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Dude. Those games aren't similar at all.

You don't need to fight through hell monsters that make squeaky screams of death and twitch like Michael J Fox.

Sounds like we have another member of the Silent Hill 2 school. Too bad his jokes aren't funny.


Good news, everyone! Silent Hill Media is back on-line. So, for those junkies who are looking for any and all audio files from the Silent Hill Series, this is the place for you. It even has some rare and hard to find files as well. http://www.silenthillmedia.tk/ (Link no longer available)

On another note, for those people who have SH3 on the PC, here's a fun little program you can use to change Heather's skin. It basically exploits the T-shirt programming put in by Team Silent. Right now my favorite skin is the Memory of Alessa (link no longer available) skin. According to solidsnake313, the designer/hacker, he should have the code soon to alter the physical structure of Heather herself, allowing you to play as other characters from the game, or make your own. Eccles can soon say that Cybil Bennet is in SH3.

I also challenge anyone out there to make a ReMix of Room of Angel or any other SH4 track before the official release on June 17th. You can find mp3's of the track on the last two pages. Bet you can't beat me to it!

Eccles can soon say that Cybil Bennet is in SH3.

*looks around*


Why me, man?

Actually, I was just wondering how long it would take for some |337 dewd to program the nude heather skin. The rumour that you could do it has been flying round since day 1


Silent Hill 4 Update:

As you may know, Silent Hill 4: The Room ships in Japan next week (June 14, 2004). Anyone plan on importing it then? The special edition version (available in Japan only, for now) will include a special two-disk soundtrack featuring the music from the game and a special "ghost-story" as read by Ichiryusai Teisui (one of Japan's "living national treasures), which was written by Akira Yamaoka.

Also, Konami has released an official music video for Silent Hill 4: The Room featuring the song "Tender Sugar." (Please note that you will need an LZH decompressor to extract the file.) The song is performed by Melissa Williamson who also sung "You're Not Here," "Letter From the Lost Days," and "I Want Love" (both versions) from SH3.

I'm currently hosting a temporary link to the mp3 of the music itself. You can find it here. (Please note that this is an Angelfire site and bandwidth can easily be consumed. So, if the files are unavailable, please try again later.)

**Major Silent Hill 4 Spoiler Warning**:

Konami has also released another "Making of" video with an interview with Akira Yamaoka. There are also samples of new music and some in-game dialogue. This is the third video released by Konami so far. (Please note that the video is in Japanese, however, sections are in English.)

For those of you who are looking for more in-game images and videos of SH4, I've found a video containing said information. It contains extended scenes from the introduction and dialogue with Cynthia Vasequez and Eileen Galvin. There is also some familiar stuff as well.[/spoilers]

I also found a fun little (japanese) website with some fan-fic drawings of the SH characters in anime form. There are also apparently some comics as well. It's not really anything too impressive, but I really enjoyed the drawings with all three leads, especially this


Well, that should be enough for right now. Have fun.

EDIT: I forgot to include the lyrics to "Tender Sugar." So, here they are:

How long? How far?

Not ripped away,

took my body now.

Was it body or soul?

The Darkness fades,

fades to the light.

Disappearing now,

disappears from the night.

And all these ages I've wandered as a child.

The morning always came, it came too late.

What made my mind forget, forget to hide?

Could the nightmare be awake?

I don't know.

In or out, up or down,

never know, it's an illusion.

'Round and 'round, on and on,

everyday spins my confusion.

Not again, not again, not again.

This dream, I can't awake.

What is real, what is real, what is real?

It's getting hard for me to take.

What I need, what I need, what I need,

A little something I rely.

And the way sugar gently hides me.

(Oh, the way sugar saves me.

It's the room that confines me, confines me.

Sweet sugar.)

Yesterday, back and forth.

Broken door no longer opens.

Breaking down, need it now.

Love is short, he always owes me.

Not again, not again, not again.

This dream I can't awake.

What is real, what is real, what is real?

It's getting hard for me to take.

