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So it looks like I'll be flying into the con Saturday rather than Friday due to work. But I'll be around for the OCR panel, though whether or not I attend will depend on the content of the panel. =P (I nominate another "test your VG music knowledge" contest)

I'll be the girl cross-playing as Richter Belmont walking around the con.

So it looks like I'll be flying into the con Saturday rather than Friday due to work. But I'll be around for the OCR panel, though whether or not I attend will depend on the content of the panel. =P (I nominate another "test your VG music knowledge" contest)

I'll be the girl cross-playing as Richter Belmont walking around the con.

Speaking of cosplay: I was lazy/busy this year, and won't have my new costume done for Otakon (hopefully it'll be ready for Connecticon). What should I go as this year for Saturday: Lucca from Chrono Trigger (which I wore last year), Zidane from FFIX, or Squall from FFVIII?


There is always a trivia portion during OCR panels, and I'll be whipping up a preview track soon for the DKC 2 project to be played during the panel alongside the other music that will probably be played.

I think some prizes during the panel will include a Wii, FF4 project physical copies, shirts, and hoodies.

Also, I will probably be there around 5 on Thursday as well, if not earlier. I'll be the asian wearing a white OCR shirt - i.e., shouldn't miss me.


Important BBQ Info

1. I've decided to run it from 12 noon to Really Late on Sunday, this gives everyone a chance to swing by.

2. Cover is 5 dollars. I don't mean to be a jerk about asking for money but this does cost quite a bit with the spread I have planned, make sure you have the cash on hand or in Paypal. If you want to bring some food/drink instead, PM me and we can work something out.

3. Invite other people! Don't feel like you can't go because you have a friend with you that doesn't know me, or something like that. I'm going to have a tremendous amount of food/beverage so we need lots of people to eat it all!

4. We should have an FF4 listening party at some point.

And once again if anyone wants to pay in advance send $5 Paypal to xerol@xerol.org, just make sure to put your username in there somewhere so I know who you are.


I'd also like to add that after the OCR panel, Level 99 is offering his place for a place to have a live FF4 listening party - would people be up for this?

Edit: I printed out 10 copies of directions to Stevo's place from the Baltimore Convention Center. I can print out more if necessary, but it would have to be done today as I'm disconnecting the Mac Pro & disassembling the desk in preparation for moving. I'm pretty sure my friend I'll be at the panel with can take 1 or 2 people to the listening party.


I won't be able to go to Otakon till at least 2011. This year I'm not going to anything and next year I'm already packed with e3 (maybe), ax (boo, hiss i know!), and comic-con san diego.

Sounds cool though.


Looking at the convention schedule, Saturday looks like a gigantic wasteland up until the OC Remix panel, so I think we should all meet somewhere for lunch and kill time together until the panel.

Any opposed?

Looking at the convention schedule, Saturday looks like a gigantic wasteland up until the OC Remix panel, so I think we should all meet somewhere for lunch and kill time together until the panel.

Any opposed?

I don't think I'm gonna go to Otakon this year, but I'd be up for meeting some of you folks at lunch sometime/somewhere, Friday or Saturday. If you guys plan something, I can probably show up for that.

Looking at the convention schedule, Saturday looks like a gigantic wasteland up until the OC Remix panel, so I think we should all meet somewhere for lunch and kill time together until the panel.

Any opposed?

Saturday afternoon is my panel! {..}

And the Kanon Wakeshima concert.

The Zombie Apocalypse panel is always fun, too.

As for lunch, bear in mind that the Inner Harbor gets incredibly crowded around lunch during the con (not to mention that CPK closed like 2 years ago). So, larger groups are liable to get separated, and it can take like an hour to finally get some food. You might want to do, like, 2pm-ish? KF


My two fav. places are Tir Na Nog and Houlihan's; tend to be a little less crowded, as well.

Any thoughts on either, for lunch?

Rare Candy will be playing at 3pm in Jamspace on Sat., that seems like something a lot of folks (incl. myself) would wanna catch, as well.

So maybe lunch at 1:00pm at either joint, then shlep over to JamSpace afterwards to show some VGM support?

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