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I heard it was just a ripoff of Super Metroid and wasn't as good. Also, there has been a sequel to Super Metroid for a long time. It's called Metroid Fusion, and it's officially recognized as the fourth game in the series. I just thought I'd mention that.

*turns into zombie*


It may have the same style gameplay and map, but that's about all it has in common (some would say that's all it needs to be a ripoff T_T) but it has a lot of its own features and it's a great game. I got 100% ending and trust me, the story rocks. Unlike Super Metroid which has not much of a story (don't flame me you know it's true but that's the good part of Metroid games, the story is very in-the-dark)


Actually the story in Shadow Complex isn't that much better to be honest.

The Insurgent Run was a lot easier then I thought it would be... since you can use one of your golden guns, and you can pick up a single energy tank as well as the other required items. I just need to get to level 50 and I'll leave this awesome game to die alone in my Xbox :v:

(No way I'm doing the Master Challenges that make you beat the entire game really fast, I'm terrible at speedrunning)


Stop talking about how awesome it is...

...cuz I don't have it...

...or an xbox...

...or time to play.

Seriosuly tho, this might be the thing that gets me to buy the console. Tho I kinda need a job more. No job, time, no money, no console. Job, console, no time, no gameplay. :(


Unfortunately, doing speedruns without golden guns is the way to go, because the best gun can basically kill everything without a problem in a shot or two in Hardcore mode.

Other than that, it's still great. And yeah, the story is not exactly the most captivating either. You're just a GI JOE going against COBRA and Cobra Commander. Seriously.

Actually the story in Shadow Complex isn't that much better to be honest.

The Insurgent Run was a lot easier then I thought it would be... since you can use one of your golden guns, and you can pick up a single energy tank as well as the other required items. I just need to get to level 50 and I'll leave this awesome game to die alone in my Xbox :v:

(No way I'm doing the Master Challenges that make you beat the entire game really fast, I'm terrible at speedrunning)

At least it has a story. :P

I loved Super Metroid but I like this game better.

Stopped reading.

This game in no way compares to Super Metroid. In fact I feel dumber for even having heard what the plot is for this game. I don't mind new side scrolling gmaes, but Super Metroid is quite frankly one of the best games ever made, and I will not acknowledge this unoriginal garbage is even remotely comparable to Super Metroid even as a concept, because the concept of Metroid was groundbreaking. MINUS 1,000 internets for you.


Stopped reading.

This game in no way compares to Super Metroid. In fact I feel dumber for even having heard what the plot is for this game. I don't mind new side scrolling gmaes, but Super Metroid is quite frankly one of the best games ever made, and I will not acknowledge this unoriginal garbage is even remotely comparable to Super Metroid even as a concept, because the concept of Metroid was groundbreaking. MINUS 1,000 internets for you.


You've got no taste in games, then. :P


Let's not generalize. I said THIS game was garbage, and I took beef with someone saying they liked it better than Super Metroid. When I see such things, I simply react. And when I see that the game in question is like a bad 80s movie that became a game instead, I rage. There's quite a legitimate reason I haven't played this game. If this game involved rail-gunning clowns, communists, or aliens, and not saving dumb girlfriend number 7, I might be remotely interested, because the object of maiming things that are too fucked to exist anyway is fulfilling in and of itself. But to make a side-scrolling game about saving your girlfriend from terrorists is about as motivating as turning forty and coming home to a sink full of diapers. Because you know? That's next in line. You don't just save girlfriend number 7 and not get married or at least have kids number 1, 2, and 3. Which, personally, I do not want. i like the destroy things with absolutely no consequences. At least metroid had a cool universe, a cool story, and gave me an acceptable reason to annihilate AN ENTIRE PLANET OF ALIENS. Why? For great justice. :D

If the premise of this game were more outlandishly absurd, and the violence looked remotely entertaining, and maybe if it had nonsensical bosses that threw exploding rottweilers at me, I would be down for this. But there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that makes this game interesting. Games are supposed to be about cool or funny shit. And I'm just not seeing it.

Let's not generalize. I said THIS game was garbage, and I took beef with someone saying they liked it better than Super Metroid. When I see such things, I simply react. And when I see that the game in question is like a bad 80s movie that became a game instead, I rage. There's quite a legitimate reason I haven't played this game. If this game involved rail-gunning clowns, communists, or aliens, and not saving dumb girlfriend number 7, I might be remotely interested, because the object of maiming things that are too fucked to exist anyway is fulfilling in and of itself. But to make a side-scrolling game about saving your girlfriend from terrorists is about as motivating as turning forty and coming home to a sink full of diapers. Because you know? That's next in line. You don't just save girlfriend number 7 and not get married or at least have kids number 1, 2, and 3. Which, personally, I do not want. i like the destroy things with absolutely no consequences. At least metroid had a cool universe, a cool story, and gave me an acceptable reason to annihilate AN ENTIRE PLANET OF ALIENS. Why? For great justice. :D