What I need, what I need, what I need,

a little something I delight.

And the white sugar gentle hides me.

Oh, the sweet sugar saves me.

It's the room that confines me.


I was getting bored, so I decided to post my theories about Silent Hill 4: The Room. I've looked at almost all the material released so far (official and unofficial) and I have an idea about what is going on. The are possible spoilers, so be warned. Although, nothing here is conclusive.

Silent Hill 4 Spoilers

Henry's Predicament:

From the beginning, we learn that Henry finds his apartment locked and barricaded in. A message on the door says, "Don't Go Out!" It appears that someone, even Henry himself, has locked himself in to prevent Henry from going outside. Or, it is possible that it was to prevent something from coming in.

I began to suspect that Henry was involved in something terrible when I learned the name of the "ghost" creatures that were making their way into Henry's apartment. The creatures are called "Victims." The name itself didn't really clarify anything for me, until I found out that there were different types of "victims." Each type of monster had a different number associated with it. In addition to that, on the official website, sh2004.com, there are items placed in each of the different sections of the site. These items were personal belongings to each of the "victims" and have descriptions and information on the people murdered. These things all pointed to signs of a serial killer. But what did that have to do with Henry?

Henry and the Serial Killer:

I considered two possibilities: 1) Henry was a target for this serial killer, but had gotten away for him/her; 2) Henry himself was the killer and is trying to protect himself by forgetting everything.

I thought about the first possibility when I saw the full trailer at E3, which showed a very brief struggle between Henry and something else (it was cut off by the edge of the screen) in his apartment from the street view. Just the general tone of the game makes you feel as if you're being hunted down by something dark. The part where we look through the peep-hole and see a monster coming towards us is enough to see that. But, if this were true and only so would make the story rather bland.

So, I considered the possibility that Henry murdered those people and is either feeling regret and remorse for his actions, or is being persued by the actual ghosts of the people he murdered. Two pieces that clued me to this were the news report of the murders near Silent Hill and the ambulance-radio conversation about the transportation of the young woman to the hospital (presumably St. Jerome's).

According to news report, six people were killed outside of Ashfield in the forest. In the radio conversation, we learn that the victims apparently had numbers carved into them. Also, for those who were perceptive, you'd remember that the man in the Superintendent's Office also has something carved into his forehead. From the Konami website, we see that the victims are numbered in order of death/appearance. If Konami wants to go through all the trouble of dropping these little hints, wouldn't you think they'd be tied together?

I think Konami wants you to really look at the "victims" in order to say these are people you killed. It is a pattern in serial killers to not remember the names or identities of their victims, so that they can remain disjointed from their acts. Henry doesn't remember why his apartment is locked, the phones cut off and the windows shut-tight. As far as we can tell, Henry doesn't know what is going on, or doesn't really want to. Therefore, it is possible that Henry might be a serial killer, who has disjointed himself from his crimes, but the paranormal world of Silent Hill is drawing it out.

Tunnels of the Sun:

The idea of the tunnels that teleport you to different parts of Silent Hill is not a new idea to the series. We've seen it in each game under the premise of "Nowhere." Nowhere is a place where the truth is revealed and exists to draw out the remaining questions left unanswered. A tunnel appears in Henry's apartment to achieve the same goal. In previous games, the natural progression has been to wander Silent Hill to uncover some sort of truth, only to wind up in "Nowhere." Here the progression is backwards.

Because of Henry's limitations, he cannot go to Silent Hill, so Silent Hill comes to him in the form of Nowhere. This happens after his nightmare of being in the Alternate universe within his apartment. I know it's just a technicality, but Nowhere, which normally appears in it's alternate form in the previous games, appears as Henry's normal home. But remember, most memories in Nowhere appear as a reflection of the person's mind. Seeming to have coped with his actions, Henry will see his home as normal, but with a few "alterations."

The normal progression of Silent Hill has been that of ignorance to confusion to realization in the form of the different Silent Hills: Misty, Alternate and Nowhere. However, as I said before, this progress appears backwards in Silent Hill 4, starting out in Nowhere to wind up in normal world.


