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For anyone on the fence about how good he was, can you think of a single pop musician on his level today? A combination of singer, songwriter and dancer with the stylistic range and consistency of MJ? I can't.

THIS is considered to be good pop music today:


Compare to this:


More proof of MJ's musicianship-


Read IN FULL. He was NOT just 'made by his producers', like modern pop artists.

Wow. I had a lot of respect for the guy before, but those stories were awesome.

For anyone on the fence about how good he was, can you think of a single pop musician on his level today? A combination of singer, songwriter and dancer with the stylistic range and consistency of MJ? I can't.

THIS is considered to be good pop music today:


Compare to this:


More proof of MJ's musicianship-


Read IN FULL. He was NOT just 'made by his producers', like modern pop artists.

Yeah, thanks for posting this Andy. Even though I don't think Black Eyed Peas are a good example of bad "good" pop, I totally agree with your premise :)

Some of the musical performances so far have been stellar. Good memorial. Definitely moving.


And Al Sharpton... normally I'd make fun of the guy because I think he's silly a lot of the time, but his speech was powerful... and it's weird because I've never described Sharpton's words that way, and probably never will again.


Agreed. Just got done watching it, and it was very moving. Brooke Shields' speech was especially powerful, and MJ's daughter had me tearing up at the end. So sad.


I thought it was very tastefully done, until about the time that Al Sharpton stepped out on stage. Then my opinion of the ceremony went so far south that you'd have to be on Antarctica to have a hope in hell of seeing it.

Seriously, why do people invite people like him to these kind of events? Do they seriously want to ruin them that much?


Anything to do with any famous black person will somehow have him involved. It's like a universal constant. He as there are OJ Simpson's trial, he was there for Rodney King...

Oh, speaking of crazy people that show up to funerals and ruin them, did the Westboro Baptist Church go through with their planned protest? I'd like to see what happens when a dozen or so people start badmouthing the dead idol of thousands of devoted fans. I expect it to be quite the entertaining meeting.



Yeah, I couldn't stomach the moment of MJ's daughter. Words can't explain how much she must be devastated by her father's death. Such a pretty girl too, so I hope that nothing happens to her.


I wasn't able to catch the memorial live, is there anywhere that has the whole program online? Googling and looking at local news stations' sites turned up nothing.


One of the most tastefully done memorials I've ever seen. Also one of the best overall concert efforts I've seen. Only fitting for the occasion I guess.

Even though I think MJ was probably broken in the head and might even have committed a dozen crimes (whatever they were), I guess all that matters is how the people reacted to it. Pretty sad that he truly was vilified before his death. Now to see if any of the kids become huge stars 10, 15 years from now.. This circus won't end and I have to admit it's actually been pretty fun. And surprisingly sad.

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