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A far more productive conversation would be to continue to talk about tracks you liked out of the minimalist soundtrack.

Like Search for Clues (spoiler: after Lyle's death)

The Space Pirate theme, while not as memorable as Prime's was fittingly frantic and buglike.

And the alternate title sequence... I'm trying to find the orchestral one in the game.

The credits are great, outside of the out-of-place main theme at the beginning.

I actually really like the credits sequence from the game; it's wonderfully shot and the music is really wonderful.

And of course, Ridley's theme has never sounded better, in my opinion.


1% SA-X is pretty easy when you get down to it:

Just charge a shot and fire. The SA-X will screw attack forward, so move back and fire another shot. The SA-X will continue this pattern. So just jump over it repeatedly and it should be a peace of cake.

And yeah, the reason I've played ZM so much is because there are just so many fun ways to play the game.

That's inaccurate. Did you expect Ridley to be there? Personally, I didn't see that one coming.

Me, personally? I knew he'd be in this game since the second trailer was released. Me, as in, if I was in Samus's shoes? It's the 5th (or so) time Ridley's come back. For Samus, it should be like "been there, done that." Her reaction isn't realistic at all.

Hey, you guys who posted the music? I swear I've heard those exact songs in The Bourne Identity, or during one of the Matrix's firefights. If that's the best music that Other M has, all of the other Metroid games destroy this game's soundtrack. At best, Other M's soundtrack is adequate, but generic.

I'd bet my money that Stemage (the Metroid Metal guys) won't touch any songs in this game with a 10 foot pole. They've got nothing to work with! :lol:

I love Ridley's theme so god damn much

5/4 represent

Me too. Ever since Prime, Metroid has really gone way off course with the music. It's great to hear Ridley's theme the way we've all wanted to hear it. Even though I know Tanaka wanted to keep the soundtrack minimal and ambient in the first Metroid, I really enjoyed the music in Super Metroid. It was atmospheric and orchestral without being overbearing or distracting. While the newer Metroid games are trying to stay true to the original vision, I feel like Metroid could really benefit from a much more involved soundtrack than the mostly ambient and minimalist stuff they use now.

Me too. Ever since Prime, Metroid has really gone way off course with the music. It's great to hear Ridley's theme the way we've all wanted to hear it. Even though I know Tanaka wanted to keep the soundtrack minimal and ambient in the first Metroid, I really enjoyed the music in Super Metroid. It was atmospheric and orchestral without being overbearing or distracting. While the newer Metroid games are trying to stay true to the original vision, I feel like Metroid could really benefit from a much more involved soundtrack than the mostly ambient and minimalist stuff they use now.

You're not giving Prime music enough credit, and I'll prove it to you within the next year.



Concerning the Deleter, I'm not even sure there was one. Samus was led to believe there was a Deleter based off of what MB was saying. The cutscenes could've been her thoughts, not what actually happened. How do we know MB wasn't the one to kill them all? She hates the GF.

But then how did she manage to get a GFED freeze fun to get Maurice?

On a different note:

Hey, Prime 2's soundtrack rocked. Torvus, Sanctuary Fortress, Temple Grounds, Chykka, Dark Samus.... All of these and more are pretty damn good tracks!

Corruption didn't have as much good area music outside of Elysia and Bryyo Jungle, but the themes for Rundas and Gandrayda were pretty sweet.

And beating metroid II for the first time last night, I do have to agree that A) it's soundtrack was great and B ) it was really ahead of its time as far as GB soundtracks go. Heck, Other M was trying to do with an orchestra what MII was trying to do with beeps and boops.

But then how did she manage to get a GFED freeze fun to get Maurice?

On a different note:

Hey, Prime 2's soundtrack rocked. Torvus, Sanctuary Fortress, Temple Grounds, Chykka, Dark Samus.... All of these and more are pretty damn good tracks!

Corruption didn't have as much good area music outside of Elysia and Bryyo Jungle, but the themes for Rundas and Gandrayda were pretty sweet.

And beating metroid II for the first time last night, I do have to agree that A) it's soundtrack was great and B ) it was really ahead of its time as far as GB soundtracks go. Heck, Other M was trying to do with an orchestra what MII was trying to do with beeps and boops.

Yeah, you see what I mean? It's almost like Other M's soundtrack is more 'Metroidy' than Super Metroid's...

But then how did she manage to get a GFED freeze fun to get Maurice?



She had one when she tried to kill madeline bergman didn't she? And it was a galactic federation facility... implying galactic federation supplies?

Also, Metroid Prime 3 had very good music.

Norion, Bryyo Cliff, Bryyo Fire, Bryyo Jungle, (hell even bryyo ice) elysia, ridley's theme in orchestrated 4/4, and yes the boss battle themes.

But then how did she manage to get a GFED freeze gun to get Maurice?

Or possibly, how did she wear a GF suit and pilot a large robot to try to kill Samus (and herself) while being protected by Samus at the same time?

Time Travel.

Me, personally? I knew he'd be in this game since the second trailer was released.

Yes, but did you know HOW he was going to be in the game?

I think that was a pretty clever way to do it, and since it was a surprise (however mild) for the audience, we can see how Samus was totally blindsided by it. Hence the Shock and Awe

Yes, but did you know HOW he was going to be in the game?