These ideas may seem to have little support and are somewhat unfounded, but again these are only theories; the real game maybe completely different from my ramblings. So, what are your thoughts on the subject?

EDIT: Hot off the presses, a new "Making of Silent Hill 4" video (link no longer available) has been released by Konami. (Again, only available in Japanese.) This one talks a little bit about the two-disk soundtrack included in the special release version of SH4. From watching the video, I've been convinced to try and get my hands on the special bonus disk with the special stories told by Ichiryusai Teisui. Maybe it'll do the same for you, who knows?


Hello. I would like to join in on this little thread of yours. I myself have never played Silent Hill, but i have watched a friend play SH1&3. I hope i soon have enough courage to go buy them and play them....without having to quit for long periods of time and play it again(I have been known to do that). If you wish to speak to me, my AIM address is Firephoenix8969, and my e-mail address is Alienofdoom@yahoo.com. Thank you.

*Personal note: There is a third ending to Silent Hill 3. It's called the "Revenge" ending and you must have the Anime suit, and some item in order to get it. Look in Prima's Official Guide to Silent Hill 3 if you are stuck on getting it.


What, no answer from the wise masters of Silent Hill? I thought i would get an answer but...i guess not. This is a *BUMP* by the way.

*Another side note(Yes, i will make many of these): I have actually thought of an anime avatar for Dr. Eccles here. Complete green medical outfit(Scrubs with jacket, V-neck on shirt), Stethoscope around neck, Surgacal mask covering mouth, Blond, wavy hair stopping at waist, Sea Blue, shining eyes, Green cap on head, White medical shoes....And a 2-foot sword that resembles the Medical symbol(The one with the two snakes wrapping around somthing....I don't know what).

As for Cuddly PyramidHead, well, his avatar would be a petite version of PH, Head smaller, and almost resembles a collectable plush.


I suppose nobody made a response because people really aren't paying attention to this thread anymore. It seems that every other post is made by myself.

Well, anyway, most people already know about the "Revenge Ending" in SH3. (Any Silent Hill FAQ can tell you that. Besides, images from that ending were already posted in this topic.) However, the "Princess Heart" outfit is not required to obtain this ending, though it helps. You only need the Heather Beam in order to obtain the "Revenge Ending," which is obtained after killing 333 monsters, cummulatively. The Princess Heart outfit just changes the Heather Beam into the Sexy Beam, which is a much more useful from of the Heather Beam, and keeps your stamina from depleting as quickly.

If you're looking for secrets in the games, you might want to try visiting Nursery Cryme. Or if you're just looking for complete walkthroughs and strategy guides, try Silent Hill Heaven. For other types of fun, interesting SH links, look through this topic (especially the last few pages.)

As far as the other members on the forum, I'm not sure exactly why they chose the avatars and signatures that they have, but it is obvious that they like things like that. Besides, do you know how many times CPH has been asked about the name thing? It doesn't have anything to do with plush dolls. (And don't anybody start up that rumor again about the Silent Hill 2 plush dolls that were on sale on E-bay.)

Also, there is something that has been bothering me for quite some time now about FAQs on the "Underwear Code." Most people will write that after entering the code, Heather will make a sigh to confirm it. It makes me so mad, because that is obviously not Heather's, but Maria's voice. It is the exact same sound clip that comes at the end of the "Dog Ending" in SH2. How could people get that so wrong?! It just plain pisses me off.


Silent Hill 4 Update:

With the Japanese release of Silent Hill 4 literally days aways, I'd figure that now is as good a time as any to see videos from the E3 Demo. (Please note that an mp4, or MPEG-4, player is required to view the videos. Apple Quicktime should suffice.)

Silent Hill 4 Spoilers and Possible Spoilers Warning.

These videos (link no longer available) contain a walk-through of the Silent Hill 4 Demo. There are really interesting pieces of information given, such as some puzzle answers, memos and diaries. I tried my best to cover my eyes during those parts, so be careful as you watch them.

