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Just ran the benchmark that went up today. On medium I have a 12800 something and on maximum a 9700 something. Both extremely high marks or so the benchmark says so i think i'm set.

Also it looks like yoshi p is not pursuing f2p with this game. I'm not a huge fan of people flocking to a game just to play it for 20 minutes while they spam the chat panel either but this is going to kill the amount of people who will play it. I remember when they decided to start charging the subscription fees and a month or two later they closed half of the servers.

I was hoping for a pricing plan close to planetside 2 that offers subscription and micro transaction but it looks like that might not happen. yet. I guess yoshi p still thinks the game will get by on the Final Fantasy name. :)

Posted (edited)

I would hope they're receptive to the trends in recent MMOs within reason. I'm personally fine with subscription models because I like supporting the company and the idea that the money is to ensure the game runs smoothly and to make sure it's up to par.

Obviously since I'm not in the industry(yet), I have no idea whether or not that's total bullcrap, but I'm certainly not opposed to a certain degree of free to play coexisting with subscription models. I think LoTRO did alright with that hybrid and it seems that it's helping out TOR(which I think is totally worth the sub). Just introduce a cash shop with cosmetic stuff, xp boosts, content packs and whatever, but make sure that a large portion if not all of that stuff is readily accessible to the subs without creating massive imbalance for either side.

I'm all up for companies making money for making good products, and whatever works for SE that doesn't screw over consumers is OK in my book. I'd be one of the subscribers anyway.

Also the highest I got on the benchmark was around 8000 at 720p and around 6000 at my monitor native of 1600x900. If you guys are having any frame-rate issue at all, I'd suggest toning down ambient occlusion first. That can make a difference of around 400 points or so.

Edited by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

Between a f2p MMO and subbed one, the differences are glaring. Guild Wars is fun but man did it get stale, doing the same crap for 3 years. FFXI was so huge, and the updates never seemed to stop because the devs had reliable revenue.

I complain about not being able to pay but that's because I'm poor. I'd erupt if FF14 went f2p. The devs need a reason to keep things stable and fresh. f2p tempts them to offer gimmicks, to get bursts in revenue instead of maintaining a steady stream, and differences in personal income would affect poorer players no matter what.


I also ran the benchmark program just for fun. On lowest of the low settings, I got 972. I figured as much because I'm using my 3 year old business laptop. Glad it's coming out for ps3 and hopefully for ps4 in the future. (They haven't ruled it out)

I also ran the benchmark program just for fun. On lowest of the low settings, I got 972. I figured as much because I'm using my 3 year old business laptop. Glad it's coming out for ps3 and hopefully for ps4 in the future. (They haven't ruled it out)

Well if the exploration video they showed comparing the PS3 and PC versions is any indication, the PS3 version is going to perform slightly above that score you got. Of course it still needs a ton of optimization, so naturally they're definitely going to work on making sure it looks as best as possible, but unfortunately it seems that the PS3 just can't handle what a PC can.

Take heart, though! The engine itself seems to be pretty able to scale well as advertised, as someone on the official forums that ran the benchmark on a Surface Pro(MS' "deluxe" model of their new tablet) got over 1500+ points on medium settings I believe, and that's on an Intel HD4000 graphics chipset on a TABLET of all things!

Yeah, the beta client dropped as per Brushfire's post shortly after the latest live letter concluded. Download it and be ready for Monday!


I don't know any of y'all but I'm going to the OCR server. Didn't play 1.0 so I'm not obligated to any past server.

I will be Lalafell. I will cast nuclear bomb meteorites and they will call me Galcien. Or Galcienn, if necessary. Shall we go to Tonberry or does it smell like galka?

I don't know any of y'all but I'm going to the OCR server. Didn't play 1.0 so I'm not obligated to any past server.

I will be Lalafell. I will cast nuclear bomb meteorites and they will call me Galcien. Or Galcienn, if necessary. Shall we go to Tonberry or does it smell like galka?

Oh GOD dont get me started on Female Galka. That's going to be the most underplayed character in the game.

1.0 chars dont come back until phase 3 anyway so everyone is in the same boat right now. Which is trying to figure out what to do while squinting through a sea of blue names. The first combat quest is so overcamped it took me 20 minutes to do what should have been less than 5 but the game plays extremely smoothly even with 50+ people running around you.


I'm going on Masamune with the linkshell I joined. I will be a male Miqo'te white mage and I convinced my brother to join me. He's going to play a lancer roe. That being said, I haven't ruled out getting a gaming PC in the future and playing on both. Oh, and also, what do you all think about the gamepad controls?

Lalafelle paladins are funny looking.


I'm only on 4 gigs and it plays great with a GTX460. Very smooth and i have only encountered some pretty severe server lag at times. Unlike 1.0 that had a lockup everytime I walked into a room.

Only a few hours left before the servers are taken down so get your time in while you can!

...plus you know, there's catchicks n' shit!

Posted (edited)
Unfortunately I have not been invited to the beta yet despite my long time spent in FFXI and participation in the FFXIV 1.0 beta. Oh well...

more beta test slot will open as phase are going. keep cool and pray Shiva (or Ifrit)

Edited by Doulifée
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Got another letter from the producer.


We'll also be adding testers to put more pressure on the servers, so if you're not a beta tester yet, you'll have a chance to join in the next phase.
We've implemented measures to alleviate FATE-related performance issues, made adjustments to the frontend server, and addressed server load issues in the starting zones. Bear with us for another weekend of phase 1 testing
Edited by Thin Crust

$13.99 is the price of two Bic Macs. If you can't scrap at least THAT together per 30 day period, then you should probably pick up a different hobby. Of course it's all about value judgement as well so you're more than welcome to not pay at your leisure, but you end of saving money at the end of the day if you just subscribe to one $13.99 a month game rather than pissing away $60(or whatever amount of dollars really) each time you need a quick gaming fix.

Of course Legacy players get the "complete" subscription for $10 a month, so yeah...

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