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I haven't played one in-house game since I started HoN.

Well, I've added you to my buddy list, but you almost always seem to be ingame (no surprise there obviously), and we usually set up our games through either clan-chat or IRC. Since you're apparently in another clan, it might be the best if you join #ocrhon on irc.enterthegame.net if you're interested in playing with us.

Also, apparently "jungling" means killing neutrals straight from level 1 onwards, otherwise it's called "neutralling".

I have never played DotA but I'm starting to pick up on DotA terms for items/heroes as well, since a lot of people insist on using those in guides or ingame. Besides, it's obviously a lot quicker to type out "zeus miss" than "thunderbringer miss".


Something about laning. If you're not confident in last-hitting, note that it's more beneficial to NOT ATTACK AT ALL, or only focus your attacks on the enemy heroes (especially if you're ranged). I'm pretty sure you only get gold from last-hitting, not xp, which is why a good support should never ever last-hit unless it's clear that your laning partner can't reach it. You will be getting the same amount of experience, but you also ensure that your laning partner gets a ton of gold and can get his important items quicker. When I play a support hero, I always focus on denying my own creeps and hitting the enemy heroes whenever they get in range. Your lane partner will love you for this.


You're getting a lot of stuff done O_o

we had some good games last night...I'm think I'm on the brink of becoming worthwhile at playing this game, but I'd need to play a dps hero instead of a support class to really see if I've really managed to learn anything.

Am I the only person who absolutely adores support (i.e. babysitter) heroes? I think I'm going to main Demented Shaman from here on out, he's fits my playstyle perfectly, just need to work on anti-1v1 ganking builds (I suck when I'm solo, no matter who I play)


I really only elect to play support if I'm on a team with a carry player that can make proper use of it (i.e. one of the srs bzns games). No offense to new guys, but there's nothing more frustrating if you set up what would have been a perfect gank, only for them to start running back to the fountain just as you disable the target. :P


hahaha, that's awesome. As for playing support, at least with demented shammy and nyphonia, you can play some serious lane harras regardless if you're by yourself or not. Demented shammy is actually fairly strong solo in that he really can't be killed unless he gets seriously zerged, and I'm sure there's item builds to help prevent that.

I need to rely more on overall build awareness then stacking the hell out of int. I don't bother with HP boosts most of the time, and that's often what gets me ganked.


nymphora is all-around better laner than demented shaman imo. Her items dependence is bigger, but overall her damage output/lane control is more consistent than Shammy's.

in fact, nymphora is probably THE best lane controller in the game right now, with her double-port capability (ult+posthaste) and powerful aoe. That and she's an int carry! Int carries for the win!

I think I'm going to sign up at HoNWiki and start filling in the glossary, because terms like "blink" and "nuke" and "jungling" are not things you just figure out from reading the newbie guide, and yet everyone seems to expect you to know exactly what they're talking about when they use them. I mean seriously, wtf is "dusting."

I see you haven't gotten to that one yet, so I'll answer.

Dusting refers to using Dust of Revelation(Dust of Appearance in dota), which reveals invisible enemy heroes around you for a short duration.

Bash refers to an ability or item that confers a chance to stun on attack. Examples would be Gore on Pestilence or the Brutalizer weapon. Items/abilities with bash share a cooldown of 2 seconds.

nymphora is all-around better laner than demented shaman imo. Her items dependence is bigger, but overall her damage output/lane control is more consistent than Shammy's.

in fact, nymphora is probably THE best lane controller in the game right now, with her double-port capability (ult+posthaste) and powerful aoe. That and she's an int carry! Int carries for the win!

Hmm, you know I've been playing Nymphora all day and in none of the games did we win. She can lane well, yeah, but unfortunately her attack power is pretty bad without items, as is her move AND attack speed. Furthermore she doesn't have that much utility in team fights as the game progresses. Seriously, in the three games I played (all with good OCR folks), I couldn't help but think Jeraziah would have been a better choice.

I think Nymphora would be superior IF she is laning with someone like Pyromancer, Hag or Thunderbringer that has a *constant* mana demand.

I see you haven't gotten to that one yet, so I'll answer.

Dusting refers to using Dust of Revelation(Dust of Appearance in dota), which reveals invisible enemy heroes around you for a short duration.

Bash refers to an ability or item that confers a chance to stun on attack. Examples would be Gore on Pestilence or the Brutalizer weapon. Items/abilities with bash share a cooldown of 2 seconds.

Thanks, Clef, added.

Sure. ;-)


You know, something just occured to me. I used to work in an internet cafe with a focus on gaming (if you're curious). Dota was the most popular game by far, thanks in no small part to an incredibly dedicated group of 10-20 guys, at least some of which would show up every night without fail.

