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(Pyramid Head should have been in the PS2 version of Soul Calibur 2, damn it!)

Now THAT would be cool!

Not really...I mean, you wouldnt be able to move :P

No, think about it... the different weapons... the giant knife as default. great attack power (one hit kill!), but poor poor attack speed. then the spear. not as powerful, but faster. then... he can have the regular weapons, like the pipe, katana... and as his special... one of those manequins!! :D


And he could have butterfly attacks!

And he could rape crush you! :P

I compensate for the lack of PH by using Nightmare with the Giant Buster (I think it's the name. Looks like a rusty, flat, rectangular blade).


More ideas from Eccles.

It has been established that all things in silent hill happen because of Alessa Gillespie.

This explains why everything in the hell version of the town in Silent Hill 1 appears to be burned and charred.

This also explains why everything in the hell version of the town in silent hill 2 (if you can call it that, since you dont really go to hell like you do in SH1) is water damaged and/or burned.

Think about it, when Alessa's house burned down the fire brigade would have turned up to put the fire out (in the unreleased Com-X graphic novel, it's the fire brigade who find the charred corpse of Alessa and the new baby that it produces) which is why everything is burned and water damaged.

This also fits in with the theory that SH2 took place before SH1 (putting the UFO ending aside, cause the UFO endings are just silly :P). When put into the hospital, Alessa would feel sorry for Mary and would sympathise with her (being a disfigured human and all) so she'd also hate James for being mean to mary, especially when he killed her.

Thus she'd call him back to have her revenge on him. since she was younger, she wouldnt have the ability to send him to hell just like she does with Harry (though Im increasingly of the opinion that she doesnt mean to send harry to hell) but she CAN manipulate things to a certain degree...that's why the hotel ends up burned and water damaged when youre coming to the climax. (Same deal with Blue Creek apartments, since theyre water damaged and burned somewhat)


Also, what do you suppose is the significance between the weird hissing noises heard in Pyramid Heads operating theatre and again in Marias Jail cell?


How is it that SSBM has a ~100 page thread, but Silent Hill (y'know, a GOOD game) has very little interest?

Okay, things to talk about...

Some more movie references which you may have missed...

Lisa Garland is the Nurse from The Exorcist 3 who gets sheared (screenie below. Hardly the best image, but in the other pic I have, her head looks squished)


Eric Gein (AKA: Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre) is one of the patients in brookhaven hospital (Eric Gein was obviously based on Ed Gein...and in some versions of SH2 Eric apparently becomes Ed)

James and Mary's room in the lakeview hotel has the same number as a special room in an episode of the twilight zone.

In this episode, a girl who was staying in a hospital had recurring nightmares about monsters coming from hospital room 312.

The ending shot shows the girl and her folks leaving the hospital as the doctors look on going "312...room 312? ROOM 312 IS THE MORGUE! SHE COULDNT POSSIBLY HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THAT ROOM!"

some people have said that the Lakeview hotel is a reference to the Overlook hotel from the shining...but I wouldnt really follow that one too much, cause Its kinda tenuous...


Silent Hill 3 Spoilers


Silent hill 3 is sounding more and more like a war crime every day

You never found the fairy? It's when you're in the sewers, i think right before or after that thing you electrocute (or maybe even right there) you walk up to the edge, by the water, and press X. It'll ask you if you want to throw in your pipe, and then a fairy appears. She asks you if it was a gold pipe that you dropped. answer no. then she'll ask you if it's a silver pipe. answer no again. then she'll ask you it it was a filthy old pipe. answer yes, and you get all three! :D no difference in damage though. shame.

The Fairy is quite amusing, but you only get it after beating the game and receiving it in the game results. But even more interesting, the monster you electrocute in the sewers is the same blood-sucker from the Achemila Hospital in SH1. I purposely died several times to get a good look.

Anyway, Eccles, the game's extras are completely ridiculous (except the infinite sub-machine gun, and SH2 references). The Heather Beam/Sexy Beam and Transform costumes are just cheesy takes at anime. The Beam Saber is an obvious rip from Star Wars. The alternate costumes are mostly just from game magazines publishers and their readers. However, the game does recreate that fear of what's beyond the next room feel that SH1 had.