I think that was a pretty clever way to do it, and since it was a surprise (however mild) for the audience, we can see how Samus was totally blindsided by it. Hence the Shock and Awe

Okay, so I obviously didn't know HOW he was gonna be in. I admit, that was unexpected, and pretty cool.

Regardless, the way he came back does not have any relevance to how it made Samus react. Samus knows that Ridley comes back. Who cares how he does it? She knows that he will, in one way or another.

You want be to believe that, just because Ridley began life as a little chick-thing, went through a teenage-ish phase, and then appeared, Samus has a good reason to **** her pants? I don't buy it. If anything, she should be like, "oh man, he was here all along, holy cow!" She shouldn't become paralyzed from such a twist. Nope, not realistic at all. Sakamoto was trying too hard to make her emote.


Minor spoilers:

Having just finished it, I found it was _a lot_ better once I went back to the bottleship and just ran around collecting missiles and stuff. The story felt like the kind of fanfiction a metroid/anime fanboy would piece togethere at age 12, not something a professional should have anything to do with. I wouldn't trust those guys to write a birthday card, much less a game. Annoying cutscenes, mediocre acting/animation (except the motion-capture stuff, but those felt completely unnecessary), annoying voice work from most characters (the best piece of acting in the whole game was hidden behind a monologue).

Most of the time I spent playing it my brother was watching, and we were both annoyed by the cutscenes, the emo-ess of the monologues, characters' tendency to remove their masks or helmets all the time, the many times the game takes control of Samus and make her do stupid shit, and the frickin' idiotic WALKING! You know what I mean. It's tense the first time. It's a little less tense when it happens in every other elevator.

The gameplay was fun, tho I avoided using missiles as much as I could because of the awkward standing Samus does when you wanna use missiles. The controls otherwise work great, tho the four-directional running should have been 8-directional. Nice to see the controls simplified to just the wiimote.

Too much of a remix of Super and Fusion, not enough Metroid. There's exploring, but it's mostly locked doors and characters telling you what to do. Felt like Prime 3 did character interaction a lot better. It also had characters that were interesting. As for OM, in the words of Yahtzee (google's #1 hit for yahtzee, btw):

"Guess the ultimate question is "Why

should I even bother to try?"

Every last NPC

fills me with apathy,

Am I expected to care when they die?

So... meh. This is probably the best fangame in the metroid series ever, but I have a hard time treating this as a real metroid game. Well, just the story. Gameplaywise, it was great. Good action, decent environments, some sense of exploring, and enjoyable to come back to. Storywise, it's crap.

I hope they'll be subtle about the story and not spoodfeed ppl with cutscenes and long speeches and stuff. You know, not like the real Metroid games. ;)

Nope. :(

(also, *spoonfeed, stupid keyboard)

Now to make remix a real metroid game, maybe? One that has music that's not done by random keystrokes on omnisphere's weird atmospheric patches.

Okay, enough ranting about this.


Well, in the early days, Sakamoto's flaws in his writing abilities were held in check by the fact that he wasn't a one-man show: he had co-writers, and he wasn't a big man on campus, so to speak. There was a balance which everyone contributed.

However, with the fame of Metroid (mainly due to Prime lol), he's been allowed to become that "My way or the highway" type of "ideas" guy that should only be allowed in the case of people like Miyamoto, who is a verifiable genius. I mean, the credits have him as Director, Producer, and Story. I think it'd have been better if he would have shared the responsibilities a bit.

I mean, folks like Kensuke Tanabe, an old Ninty stand-by a worker on the Prime games (as well as a lot of other games like OoT and Punch Out)- there was an interview with him when the Trilogy was being released- talking about how Samus is a badass who if a Space Pirate took someone hostage, she wouldn't worry but instead headshot the pirate, and about how Samus is a person who has a lot of passion but does not like to outwardly show it....

I was like "Hey, that's the right idea. Good for him (maybe he should be in charge of the next Metroid game)!"

Then Tanabe says something like "that's the vision that Mr. Sakamoto has for the character."

And I'm like


I read in a recent interview where he was talking about Super Metroid that he still is quite aware of the importance of environmental-based story-telling, and this confuses me, because it shows that the respect I've had in Sakamoto is not misplaced, but he clearly misfired here in the story department (very few people complain about the actual GAMEPLAY of Other M- at least as the primary complaint).

All I can really hope for is that he saw Other M as an experiment to see if Metroid could tell a single, straight, and overarching narrative, and that he sees that the experiment didn't work, so he can go back to refining his core strengths (eg every Metroid game before Other M).

Well, in the early days, Sakamoto's flaws in his writing abilities were held in check by the fact that he wasn't a one-man show: he had co-writers, and he wasn't a big man on campus, so to speak. There was a balance which everyone contributed.

Kinda like George Lucas nowadays too huh?


You'd actually be surprised at how many Metroid fans are now actively comparing Sakamoto-san to George Lucas.

Because they're REALLLY similar.

I just hope the difference is that we don't get an Other M, episodes II and III.





I'm only like 20 minutes into other m at the moment but i think im just gonna keep playing super metroid until i finish it.

this game seems like it's going to be fun to play, but basically every complaint about other m i've heard im kind of beginning to agree with, then again i am very early on.

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