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I don't think the power-up hunting counts that much for exploratory as you still have the little blips that have always been present in Metroid games to my knowledge.

I think when I get home, I'll try going through the game again like Arek and see how I feel about it. The only things that really bugged me was some of the goofy voice acting and some of the drama. Ultimately I think had Sakamoto had someone who could write a story, maybe added a bit more exploration as well as not having to get items in a sequential order, the game may have been better received.

I don't really think I mind the game going for 25 bucks though. If anything, games like Twilight Princess that came out years ago selling for 50 bucks is bloody criminal.


Ha, it's out for $15.

If no one has played it yet, they might as well pick it up by now. I mean hell, I just bought G-Darius for the PlayStation for $15 and that is worth well more than fifteen dollars in comparison to Metroid Other M.

And the fact that several near-launce or first-gen Wii games are still at $50 is pretty damn stupid and annoying, but that's a topic for another day.

So, going through all the metroids again and beating them all, I gotta say that I change my mind.

Fuck this game.

Hey sakamoto, fuck you. Prime is canon and this is not.


Too bad Sakamoto doesn't feel that way, he's essentially dismissed the Prime series. If I worked at Retro, I'd be pissed, considering that team spent nearly a decade on his so called "daughter"...

What a cretin.

Too bad Sakamoto doesn't feel that way, he's essentially dismissed the Prime series. If I worked at Retro, I'd be pissed, considering that team spent nearly a decade on his so called "daughter"...

What a cretin.

it's a shame because prime(the original) was by far the most faithful game in the series to follow super metroid. fusion/other m feel like a poorly written fanfic even though they're canon, it's sad


Other M should have focused on Samus's (possible) guilt for blowing up all those innocent families in Super Metroid. When you know what happened to her own parents, seeing Draygon's babies swarm the body and take it away is heartbreaking. She just did exactly what Ridley did to her! And the spinning, flying turtle isn't even one of the species who gets to escape at the end, with all her cute little harmless turtle children! So sad! After the whole baby Metroid thing, seeing her xenocidal tendencies start to affect her would have been fascinating.

Instead she angsts over some guy she left on purpose.

Samus, you're a monster!

I'd kind of like a story where she's torn between settling down and raising a family of her own and passing on the Chozo learnings she has, and putting the suit back on and kicking more alien butt to save the galaxy for the rest of the peoples. It's been done in like a million action movies before, but Samus is a special case, and if done well, could be done very well. Her biological clock is ticking like this!


fusion feels like a poorly written fanfic even though they're canon, it's sad
I thought I was the only who felt this way.

And people say stuff like Symphonia and Abyss had bad plots.


Ehh, the only foolish and silly thing about Fusion's plot I felt was the whole super-duper coincidence that Samus names her CO ADAM because it reminds her of Adam, and lo and behold, the computer actually IS Adam!

but it's hard to work characters in 4 games into the story. Just look at Other M.

Other than that though I felt Fusion's plot to be a pretty cool look into the Post-Super world Samus finds herself in, and the X to be pretty compelling antagonists.

In any event, Fusion did the overrun research station/GFED corruption/secret metroid program a HELL of a lot better than Other M did.

And lol, Symphonia DID have a terrible, grating plot.


And Abyss takes 7's plot and runs it in a different direction. Which is why it was pretty good.

Also I agree, Symphonia did have a terrible plot, though I loved the plot twist with there being two worlds and all that. 12 year old me wasn't expecting it at all.

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