The extreme challenge games are just insane. The hardest gameplay I've ever attempted. Also, unlike the previous games, you get all kinds of death sequences. Getting hit by a train, falling off the train, killed by monsters and dragged off into the unknown, strangled in the sewers, ect. I think, though, that the developers took away too much from the endings and spread it out through the game.

I also think there is a deeper subtext in the game that I have yet to figure out. In addition, people who've played the game on their PC have said it's a much more horrifying experience than on console. More so, if you have surround-sound.

Silent Hill 2 Spoilers

Its a simple enough question....

Why does eddie talk about the police doing things in town when there are no cops...

Well many believe that silent hill changes depending on who enters it..this is a well known fact by now as it nearly goes as far to say such in the games..take for instance the fact that laura doesnt see any monsters...and yet she is alone in the city? Maybe there really are normal people there..maybe Silent Hill is still flowing with tourists..its just that only those without doubt can see them. Or maybe she sees people who arent really there..just as james..and all those without pure hearts..see the monsters. Eddie may indeed see police..because in his version of silent hill..they are really there.

Actually, it was Laura who implied that the police were chasing Eddie. I believe the dialogue goes like this:

Laura: So whad'ja do? Robbery? Murder?

Eddie: Nah, nothin' like that.

Laura: Ha! You're just a gustless fatso.

Eddie: What'd you have to say that for?

Laura: I thought you said the cops were after you.

Eddie: I just ran cause I was scared. I don't know what the cops are doing.

Laura: But if you did something bad, why don't you just say you're sorry? Well, I guess I run away a lots, too.

Eddie: It's no good. They wouldn't listen. Nobody will ever forgive me.

From this I gather that Eddie only told Laura that he had run away after doing something bad. Laura assumed that he meant the police were chasing him. And as Eddie said, he just ran cause he was scared. Also, we know that Eddie didn't kill anyone before coming to Silent Hill, cause Laura asked him (though, I believe Eddie doesn't view killing a dog as murder). Besides, shotting a person below the waist is not considered attempted murder. And, I don't think a dead dog would draw too much attention, so I don't see the plot of "The Fugitive" taking center-stage in this case.

On that note, if you think about it Silent Hill seems to attract people who aren't wanted or accepted by society: an orpan, a widower, a run-away, a cowardly fatso. Maria can't be applied because she was born there, Ernest told her so.

On the subject of references, though I think you know, the room with the moths is a reference to Buffalo Bill.

Lastly, I think the reason for the low interest in SH is the genre. A lot of people either don't understand it or are frightened by it. Some people are really afraid of pain, even at the sight of it.

EDIT: Speaking of references, Eccles, have you checked out this site. From the small hit count I assume it is fairly new.

With that I don't know if anybody has noticed, but the silenthilldomain is down for good, as well as all its sub-sites. This leaves a pretty big hole in the Silent Hill community since they were becoming the monopoly on Silent Hill sites. Anyway, just wanted to let you know what happened (in case you were wondering).


Request time!

Since dustfungus appears to be down, i ask you guys for a certain sound file.

I need a clip from SH1...namely Cheryl/Alessa going "NO!...I DONT WANT TO!"

Silent Hill 4 is going to be amazing! I love this series so much! SH4 seems to be the best in the series. I can't wait!

Ok. Let's try to stay focused here. We've got a lot of work in understanding the games and a lot of unanswered posts in this thread.

Silent Hill 3 Spoilers

One question I'd like to ask : How is it that the 2/3 of Silent Hill 3's action takes place in a city that is not Silent Hill ??

Silent Hill 3 is told through Heather's eyes' date=' who is Harry Mason's daughter. Harry didn't live in Silent Hill, so consequently, neither does Heather. However, there are circumstances as to why Heather lives in Portland (or wherever that place is) under the surname Morris.

These circumstances are touched upon in Douglas' notebook. Apparently, things didn't quiet down for Harry after he escaped Silent Hill. One particular event pushed Harry enough to go into hiding. This is why Claudia needed to hire a detective. I suppose Claudia hired him in California, which might explain why Douglas has CA license plates.

Obviously, Heather didn't initially want to go with Douglas, so we were stuck in Portland (or wherever that place is) until Heather found reason to go back to Silent Hill. So pretty much the whole first part of the game was just to set up the last 1/4 of the game: Heather's revenge.

