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No samples, but if you look up FreeAlpha, it comes with some really cool presets, many of which would fit right in in something ambient.

Also, you can make stuff feel more ambient by just softening them, using reverb, EQ, the synth/sampler's own filter and volume envelopes... Delay also works great, but not the same way as the others. You could even use compression to soften some sounds. Experiment. Good luck. :D


that's tough cause im not really sure. i was hoping to get a handful to try them out and see. but i guess the closest i can think of would have to be somethin like the sounds you hear in the Metroid Prime trilogy.


yes but which. sounds

You could think I'm being overly difficult here, but I'm just trying to tell you that I'm not a telepath and I'm fairly sure most people here aren't either. That's why it's so awfully important to provide at least an actual sample - not a bunch of words - because sounds say something, words don't. How do you expect me or anyone else to know what you mean? "Ambient" is a ridiculously wide description of sounds and music.

The Trilogy combines 3 games. All of 'm have their soundtracks published somewhere.

Otherwise, check http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=569767&postcount=5


Metroid Prime 1. Either of the 3 really. Wind sounds, volcanic sounds, tropical forest, etc. I still havnt decided but those are just ideas. Im just having trouble finding the sounds like them.

(I had another response but I later found it inappropiate. Sorry to any who read it before I could edit it.)


There's dozens of VSTi that I use to get spacey ambient effects

a freeware favourite of mine is STS-11. Though the numbers have changed, and I have a couple different iterations of it. It's apparently at 33 right now, haha. http://www.kvraudio.com/get.php?mode=show&id=1597 so I need to get the new version myself.

there's even a lazy button. I've used it for both texture and leads in the past and present. Sounds extremely Metroid Prime-esque

Wind sounds, volcanic sounds, tropical forest, etc.

See? Those things mean something. If you would've posted a video walkthrough of part 1 saying "this here at 3:48 where the commenter finally shuts his trap, you hear something like x or y, I don't know what it is but that's what I'm looking for". If you would've hooked up your Gamecube or Wii to your computer to record the audio outputs, that would've been fine, too.

Now, with this post, you've made a separation between "environment" and synthetic sounds and you've made clear that you're looking for environment stuff. Wind you can synthesize fairly easily. Tropical forests generally means resorting to a sample CD with a bunch of recordings that you (re)trigger - you have a looping background sound and you just play bird shrieks once in a while or so. There are a whole set of techniques to generate effect sounds - for instance, the dinosaur roars in Jurassic Park.


Its roar is a baby elephant mixed with a tiger and an alligator, and its breath is a whale's blow.

http://www.sound-ideas.com/sfxmenu.html have sounds. If you want something free - it means going out yourself to make field recordings.

(I had another response but I later found it inappropiate. Sorry to any who read it before I could edit it.)

Damn, I wanted to read it :(.

Compare it with shopping for a car. "I want a car" doesn't say anything to the dealer. "I want a car I can drive offroad with" or "I want a car I can do groceries with" - that actually gives someone a starting point, otherwise you're just frustrating both yourself and the people you want to help.


How do you "DO" groceries?

You can make space ambience noises real easily on your own. Take a recording of some metal bangs or scrapes, for example, and try down pitching it like 3 octaves (or slowing it down 8x) and then and a ton of reverb, etc!

Have fun.


yoozer i appreciate your help but you need to be more friendly. not everyone who posts here is a pro and when you ask someone to be more specific, you could do better than wasting time teaching me "forum ettiqute". that just makes you look arogant.


not everyone who posts here is a pro

Nothing of this has to do with the fact if you're pro or not; it has to do with clarity in communication. I don't care what you know or don't know - I'm more than willing to tell anyone everything I know.

and when you ask someone to be more specific, you could do better than wasting time teaching me "forum ettiqute".

There's a tiny ember of hope glowing steadfast in my heart that the next time you ask a question - no matter on which forum, or in IRC, or whatever, you will take care to be specific, because it means it worked.

It means you don't have to waste your time and you get an answer you can actually do something with while the rest of us don't feel like they're being put on a wild goose chase. I think that's a really reasonable request.

How do you "DO" groceries?

You can make space ambience noises real easily on your own. Take a recording of some metal bangs or scrapes, for example, and try down pitching it like 3 octaves (or slowing it down 8x) and then and a ton of reverb, etc!

Have fun.

I'm with dannthr on this one. Nothing beats the crazy ass sounds you can do with one your own recordings, or even your collection of one-shot .wavs. Slice, pitch bend, slow down, speed up, reverb, etc. them to death and you'll get what you want. In this oldie I made a while back, there are some ambient 'clanking' sounds used which are just metallic snare samples that are put much lower and reverberated, with an addition reverse entry to make them 'breathe'.

If you're going for environmental SFX then there's a wealth available at http://www.freesound.org/. I believe all are in .wav format and are mostly of good quality (stereo recording).


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