Besides the high number of spoilers in this demo, there are some really cool aspects of the game shown off. I was wrong about being able to tell when other monsters are around by the life bar. Just make sure to look around corners before running down hallways. The ghosts and "Gumheads" are really tough and scary. Anyway, I gotta admit, Eileen Gavin is one bad-ass momma. Even with a broken arm and a limp, she's ready to beat down some monsters. Kickass!

Well, for those of you who want to see the demo, but don't want anything spoiled, I've got a list of the videos that are (mostly) spoiler-proof below.

- titlescreen

- building02

- building05

- forest03

- forest06

- prison02

After the Japanese release of the game, I don't plan on making any more Silent Hill 4 updates, until the US release in Sept./Oct. (Unless of course, the material doesn't relate to any spoilers in the game.) I hope you've enjoyed this topic, as I'm no longer planning on bumping it. It's not that I'm giving up on following the series, but rather this topic has run it's course. Or rather, I've run out of gas to keep pushing this forward.

Have fun and see you later.

EDIT: One last thing before I go. The newest "Making of" Silent Hill 4 video (Link no longer available)has been released by Konami. Producer Akira Yamaoka explains the plot of the game and his report from the E3 booth. In the background, you can hear the entire version of "Room of Angel." For the entire links to these videos, you can navigate your way through the Konami site or find them on my site (Song removed now that the game has been released).


Too bad hearing ifirit leaving the discussions, but I have to agree with him. This thread is not what it once was. Therefor I thought I'd try to get the theories going again. The SH2 theories seem to have been the most popular ones, so here are a few that I don't think we've covered as of yet:

I played through SH2 once again yesterday, and noticed some things. First, that after you've spoken to Angela in the room with the large mirror, you get the knife that she tried to kill herself with. Now... After this, Pyramidhead gets his Great Knife. He didn't have it before this, and doesn't have it after the fight with him either. I think that, since Pyramidhead is in fact James himself, the Great Knife is just the gruesome version of that kitchenknife (they look very alike actually), and this fight with Pyramidhead symbolises James own fight against committing suicide. If he beats Pyramidhead, then he stops thinking about it. If he loses... Well... Then he does infact kill himself since, as I said before, Pyramidhead and James are the same person.

The next thing I noticed in the game this time around, was something that we have discussed, but I don't remember if we ever did this particular thing.

In the prison, with the rows of cells, you can hear those heavy footsteps, or whatever they are. I used to think that this was the prisonguard patrolling the upper levels, and you could aim your gun at it. This time I shot at it, but it was inside a cell, and I killed it. It made noises when I hit it, but not like a regular monster. After a few shots, it fell to the ground, and I kept shooting it until it was dead. You never saw the body, although I saw the blood coming from my shots. After this, those footsteps stopped. Anyone care to explain?

Discuss this, and I'll add more later on.


I would say the PH is more a representation of James. It's the towns way of showing him his crime and torturing his subconcious. The knife theory is quite good though. I never really thought of it that way before.

I would say the PH is more a representation of James. It's the towns way of showing him his crime and torturing hi subconcious. The knofe theory is quite good though. I never really thought of it that way before.

Yes, I know. That's what I meant. We've been over this so many times, I hoped I wouldn't have to elaborate. Oh well. :P´


An interesting theory, but one which doesnt take into account two things.

1) Why pyramid head keeps raping things

2) Why pyramid head uses weapons other than the knife.

Only two of the...what...8, is it? However many Pyramid Heads there are in the game, only two use the knife.

- The one in Blue Creek uses no weapon

- The one in the basement does

- The one on brookhaven's roof does

- The one in Brookhaven's basement doesnt

- The two you find in the labyrinth don't

- The two in lakeview don't

I wish I could say more about Silent Hill 3...but my fugging PS2 died (the day after the warranty ran out, would you believe), so...y'know


What the heck, I'll give this one last try.