Still, this plot line seems petty in scheme of the series. I believe that there is something deeper laying underneath the surface. I know it has something to do with the cult and why god is still alive. Also, by killing Claudia, does that truly mean it's over? How do we know god didn't survive? That is the hardest question I've been trying to understand since SH3 was announced.

Remember kids, with just some stained rags and cardboard, you too can become a sexy mass-murderer.

Action figures. Collect them all. NOW!!!!!!

One. Freaky. Bastard.

Best. Quote. Ever.

Joking aside, I might actually try to visit Pyramid Head Rock the next time I visit my sister. Maybe stop over in San Bruno as well. It's turning out to be quite a trip.


Silent Hill 2: Born From A Wish Spoilers

I bring this up since the Maria we know from SH2 first becomes aware in an appartment above the club with only 1 bullet in the revolver she's holding. ...but I think that the town's powers that be may of actually converted this prostitute into the antagonistic Maria that we now know. Using deduction, I also figured that she felt herself changing as well and was going to pull the trigger but it was too late.

I think I understand, but I want to clarify, just to be sure. You are suggesting that a "stripper" might have been at the brink of suicide in the town. Just before she ends her life, the town calls to her and stops her from doing so. You are then suggesting that the town fills her with the wish from James. This wish converts the "stripper" into Maria.

Though not sudden, Maria is now a new person born inside another person's body (that coincidently looks like James' dead wife). So Maria now has the memories of the dead girl and the wishes born from Silent Hill. However, the memories of the town grows stronger throughout the BFAW scenario.

That's a stretch, but not implausible. I'll need to think about it more, because it doesn't seem quite right for some reason.

Also, it would explain why Maria complains of being so lonely in the Born upon a wish scenario, since she would have to have memories of being around people in order to notice the lack of them in the town. Also, the memories that were being implanted in her was still underway it would seem as we play as here, since the 2 sets of memories keep on colliding (for example, check the bears out in the mansion's attic and you'll get a message about Laura, a girl the prostitue Maria could never of met, which is why she questions her knowledge of Laura at the time). Pretty wierd, eh?

It's true that Maria is becoming increasingly aware of her "fate." However, I don't understand how her previous memories don't show up. She doesn't really give any indication what those previous memories are. For all we know, those could be Mary's memories. If not, then there would have to be three sets of memories present: the dead girl's, Mary's and the town's.

Personally, I think that Maria was born from the mist and has the body of a monster (particularly the final boss). The town tried to bring Mary's soul into this body, which is why she has Mary's memories (expressed to James in the prison cell). The town, thoughout the game (both the main and sub-scenario), is communicating with Maria telling her about James and Laura and her "fate."

I think Ernest's question to Maria about whether she believed in fate or not is important in this matter. By not making the wishes or memories or whatever from the town not a part of her, but merely communicated to her, it allows Maria to choose her fate. Ultimately, she "chooses" to follow the town's call.

However, this is again a philosophical issue here. You could believe that she is not free to choose her path; that the memories of the town are inside her and eventually take over; that it is fate. So, really it is up to you to decide whether or not you believe in fate.

Still, it will then influence your theory about Maria in the rest of the game, because now we have to ask if Maria is acting on her own or just being puppetted by the town. Choose carefully and consider all the consequences.

EDIT: Has anyone noticed that it has been over one year since we last saw a SH remix? I better get cracking. *Sigh* Too many projects.


so yeah, I seriously am considering this silent hill fansite now...

There are two problems.

1) I havent played SH3 and subsequently don't know it inside out like the other two.

2) The only material I have (images of monsters and such) would be taken from other peoples sites, which Im sure is breaking all kinds of laws.

so yeah, I seriously am considering this silent hill fansite now...

There are two problems.

1) I havent played SH3 and subsequently don't know it inside out like the other two.

2) The only material I have (images of monsters and such) would be taken from other peoples sites, which Im sure is breaking all kinds of laws.

They're not that big. I suggest you just start off with SH1 & SH2 for now. You can work on playing 3 later. And you can easily get around the images thing by just giving credit to the sites you pulled them off from. It's not that hard to write someone's name down.

Really, the issue of making of a site, even if using someone else's material, isn't in the material itself, but in the way you present it. If you can do more with the same materials as another site, that is what matters.

EDIT: Updated profile.


Or I could have somebody else tell me what to put in the SH3 section and write it up later on my own when I get the site going...