If the premise of this game were more outlandishly absurd, and the violence looked remotely entertaining, and maybe if it had nonsensical bosses that threw exploding rottweilers at me, I would be down for this. But there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that makes this game interesting. Games are supposed to be about cool or funny shit. And I'm just not seeing it.

we're sorry not everyone lives in a fantasy world and can't stand being reminded about the real one. i don't mean to flame for the sake of it, but i know nothing about this game and i reject your opinion outright just because of all of the dumb things you said. metroid doesn't have a story outside of "go there. explore." and you have no idea what kind of stuff happens in this game because there's an 150% chance you HAVEN'T PLAYED IT.

think before you speak basic facet of life

we're sorry not everyone lives in a fantasy world and can't stand being reminded about the real one.

so what you're saying to me is, in the real world you have to kill terrorists to save your girlfriend. and when you go to play a video game, you want to be reminded that you live in the real world, because you might forget that you live in the real world and might have to save your girlfriend from terrorists at any moment. you can see the problem now, but let's assess what you've really done here: you have taken a totally un-serious comment i posted and gotten so offended that you have chosen to now make a personal attack and make assertions about me as an individual. not cool. you may think the things i say are stupid, but at least give the person speaking the benefit of the doubt and say, "well, maybe he's just joking, even if it's his real opinion".


Stopped reading.

This game in no way compares to Super Metroid. In fact I feel dumber for even having heard what the plot is for this game. I don't mind new side scrolling gmaes, but Super Metroid is quite frankly one of the best games ever made, and I will not acknowledge this unoriginal garbage is even remotely comparable to Super Metroid even as a concept, because the concept of Metroid was groundbreaking. MINUS 1,000 internets for you.


I still like Super Metroid best actually. It's just that the small little touches in Shadow Complex is just brilliant and it is basically engineering the future of Castletroids, literally. If Shadow Complex had more original enemies and unique bosses, I'd say it could give SM a run for its money. For what it's worth, I still liked playing it more than Super Metroid. That's not a real knock on Metroid at all as I see it.

youse guys are a silly


SM, which is awesome btw, has a really subdued story that could be summed up as "you go there to kill them because they have a metroid and they're bad". The game implies things and the other games and the manga and the rest of the franchise makes the story so much richer, but in-game it's just jumping around shooting stuff for no apparent reason.

Dunno about Shadow Complex, haven't finished it x times and read all the associated story, but from the gameplay pov it looks about as complicated as SM. You go there to kill them because they something something and they're bad. Sounds like SM to me. :D


Plot is alright, but mostly it's kill everyone.

Comparisons to SM abound for obvious reasons, but the background aiming thing is so awesome it will make this game stand alone.

That being said, I liked the basic beam weapons (mostly because of ice) more than the basic guns here. Overall, I'd say SM is _slightly_ better...but not by much.


Actually there's some subtlety with the 'kill them all' part (somewhat like in Super Metroid with the baby Metroid) in that Jason Fleming obviously is weened into becoming a killer. And he didn't start out that way.

I still like Super Metroid best actually. It's just that the small little touches in Shadow Complex is just brilliant and it is basically engineering the future of Castletroids, literally. If Shadow Complex had more original enemies and unique bosses, I'd say it could give SM a run for its money. For what it's worth, I still liked playing it more than Super Metroid. That's not a real knock on Metroid at all as I see it.

Alright... + 1000 Internets for you then. I didn't mean to put you in a deficit just because I like Super Metroid and prefer killing aliens for great justice. I admit I used strong words against Shadow Complex, and it was not brotherly-like, albeit I meant no serious business. Forgive me, dudes. I should have known that one does not simply walk into a Shadow Complex thread and rage about Super Metroid. It was folly.


To be fair, the thread title sounds kind of dickish... a sequel to Super Metroid? Really? There's plenty of better ways to get the point across that this is a very nice Super Metroid ripoff game

Oh and I'm never playing this game again. I beat it on Insane, got to level 50, did every achievement and half the Master Challenges, I accidentally got a Platinum Medal on one of the Proving Grounds levels, I'm done.

I'm tables, and I'm no one... and everyone. Goodnight


It's still the best spiritual sequel to Super Metroid that everybody has been wanting. Prime games are 3D. That rules that out. Fusion was great, but there was almost no real exploration. Zero was as prequel. Then Shadow Complex comes in and has insurgent speed runs. That is the true spirit of Super Metroid.


I was pretty disappointed by Shadow Complex, only because all the rave reviews built up my expectations too much. SC was a good game, but seriously, it doesn't even come close to Super Metroid. Everything about SC is totally forgettable. Art direction is weak and music doesn't touch Metroid. And one of the things that really makes Metroid what it is is the atmosphere. Super Metroid has this fantastic sense of isolation that not many games can replicate. Combined with its awesome Scifi art direction, excellent soundtrack, and creative level design, Super Metroid is one of my all time favorite games.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed SC, but it's just a ripoff of Metroid without the heart and soul. I thought Trine was a better downloadable game.

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