Silent Hill 2 Spoilers

The theory that James and Pyramid Head are the same is a rather highly debated issue, yet has a good foundation for being true. There isn't much disagrement about the idea the Pyramid Head is the representation of James' need for punishment, but at the same time, there are other representations scattered around the town (as well as other representations for PH itself). The dead guy sitting in front of the TV in the apartment complex is indeed James. (Though it may be because the programmers didn't want to create another character model for James, that particular moment in the game just shows one aspect of James' struggle.) James sees his dead body in a very grusome execution, which makes James consider the idea of his own death. There are many symbolisms for this scene, but I can't remember them all right now. Maybe someone could try stating a few for me. Anyway, the point is that Pyramid Head isn't James entirely, but merely are large section, or representation, of himself.

What are some of the other representations of James in the game? We've just discussed briefly about PH and the dead man in Rm. 208. Some people say that the dead guy at the end of the alley (where the apartment building key is found) is James, as the same charater model was used. Then again, some people say that the Lying Figures and Bedmen are also representations of James. Though each time, a different explanation is used, there are multiple instances where James encounters "himself."

Also, the monster in the prison cell is an invisible monster added to the game. For some reason, this monster was given special treatment by giving it it's own sound effects and voice. The monster says two things: one sounds like "ritual," while the other is harder to distinguish, but when played backwards sounds like "Are you sure?" I'm inclined to believe that it is one of the Hangers that you encounter on the streets of South Vale at night, in the underground laborynth, and in the Alternate Hotel. However, this time instead of hanging below the floor, it hangs from the ceiling. It was made transparent like the Stalkers in Nowhere from SH1, but more so as it is completely invisible. (You can find the sound files of the Prison Monster on my site.)

I'm not quite sure the significance of the creature, but it definitely drew your attention to the prison cells. Maybe it plays a role in symbolizing James' psyche as a prison, or maybe the town itself as a prison. That detail is much harder to understand. I'll have to think about it some more.


Well, since you find that big painting with PH in the Historical Society, he must have existed in Silent Hill's past. If we, for arguments sake, say that the town itself is creating everything here, then this was it's best way to reflect James' dark side. But it still has some of the "real" PH's "personality" left in it. That's why it keeps executing Maria, in the way he does. And also, the raping might have been part of the "real" PH.

Also, the monster in the prison cell is an invisible monster added to the game. For some reason, this monster was given special treatment by giving it it's own sound effects and voice. The monster says two things: one sounds like "ritual," while the other is harder to distinguish, but when played backwards sounds like "Are you sure?" I'm inclined to believe that it is one of the Hangers that you encounter on the streets of South Vale at night, in the underground laborynth, and in the Alternate Hotel. However, this time instead of hanging below the floor, it hangs from the ceiling. It was made transparent like the Stalkers in Nowhere from SH1, but more so as it is completely invisible.

I'm not quite sure the significance of the creature, but it definitely drew your attention to the prison cells. Maybe it plays a role in symbolizing James' psyche as a prison, or maybe the town itself as a prison. That detail is much harder to understand. I'll have to think about it some more.

Good to see you back here.

But how do you explain the loud thumping noises? They are being made by this monster, since they disappear when you kill it.


I dont think I've come up with this point on here before...so I think its worth doing now (OSHIT SH3 SPOILARS)

The monsters CANT be humans, because very few of them look like humans. The missionaries look like humans...as do the fat guys...but thats it. The closers don't look enough like humans to be human (for one thing, they shoot spikes out their fists. I dont know anyone who does that). The dogs could be dogs...thats fair enough (even though if you'd like to get technical they couldnt do ANY damage. There's a reason dogs teeth are the same as their mouths...the worst heather would get from the split dogs is a graze from the open skull), but the flyers? Sorry, but I think Douglas was just messing around when he did that "they looked like monsters" bit

The Douglas joke was a dissapointment. It could have introduced a huge moral quandry into the game and even the series. But no, it had to be a joke.

Surely the fact that we're discussing it (in white of all colours) shows that it introduced something into the series?)

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