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I was particularly entertained by the Wilhelm scream at around the 1:20 mark.

In other news, I've been watching Gundam Build Fighters recently. It's the newest entry in the Gundam franchise, but rather than the typical dramatic war story, it's about... people using plastic Gundam models ("Gunpla") to have virtual reality mecha battles in modern Japan. If you're a fan of the franchise, then it's got tons of references, in-jokes, and homages that you'll love. If you're not, then it's still a fun, lighthearted series in the "I'm going to be the greatest at [activity the series revolves around] ever!" genre, where the activity in question is building and battling Gunpla.

You can watch it subbed for free (and legally, even!) on

if you're interested. Definitely worth a shot, even if you're not a Gundam fan.

A friend sent me an AMV that reminded me how freaking much I want Evangelion 3.33 to finally make it to the US.

Seriously, how long does it take to dub/sub a movie? Really. Atlus localized Persona 4 in five months, that game's like 90 hours long.

A friend sent me an AMV that reminded me how freaking much I want Evangelion 3.33 to finally make it to the US.

Seriously, how long does it take to dub/sub a movie? Really. Atlus localized Persona 4 in five months, that game's like 90 hours long.

been waiting for it for like 3 years now

why would you wait for an "official" translation

I didn't say I haven't seen it

I'm collecting the localizations because I want to

Why would you watch Evangelion at all?

who can say


The characters in the rebirth movies look a little too plastic for me, but then again, I've never bothered with Eva again after finishing the remastered series almost 9 years ago. Though I liked the manga, aka the slowest-moving publication on the planet.


man, I love the Monogatari series so much

you could easily make a pretty good case that it's Just Another Harem Anime™ *, but I feel like that does a disservice to its storytelling and presentation

*there have been, what, three males with faces besides Araragi so far? and pretty much the only non-love-interest with a face is (his mother)

why would you wait for an "official" translation

Because I prefer not to pirate and deal with dodgy fan translations?

Why would you watch Evangelion at all?

Because I like giant robots, Eldritch Abominations, and awesome animation? And I want to progress in the damn Rebuild series, even if 3.33 apparently sucks, because I really like the first two movies and what they did with stuff established in the original show and how they redid/messed with it.

The characters in the rebirth movies look a little too plastic for me, but then again, I've never bothered with Eva again after finishing the remastered series almost 9 years ago. Though I liked the manga, aka the slowest-moving publication on the planet.

I'd read the manga more if my only option wasn't the ancient localization of it from back when they flipped manga and published it left-to-right :(

Posted (edited)
Because I prefer not to pirate and deal with dodgy fan translations?

in my experience, licensed translations have every chance of being exactly as dodgy as any fan translation

literally the only difference is that the licensed translators got paid to do it

that said, I don't mind purchasing things (I think my steam library can attest to that); I just don't care to wait years to enjoy a piece of media when a relatively-high-quality translation is already available with practically no waiting

Edited by Gollgagh
Because I like giant robots, Eldritch Abominations, and awesome animation?

Touche. I find that the best Evangelion-watching experience comes from fast forwarding whenever anything other than giant robots fighting things is on the screen.

Then again, I find that's the best way to experience a lot of things.


every anime discussion ever: "we don't like Eva"

okay so no one likes Eva

repeating myself in a foolhardy attempt to talk about something that isn't Eva: surely I can't be the only OCRite that enjoys (or at least has some opinion on) the Monogatari series

Repeating myself in a foolhardy attempt to talk about something that isn't Eva: surely I can't be the only OCRite that enjoys (or at least has some opinion on) the Monogatari series

Don't worry; you aren't the only one who does. Sometimes the fanservice is a bit much, but the story is solid along with the art and sound.

I really like the music for C3's OPs, especially the first one. The animation is pretty but sort of boring to me:

every anime discussion ever: "we don't like Eva"

okay so no one likes Eva

repeating myself in a foolhardy attempt to talk about something that isn't Eva: surely I can't be the only OCRite that enjoys (or at least has some opinion on) the Monogatari series

I've seen maybe 6 episodes. I really dig it but haven't felt inclined much to watch further

Posted (edited)

I really liked Eva except the last episode. I even enjoyed the movies, but I recommend not being near any sharp objects while you do so.

I just finished the available Attack on Titan episodes an Sword Art Online and I'm looking for a new series. I might try Darker than Black - anyone seen that? I follow Yoko Kanno around because I'm a groupie.

Any other recommendations welcome. Some of my favorites have been Trigun, Death Note, Code Geass. Stuff I couldn't get into were Guren Lagann, Last Exile, Mushishi.

EDIT: One stipulation is that it has to be complete. Attack on Titan is killing me inside.

Edited by XPRTNovice
I really liked Eva except the last episode. I even enjoyed the movies, but I recommend not being near any sharp objects while you do so.

I just finished the available Attack on Titan episodes an Sword Art Online and I'm looking for a new series. I might try Darker than Black - anyone seen that? I follow Yoko Kanno around because I'm a groupie.

Any other recommendations welcome. Some of my favorites have been Trigun, Death Note, Code Geass. Stuff I couldn't get into were Guren Lagann, Last Exile, Mushishi.

EDIT: One stipulation is that it has to be complete. Attack on Titan is killing me inside.

Fullmetal Alchemist (and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) are good. Anything Miyazaki is fantastic, of course. The Mighty Disciple Kenichi is amusing and actually has some real martial arts backing to it (although totally blown out of proportion, as expected in an anime for teens). I would recommend Spice and Wolf, but it technically doesn't have an ending yet (you'll also need to watch one season on Netflix and another on Hulu :/ ). It's really really good, though.


I just finished the available Attack on Titan episodes an Sword Art Online and I'm looking for a new series. I might try Darker than Black - anyone seen that? I follow Yoko Kanno around because I'm a groupie.

If you liked sword art online, wait a few months for Log Horizon to finishing broadcasting, then check that out. It's that but insanely better.

Darker than Black will change your life. It's phenomenal. Watch it right now.

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