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I'm very much looking for partners for a collaborative effort. Those contributing to the project will potentially be invited to a viewing of a currently unannounced - High Definition Legend of Zelda Game. g.a.n.g.



You know i really like the sound of this. The style of of the music fits so well with gerudo valley. I dont have much to actually say to work on, but im not sure if this would sound good, i would add a trumpet or some type of brass horn in a solo in the song. But it sounds great man!


I'm loving the style you're going for with this; it deserves some acoustic love. The one thing that's I noticed, for now, is your back loop. The drums never change, so your dynamic level stays pretty much the same throughout the song. Trying adding a little more dynamics: build to the high points of the song, instead of letting the melody do the work. :)

Still, nicely done, though. Lookin' forward to seeing this knock the judges socks off!


Diggin the sound you've made here. Acoustic guitars, latin percussion, and a Gerudo progression never fails to sound nice. But the thing is, that's the main problem right now. While there is some slight interpretation of the melody, I'd really like to hear some harmonic variation, or rather, more variation in general. Little changes or flourishes in the percussion, dynamics, harmony, instrumental tone, would go a long way. Like I said though, this is very pleasing to listen to!

p.s. oh just a heads up, you don't need a new thread every time you update your mp3, just bump or edit the past thread with your WIP on it, otherwise Darkesword'll just end up scrapping all of them lol. (or something along those lines)


The Drums are really just a place holder right now...but they are sounding pretty chill...so i'll likely use them for a couple sections. As for variation in the melodies...i plan on that as well...but more for the ending of the song...mostly in the form of a solo guitar.


Very well constructed. The guitar parts are distinct and each is impressive. Excellent layering. Frankly, you could keep the percussion as is because it isn't the driving force here (of course, some variation would help with the judges).

The style reminds me of Mana and makes me think this would do well with (Spanish) lyrics. I could help you out there if you're interested...

Great work so far!


I greatly enjoy this, it's not something I hear normally. I agree that the drums need to get mixed up a little, they're far too repetitive and detract from the awesome.

Keep going with this, I want to see this judged and accepted.


There is a little more variation in this mix...I'd like to hear what you think...


Diggin the sound you've made here. Acoustic guitars, latin percussion, and a Gerudo progression never fails to sound nice. But the thing is, that's the main problem right now. While there is some slight interpretation of the melody, I'd really like to hear some harmonic variation, or rather, more variation in general. Little changes or flourishes in the percussion, dynamics, harmony, instrumental tone, would go a long way. Like I said though, this is very pleasing to listen to!

p.s. oh just a heads up, you don't need a new thread every time you update your mp3, just bump or edit the past thread with your WIP on it, otherwise Darkesword'll just end up scrapping all of them lol. (or something along those lines)


I'm sorry for the mistake...i'm kind of a newbie to the whole remixing scene and OCremix. I won't duplicate threads again.

Duplicate threads merged... please don't start a new thread for the same track!

I'll do my best to nitpick my way though your tune.

First let me say, great stuff, nice and relaxing. I love the source tune, and I love your realistic sounds and programming (playing?).

Possible 'lethal judge panel' problems:

1 - (still) not enough variation

2 - mix too close to source material - it's probably too 'safe' right now


- the first minute isn't that interesting... Try to do something crazy with it... other chords, New 'build up' melody that incorporates a few little things from the gerudo theme... as in.. hint to gerudo, but have a different mood.. then when the theme and it's chords enter it's gonna be really awesome and magical.

- later on, introduce a countermelody in a range lower or higher. Perhaps that intro melody i suggested. Or improvised guitar, bass, trombone, marimba or piano playing.

- that repetitive hand drum rhytm is nice for a few moments but gets annoying real soon. It really stands out on my speakers because it's so much to the left... make it more stereo and vary it up! Leave it out (completely) in a few parts, and when the song progresses, Go more crazy with the hand drumming (perhaps go a bit 'tribal' for a few moments) Also make more changes in the rhytm! Use some different type of drums with different patterns here and there.

- throw in a B-section at some point with completely original material (that still fits the style) - good for both variation and more self-input. Be bold.

I hope this helps.

Now up and at it! ;)

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