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Even though for the life of me I could NOT get the beta to work, you've at least provided great information here Zeal and confirmed my suspicions. In that there are gorgeous graphics, but at the expense of many other elements throughout.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm still not sure if I'll play or not. I just wish they had a trial available. That would answer all my questions (can my computer even run the game? do I like it? blah blah blah...).

I've been hearing issues like mouse lag, bad menu setup, uninspired quests, translation issues, annoying leveling restrictions, bad economy setup, uninspired/uninteresting combat system, strange job selection, and so forth.

if it weren't for the topic title I wouldn't know which mmo you were talking about

seriously. i think people are forgetting that this is a damn beta, for a reason. because shit doesn't work :<

We're also, like, 8 days away from release. While I'd like to think that they have some super-secret build behind closed doors, the likelihood of that being the case is very slim. I'm sure things will be improved upon when the game is released, but a lot of the complaints will go unanswered for a while still, methinks. By the release of the PS3 version, the game should be looking a little healthier.

seriously. i think people are forgetting that this is a damn beta, for a reason. because shit doesn't work :<

no I meant that all of those problems are apparent in other mmos that have been out for years

it's like people played the beta for this game and just now are starting to realize that mmos have been shitty for the past ten years

We're also, like, 8 days away from release. While I'd like to think that they have some super-secret build behind closed doors, the likelihood of that being the case is very slim. I'm sure things will be improved upon when the game is released, but a lot of the complaints will go unanswered for a while still, methinks. By the release of the PS3 version, the game should be looking a little healthier.

a) that's why they're releasing on the PC first

B) i'm willing to bet that they DO have some super-secret build somewhere

c) all mmos suck when they're released, and are in turn way better about a year later


There actually IS a secret(well, "secret") build that they haven't shown. All the beta is is just that: a neutered version that's kinda buggy created for the purpose of stress testing and fixing the kinks involved. Only the devs have access to the actual complete version. They've stated this many times.

And FFXI had plenty of shit wrong with it when it was first released in 2002 in Japan. A year later when it's released here, it was better. WoW released sometime in 2004 or 2005, a year goes by and what do you know? Improvements.

Square-Enix has also said that they don't really give a shit about grabbing the WoW audience and that they're perfectly happy with the same numbers they had with FFXI. More power to them. Final Fantasy XIV isn't designed to be a WoW-clone. WoW is not the end-all be-all of the MMOverse. You want to play WoW, go play WoW.

Geez... You just can't win as a game developer.

For someone who hates every MMORPG without exception, you sure do a lot of posting in the threads about them.

for someone who likes passive-aggression you sure are bad at it

he likes lego universe, doesn't he?

got my copy preordered

a) that's why they're releasing on the PC first

That seems like kind of a slap in the face to PC users...

There actually IS a secret(well, "secret") build that they haven't shown. All the beta is is just that: a neutered version that's kinda buggy created for the purpose of stress testing and fixing the kinks involved. Only the devs have access to the actual complete version. They've stated this many times.

I don't understand. Why would they not want to test their full build to ensure complete compatibility with debugging and functionality? Testing an already bugged version seems kind of counterproductive.

Posted (edited)

What people need to understand about the thresholds is that it isn't specifically time-based. The dev team just made an estimate of how much xp an average player might get in a certain time frame(an hour) and set that as a fixed rate. If you don't hit that fixed amount and level slower than what they define as average, you might never make it to 5th or even 4th threshold on a normal xp session.

Not only that, but since you'll be switching back and forth between classes, you might never feel the actual effects of fatigue throughout your entire time playing the game.

Even assuming that it's a set hour, 8 hours is a long ass time. I can't imagine any(normal) person wanting to do the same thing over and over for that long a period.

Edit: Here's a list of more additions being made to the game once it hits

Edited by Malaki-LEGEND.sys
Check out this video to understand the fatigue system. It actually sounds like a great idea. Why? Because I will never play more than 1-2 hours a day.

