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I just got this 360 around November last year, and I'm finally getting tired of playing the same five games I got since I bought the system.

So, I ask you, OCR, what have I missed out on with the 360? I'm looking for any good, cheap, not necessarily new games that I could have possibly missed while I was gaming on my Wii, DS, and PC.

I don't care about online features, I had some serious NPE during my free Live trial so I don't plan to get any subscription ever. I'm just looking for some good single-player (multiplayer feature optional) offline gaming.

I can play practically any kind of game out there except for the traditional RPG. It has to be an action RPG. I also fail at simulation-type games. Forza made me cry.

So yea, lay it on me. What did I miss while I didn't have a 360?

  Kiyobi said:

So, I ask you, OCR, what have I missed out on with the 360?

Why does everyone with low post numbers always need to present their question in pretentious ways? Although this is actually the mildest I've seen, its a question thats been bugging me for a while.

Anyway, you can start here:


and hit POSTED and then look for the dates you desire. If you're in a huge need for games, you can go to 8 too.


The 360 experience IMO is all about the multiplayer -- you're really missing out.

However, a short list for you.

Assassin's Creed

Mass Effect, though an RPG, features real-time combat that you may enjoy.


Prince of Persia

Ninja Gaiden II (the first is downloadable via Marketplace, and is even better)

Bionic Commando: Rearmed


And that's it for solo games. If you decide to get a Gold subscription:

Street Fighter II HDR

'' '' IV

Soul Calibur IV

Bionic Commando (lengthy single-player campaign also)


Age of Booty

Bomberman Live

1vs100 (free trivia show for Gold members)

(any FPS games, but you may prefer them on PC anyway)


assassin's creed, bioshock and mass effect are very fun games. mass effect feels like KOTOR with guns. bioshock is possibly one of the most engrossing games of this generation thusfar (but it's cheaper on Steam irregardless of the system - they had a sale where it was 5$ :< ).

i'd add mirror's edge to bardic's list - it's basically a platformer, but it's first person and has some phenomenal graphics. really fun to play well.

i noticed you didn't have some of the FPS games that have helped the 360 sell so much in there - halo 3, gears 1 and 2 (2's better, but 1's got a lot there), and RE5 - but there's some other genres that are excellent. star wars force unleashed is currently 15$ at gamecrazy, and is probably the best action star wars title to date (yes, i think it's better than battlefront). i put a lot of time into chronicles of riddick (FPS, but there's easily 30 hours of gameplay there), and halo wars was fun while it lasted although it's short. i enjoyed wheelman, which is a racing/action game with a few letdowns. gta4 was one of the most immersive sandbox games to come out recently, and the DLC for it (lost and the damned) is almost 20 hours of gameplay for 20$. overlord was incredibly entertaining, and crackdown and saints row 2 were both sandbox games that featured over-the-top entertaining violence and general badassery. don't forget fable 2, which was incredibly entertaining as well, and had some really fun DLC. fallout 3 is incredible if you don't have a pc, and the DLC for it is incredibly entertaining and really extends the game well beyond the initial disc.

if you feel like spending, prototype was off the chain. it's SO much fun, a sandbox game with superhero powers but no morality system. excellent.


Recommendations time! I'll be going through the different genres here instead of one comprehensive list so you know the games that you'll want to play.


Halo 3

Halo Wars

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Bionic Commando


Lost Planet

Dead Rising

Resident Evil 5

Gears of War 1 & 2


Left 4 Dead

The Orange Box

Ninja Gaiden 2

Devil May Cry 4

Ace Combat 6

Project Sylpheed


Eternal Sonata

Mass Effect

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Fallout 3

Lost Odyssey

Infinite Undiscovery

Tales of Vesperia

The Last Remnant


Dead or Alive 4

Soul Calibur IV

Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix

Street Fighter IV

BlazBlue(out at the end of this month)

Live Arcade:


Mega Man 9

Bionic Commando Rearmed

The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition(out by July)

Castlevania: Symphony of The Night

Super Puzzle Fighter 2 HD Remix


Guitar Hero World Tour

Guitar Hero 2

Rockband(either one is fine)

Beautiful katamari

  Bahamut said:
Haha, is Catan really worth it for the 360? I'd get it I guess if people want to get it and play over Live.

Also, Ikaruga is an awesome vertical scrolling shmup for the 360.

shaun and i have played a few times, but the time difference until he came back to the states was a huge issue. i'm fairly certain you can't play two on a screen, too.

edit: don't get orange box unless you can't play it on your pc. it's a better deal on pc, and you've got all the extra content that the pc version gets that the 360 version doesn't. and it's way buggier on a console.


I strongly suggest Mirrors Edge as well, someone else suggested it. Army of two was fun (2 player of course) and another game I sure got into was Project Sylpheed. It wasn't a huge hit, and I am positive you could find it new for $20 somewhere by now. You pilot a spacefighter through various missions along a plotline. The plot isn't an award winner, but I have definitely seen worse, and the cinematics were totally great; I spent hours afterward trying to find a way to rip the highdef videos from the game disc because I wanted them so bad, lol.


Seen a lot of good suggestions in this thread, but one new game that's missing

Get Prototype. Right now. That game is one of the most fun sandbox experiences I've had in a looong time.

  Slickzero said:
Seen a lot of good suggestions in this thread, but one new game that's missing

Get Prototype. Right now. That game is one of the most fun sandbox experiences I've had in a looong time.

i mentioned it.

it's worth pointing out that, as a AAA title, it's not the absolute best graphics or the most bug-free experience. mercer gets caught on walls, glitches around the map occasionally, and there's some damn hard levels that are far more difficult than they were intended to be (i think). there's also little to do after the 20-hour mark or so. but it's incredibly entertaining while it lasts.

did i mention afro samurai? same deal - not much beyond the first time through the story unless you're a completionist, but it's SO much fun. the soundtrack kicks ass, too.


I'll probably wait until Prototype falls under the $40 or so.

Thanks for the lists, everyone! I'll go scope out some Gamestops probably this weekend, hope if they got anything used for my $30.

BTW, no FPS should be played on a console (except the Wii). Mouse and keys ALWAYS tops the traditional controller. Always.

That, and it makes me severely dizzy very easily for some reason. Any of you guys get the same problem?


Hey Ghostbusters for the Wii/PS3/Xbox360 is out today. Saw it at one of the retail stores around my area.

Also based on a couple of articles supposedly the 360 version is better than the PS3 version graphically speaking but other then that it seems to play smoothly on both systems regardless.

Nonetheless I'll probably rent it on the PS3, but for you new 360 owner, there's something of interest for ya.

  Meteo Xavier said:
Why does everyone with low post numbers always need to present their question in pretentious ways? Although this is actually the mildest I've seen, its a question thats been bugging me for a while.

Why do posters with mildly high post counts complain about something that isn't existant. Oh wait, it's just you. He didn't post pretentiously at all. Seriously, no need for that.

I have to definitely recommend Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean for action rpgs.


Must Haves...

Gears of War 1 and 2

Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2

Call of Duty 4

Dead Space (MUST PLAY)




Mass Effect

Battlefield Bad Company

Call of Duty World at War

Ninja Gaiden

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