I only know HTML, so unless I pick up a tutorial site, I can only really do a site like the one in my sig (one with pretty writing and pictures, nothing fancy)

But yeah, Im considering it

Ive gotten my comprehensive list of all the movie references and crap that Ive found in SH1 and 2...so I can put those in sections.

Also monsters, walkthroughs, save point locations, maps...all that kinda thing.

So yeah, Im thinking about that...


Also a background of silent hill (overall), media; tracklists, OST tracklists, Reimxes (offer a mirror for the OCR downloads), theories (preferably feasible ones, not like the "Harry = pyramid head" ones)


More silent hill 2 discussion...

If you notice, at the opening of the street that has the apartment buildings in it (Katz street, I believe) there're police barricades across the end. The little barricades with "POLICE! DO NOT CROSS!" tape.

What significance do you suppose this has?

I only know HTML, so unless I pick up a tutorial site, I can only really do a site like the one in my sig (one with pretty writing and pictures, nothing fancy)

If you'd like, I might be able to produce something for you. I, too, know only html, but I can produce abit more that that site in you sig :) I design a website for myself from time to time, but I never seem to be able to fill it with contents. If you could do the content part, then I could make the website. One of my old websites is still up and running, if you want to check it out. http://squarerpg.vze.com

I'm between projects right now, so I don't have alot to do :P


Yeah, I'll agree that your site was better than mine...prolly cause I put very little effort into mine :P

Would it be alright if I put my stuff together into a very simple site and then sent it all over to you so you could update it?

Seems kinda awkward, but its easier for me to do the simple HTML code than to explain it to you.


You mean you make the site with all it's contents, in a skeleton design, that you send to me, and then I make it look nice? That could work. :) But I don't work with frames. I hate frames. :P


Sounds good to me...

I only put frames in my site (and all sites I ever do) cause they get you +10 marks if you implement it in your AS Level ICT coursework.

so yeah, I'll see what I can do.


More silent hill 2 discussion...

If you notice, at the opening of the street that has the apartment buildings in it (Katz street, I believe) there're police barricades across the end. The little barricades with "POLICE! DO NOT CROSS!" tape.

What significance do you suppose this has?

Ah. The imfamous police tape that magically prevents you from crossing. I always thought that was kind of idiotic of James. Anyway, the tape is part of a deeper question as to why keep doors locked in SH2; why leave puzzles in James path; why block off certain sections of the town?

I've thought about it a little bit and with respect to the other games. In SH1, the reason these things were placed in Harry's path were to prevent him from going further, from seeking Cheryl/Alessa. They were made in a sense to push him back and to keep him out. Harry was not wanted there.

Yet, in SH2, James was, as some put it, "creating his own purgatory." James was in a sense trapping himself in his own judgement. So consequently, the town tried to keep him confined to the present situation. The doors were locked to keep James in, not out. Think about the first fight with Pyramid Head. Once you enter the room, the door locks. There was nobody outside to lock it, but we know it was done so that James had to face Pyramid Head. James was made to sit in the mess he made.

And as a funny consequence, if you choose a higher puzzle setting, you are, in a sense, choosing to confine yourself longer in the game. Essentially, you choose to be punished longer. Sad.

I'm still not certain why this is the case in SH3, but I really don't understand the plot entirely.

EDIT: Eccles, I'll be online for another hour.

Ah. The imfamous police tape that magically prevents you from crossing. I always thought that was kind of idiotic of James. Anyway, the tape is part of a deeper question as to why keep doors locked in SH2; why leave puzzles in James path; why block off certain sections of the town?

Actually, the tape is cut...

You pass through it on your way to Blue Creek...cause on the way you have to fight three straight jacket skins (Two walkers, one hiding under a car)

I've thought about it a little bit and with respect to the other games. In SH1, the reason these things were placed in Harry's path were to prevent him from going further, from seeking Cheryl/Alessa. They were made in a sense to push him back and to keep him out. Harry was not wanted there.

Or Harry WAS wanted there and Dhalia was not.

Remember how Alessa thanks Harry as she's dying?

And as a funny consequence, if you choose a higher puzzle setting, you are, in a sense, choosing to confine yourself longer in the game. Essentially, you choose to be punished longer. Sad.

oh niiiiiiice, I like that one :D

EDIT: Eccles, I'll be online for another hour.

Well I'm at college right now :P

They dont like you using MSN messenger.

And now I gots to get back to class.

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