Hmmm... it seems like this is a good step but ultimately, won't getting new job abilities become the new leveling up? People wanting to join a party will display their list of jobs and how many abilities they've gotten with them, and people wanting people to join their party will display what jobs and abilities they are looking for.

Playing the devil's advocate here, so I know it looks like I'm being critical, but I just don't want to be stuck with a beautiful game that plays crappy.


I think the main "issue" that players have with a fatigue system is that it gives the perception that you're being punished for playing whenever you want.

North America is a very customer-service oriented culture, and there's a perception that if I'm playing a $15 monthly fee for a game, then I better be able to play it whenever I want without being punished for it.

They could have, instead, gone the inverse and gave a bonus to people who come back after not playing for a while.

Posted (edited)
I think the main "issue" that players have with a fatigue system is that it gives the perception that you're being punished for playing whenever you want.

North America is a very customer-service oriented culture, and there's a perception that if I'm playing a $15 monthly fee for a game, then I better be able to play it whenever I want without being punished for it.

They could have, instead, gone the inverse and gave a bonus to people who come back after not playing for a while.

I have to agree with this

Alot of MMOs do that, they give "rested" bonus XP when you don't play a while.

SE's way for 14, well If I get vacation time and decide I want to do my own little gaming marathon, I get Penalized for using my free time to play something I paid for? fun stuff

I played FF11 a long time and honestly I could barely stand leveling the second jobs for my character. I envisioned her as a Red Mage and that's what she was till the end. I messed around with all the jobs eventually but lets face it. alot of people are loyal to a class, because they like it. some people cannot stand mage classes while others hated melee classes. people are entitled to their likes and dislikes and forcing them to play classes they don't find interesting or just outright hate doesn't seem right to me.

I'm not even going to go into crafting jobs because crafting is as mundane as working.

Edited by Coyote-Trickster
God, I wish it was coming out on the PS3 sooner....I suppose that's what I get for being a Mac loyalist.

Think of it this way: We'll be working out the kinks on the PC side of things and you'll be getting the better game for it.

Also, the biggest problem with the haters is that they don't know much about it other than what uninformed sources have been saying.


Yeah, I'm really digging this game so far. What I find most interesting is that I actually enjoy the crafting system. It seems like they're really trying to make crafting and gathering on-par with a war or magic class, and—aside from the obvious necessities they provide other classes—the announcement that you'll need crafters for certain quests, that they can form parties themselves to create large things, and the fact that attribute points are supposedly just as important for those classes as well, really shows how integral and interesting SE wants them to be.

I think the main "issue" that players have with a fatigue system is that it gives the perception that you're being punished for playing whenever you want.

North America is a very customer-service oriented culture, and there's a perception that if I'm playing a $15 monthly fee for a game, then I better be able to play it whenever I want without being punished for it.

They could have, instead, gone the inverse and gave a bonus to people who come back after not playing for a while.

WoW had this in the beta initially and decided to NOT do it for that exact reason. Player base felt like they were punished for playing.

Rest XP was originally the opposite to where the more you played the less you got until it hit "exhausted."

Think of it this way: We'll be working out the kinks on the PC side of things and you'll be getting the better game for it.

Also, the biggest problem with the haters is that they don't know much about it other than what uninformed sources have been saying.

Yeah, that's what I have to keep telling myself to not get too bummed out :).

Yeah, I'm really digging this game so far. What I find most interesting is that I actually enjoy the crafting system. It seems like they're really trying to make crafting and gathering on-par with a war or magic class, and—aside from the obvious necessities they provide other classes—the announcement that you'll need crafters for certain quests, that they can form parties themselves to create large things, and the fact that attribute points are supposedly just as important for those classes as well, really shows how integral and interesting SE wants them to be.

I agree, I was shocked to see the main classes as - magic, fighting, agriculture and crafting!

I very much enjoyed the first few hours of being a little fisherman in a big world, though I didn't get very far due to the lag and the fact that the only way I could bare playing was to put the graphics on the lowest of the low, I had a fun time being what I believed was a bit of a stupid decision in character creation!

I'll be waiting for the PS3 version as my laptop cannot handle this one single bit!

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