider this to be a bad thing.

So, if Gans is one of those people who makes the details of the games his life, is it completely unreasonable to expect the film to contain some merit of faithfulness to the series?

No, of course not. It just won't contain ALL merit of faithfulness to the series.

Gans has stated numerous times that he understands the intrecacies of the Silent Hill series and had worked over the last five years to develop a tightly constructed adaptation to the original game.

Just because he says it doesn't mean it will be, or if it is, will be to your (and people like you) liking.

Anyway, as a thank you to all of those who worked to continue the discussion on the subject, I'm PM-ing them a copy to an exclusive "Making Of" video for the film, something I'm sure "hardcore gamers" would appreciate. I'll also direct them to a contest where they can win a free official limited-edition T-shirt from the film. (It's good to be hardcore.)

Way to go out of your way to be an immature and self-righteous prick about the discussion. I know you take pride in your deep knowledge about the games, but acting like you're some sort of benevolent god?

Get over yourself :roll:

but Phthisis put me in a bad mood.

Internet= serious business

Gans has stated numerous times that he understands the intrecacies of the Silent Hill series and had worked over the last five years to develop a tightly constructed adaptation to the original game.

Just because he says it doesn't mean it will be, or if it is, will be to your (and people like you) liking.

I've made theories about how I view things and why certain events are pausible or not, but I don't determine my overall opinion based on whether or not a certain thing exactly follows logic or not. I'm not one of those people who criticize a work just for critism's sake. If I point certain inconsistencies out, it's because I have reason to believe that it will effect the logic raised by the work. The resulting discussion will hopefully bring other people to look at the issue in a different light or to help them look closer at something that might be overlooked.

I definitely allow more in my train of thought for poetic license on the creators' part and don't let little things like the fact that the Red Pyramid is shown holding two Great Knives in certain scenes or the fact that Cybil's hair is matted down in the game as opposed to the film. Debating, or even commenting, on such trivial matters is ignorant, beyond the focus of what's important and just plain pointless, especially when the work is a reprise of an already established publication. However, if the role of a certain character becomes fundementally compremised than the role that is presented in the original piece, I don't feel that it is completely beyond reason to open up discussion as to why such a change was included, do you?

Anyway, as a thank you to all of those who worked to continue the discussion on the subject, I'm PM-ing them a copy to an exclusive "Making Of" video for the film, something I'm sure "hardcore gamers" would appreciate. I'll also direct them to a contest where they can win a free official limited-edition T-shirt from the film. (It's good to be hardcore.)

Way to go out of your way to be an immature and self-righteous prick about the discussion. I know you take pride in your deep knowledge about the games, but acting like you're some sort of benevolent god?

Get over yourself :roll:

Nah, I prefer the term guru. Of course, that name was not self-annointed.

but Phthisis put me in a bad mood.

Internet= serious business

$40 billion industries tend to be. Now, enjoy this little piece of non-sequitorism.

EDIT: I completely forgot to mention this, but I just bought myself a ticket to go see PLAY! A Video Game Symphony. I know that one or two other people have done the same, so in case anyone wants to do an OCR/SH meetup in Chicago before the show, I'd be happy to help set things up. I'll try to see if Peacer (of Silent Hill: No Escape) wants to hook-up too, since he lives in a suburb of Chicago. Also, if anyone wants to me to ask Akira Yamaoka anything during the meet-and-greet, make your suggestions.


Ah, good to hear you'll be going to that, ifirit...Will be strange to know that a bunch of people I barely know will be at a concert I'll be at :)

...Of course, I'll be on the top balcony in row G o.o Guess all that counts is we all get to hear the music, right? Hehe.

Maybe if you wear a nametag that says "ifirit", I'll spot you down there with my binoculars..or something.


I have to third the opinion on the whole, "I am the reaper" line. What the hell's up with that? That is so unlike Alessa... oh well, maybe it's from a bad dream Rose has?

Also (hope no one's mentioned this yet): I think Sean Bean's character is totally stupid/unnecessary and breaks away from too much from the Silent Hill world. Gans himself stated, "He didn't want to do a movie full of women." Whatever that's all about.

I'm pretty sure he DID want to make a movie full of women, but Tristar was all "what? no."

Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it. That was just something I read on Wikipedia. When will big movie production companies realize that the public doesn't want a typical American-ified horror movie? Jiminey!

Secondly: ooooh, it's Aetherius.


Well without Sean Bean's character, really the only...other male character is maybe Pyramid Head. lol

I think its better left in his hands than a lot of Hollywood "opportunists" as he put it really, but since this is his personal interpretation of the game itself that could still be awkward. Remember that while this is inspired by the first game its not the first game. Alessa isn't quite Alessa, its just an interpretation. Hell if you want to get nerdy you could even call it an AU.

I'm not gonna guess too much until I see it though. It has just enough potential to warrent suspencding suspicion.


"I am the reaper" is out of context, but still just doesn't seem right at all... but that shouldn't be a surprise. When stories switch media (game->movie) they tend to be set in alternate universes. I believe this is usually because different people get involved in the creative process when someone new is paying the bills.


So, it's official. PH is no longer tied exclusively to James, at least not in the way some of us felt the character was. As seen on the Director's blog...

Spoilers, I guess.

Mr. Gans: A lot of people feel that it doesn't make sense for the Red Pyramid to be in the film because he was a delusion specifically for James. While I think it makes perfect sense, can you shed some light on the subject so that peace may finally be restored to all the Silent Hill forums of the world?

- Jared S

Akira Yamaoka and I agree that Red P is not just a creation of James. Saying that Red Pyramid was solely conceived by James in Silent Hill 2 is just one of the explanations for his existence. James is just one point of view. Another perspective is to remember that Silent Hill existed before James and that Red P was one of the executioners in the original history of the town. So clearly, there is not one particular or exclusive manifestation of him as an entity.

My version of the Red P was adapted from the perspective of the female characters. I felt it important that their psyche influence his shape, dress and physicality.

And of course a statement displaying my outright confusion:

I'm just curious as to how in the hell the Book of Lost Memories can say that PH was incarnated from James's mind.

Doesn't that express exclusivity right there? The BoLM even says that PH was only a representation of his guilt...so...am I just being a stickler over semantics?

I mean, yes, I can and have been a stickler regarding PH here. When I read the word "only" I take that to mean that the creature is really only an incarnation of James's mind and not some part of the town. But now, I guess it isn't. Implied by ifirit a few pages ago (lol) PH is apparently a divine creature of some sort. Akira and Gans confirm this basically. If by saying that James's perspective was merely a unique way of seeing PH then PH must really be an intrinsic part of the town unlike the way all of those lesser monsters are.

I'm really curious as to how in the hell the internet kiddies ended up being right. They never bothered to cite the Book of Lost Memories for evidence, a lot of them just seemed to have this idea that anybody could see PH should their mental state allow it.


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