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So, I was lying in bed just now and I looked over at my Chrono Trigger poster that came with CT DS. I noticed something. Marle is casting Fire onto Crono's sword. Lucca has fire magic not Marle.


As you can see that's definitely Fire magic.

I just wanted to make a thread about this kind of thing. Anyone else notice stuff like this?


That's not Marle - that's Lucca casting fire. She lost her glasses in the snow (Frog is looking for them - he knows she's useless without them, I mean seriously; she's casting fire on poor Chrono and he's just making the most out of it). Also, bleached hair was the 'in' fad the time they took the picture, so it makes perfect sense that her hair's different than in the game.

Man, that should've been obvious, dude. I don't see any inconsistencies, there :nicework:.


That picture was likely drawn before it was clearly established who would cast what magic. It was probably just concept art at one point to help build the overall project. Why do you think they're also fighting Heckran in 12,000 B.C.?

A lot of video games use proto-pictures on game boxes for a number of reasons, whether its because they were drawing up the marketing design aspect during the development, or because marketing couldn't get any other pictures, or maybe its a copyright thing. Hell, just check out some of the major Nintendo releases down through the years:

Super Mario 64

Super Mario 3

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


he's making fun of Hawkwing for spelling it "Chrono" and not "Crono", which it is in the game. However, I'm pretty sure the only reason it's "Crono" in the game is because there are only 5 characters you can use to make the name, so therefore they had to truncate out the "h". Meaning the 'crono' purists can stfu either way is fine.

he's making fun of Hawkwing for spelling it "Chrono" and not "Crono", which it is in the game. However, I'm pretty sure the only reason it's "Crono" in the game is because there are only 5 characters you can use to make the name, so therefore they had to truncate out the "h". Meaning the 'crono' purists can stfu either way is fine.

NO!!!! Dammit! It's CRONO! You bastard! I hate-zors you!

On another point, since someone brought up the Mega Man box art, many of the games throughout the series, particularly the original series, can't decide on which arm Mega Man's arm cannon is located. It flips from left to right constantly. I know the original sprites were just a mirror image of one another, but hasn't Capcom bothered to decide on one consistent location for it?


More recent official art places the buster/arm cannon onto his left; I have the belief though they intended him to use it on both. Makes more sense to being able to switch to either gun when one hand is preoccupied...


Well, at least they kept consistent with Link and his left hand. For some reason I seem to remember Nintendo trying to specifically point out Link used his left hand...

Well, at least they kept consistent with Link and his left hand. For some reason I seem to remember Nintendo trying to specifically point out Link used his left hand...

I think that's a recent thing, isn't it? Like, OoT-and-later. All the sprite games just use mirror images, which means which hand he's using depends on which way you're facing.

Although his left-handedness remains consistent, Link somehow manages to keep that sword on his back without a strap across his chest in Ocarina of Time.

Has nothing to do with the fact that he's a southpaw and everything to do with Hyrulian velcro.

I think that's a recent thing, isn't it? Like, OoT-and-later. All the sprite games just use mirror images, which means which hand he's using depends on which way you're facing.

This is true when he's facing left or right, but when he's facing up or down, he's always had his sword in his left hand, all the way back to the original on NES

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