All Random was their dominant game mode, and I remember asking them why. The answer was "Scourge wins every time in All Pick. Medusa's just too good."

Medusa is the hero Arachna is mostly based on, fyi. So the problem has existed in the softcore/casual dota community for quite a while.

incorrect, arachna is based on viper.

electrician is loosely based on medusa, and medusa was never a high tier hero either.

also, in All Pick both sides can pick from either side's heroes.


So it seems. Oh well; as incidents of stupidity go, this is pretty minor.

In an effort to keep things on-topic, let's leave more tidbits for dshu, shall we?

Forests of Calvadar is the default map, closely based on the original from DotA. It features three lanes, with the midlane running diagonally across the map.

Strength is one of three hero attributes, it improves maximum hp and hp regeneration.

Intelligence is one of three hero attributes, it improves maximum mana and mana regeneration.

The Stash is a second inventory, accessible from the base shop or fountain. Items you purchase while away from the base generally end up here.

The Throne is a Dota term referring to each faction's primary building. Its destruction ends the game.

Scepter refers to Aganihm's Scepter, known as Staff of the Master in HoN. It is a powerful recipe item that increases the effectiveness of many heroes' ultimates.

Silence is a status effect inflicted by several spells and items on enemy heroes. It prevents them from using any spells for the duration.

A Passive is any skill which is 'always on', and does not require mana.

Tower Diving refers to running past an enemy tower to finish off a wounded hero who would otherwise escape.

An Ultimate is generally a hero's most powerful skill. It is first available to upgrade at level 6, then 11, then 16. If the ultimate is not passive, it can be cast with R by default.

incorrect, arachna is based on viper.

electrician is loosely based on medusa, and medusa was never a high tier hero either.

also, in All Pick both sides can pick from either side's heroes.

Incorrect, in All Pick you can only pick from both sides when the "All Heroes" option is turned on.


Well, Arek, get ready to cream your pants, because Lich just got ported.

Edit: And he has a fucking bone dragon mount too, guy's a pimp.

Btw, Arachna is more based on Drow Ranger than anything else. Orbwalking with Frost Arrow/Web is really what defines her IMO.



Two other things:

1) You could orbwalk with Viper's slow, as well.

2) zircon, I just think that you weren't using Nymph to her full potential. With her, early game, you are 100% support. Her stun is useless until level 4, so, I always get grace maxed first with the heal second, so I can mana feed my teammate constantly. I rarely even use pod, just so I can use my mana for grace, and it really screws over the opposing laners if you're with someone like Pebbles, Behemoth, Zeus, any nuker, really. Late game, she is all about items. Funny enough, I like Dagon on her - you're never too oom to use it. And Froststeel Plate is excellent on her, no matter who's playing. I've gone on Champion of Newerth streaks with Nymph. She's just very team, item, and player dependent.


Okay, my thoughts on the two new heroes so far (I love them both by the way, expect me to play them a lot):

Plague Rider is an awesome awesome support hero. He can lane very very well due to his infinite mana supply (sacrifice a friendly creep and convert a percentage of his health to mana). Obviously this skill dicks over anyone who has to lane against you since you're denying them tons of experience by spamming this skill (especially if you cast it on creeps outside of the 'experience' range).

He has a decent slowing AoE nuke which you can use to harass almost non-stop due to your mana replenishment, as well as a very spammable 'shield' that you can cast on any of your allies (due to the CD it's possible to keep your entire team shielded), which boosts their armor and slows anyone who attacks them.

Finally, his ult is just rape if used correctly. Imagine Voodoo Jester's acid potion on steroids; bounces 7 times, dealing 240 splash damage on level 1. If you ever catch two enemy heroes by themselves, this will just devastate them. Staff of the master bumps the damage up to 550 per bounce, making this skill an awesome damage dealer in lategame team battles.

Soul Reaper on the other hand seems quite similar to defiler, except that he seems to be more geared towards taking down lategame tanks rather than pushing. His nuke is on a 5 second cooldown and heals/damages in an AoE, which means you should basically be spamming it non-stop in teambattles. He has a passive ability that replenishes a set amount of mana each time you get a last-hit or deny, which, combined with his heal, gives him good longevity in a lane (maybe even solo mid), provided you can last-hit well enough.

His passive Aura damages every enemy around him for a % of their maximum health every second (1% per second at level 4), which makes him GREAT at negating a tank's regen in lategame, though you obviously shouldn't get it until level 10-ish due to the pushing this will cause.

Finally, his ult is a single-target nuke that deals damage based on the amount of damage the enemy has already sustained: on level 3, 0.9 points of damage (1.1 with SoM) is done for every point of health the enemy is missing, which means you can INSTANTLY finish off any enemy that's around 40% health or lower.

This is of course an amazing way to finish off a Legionnaire with 4k health.

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