Tensei Posted November 13, 2009 Posted November 13, 2009 Awesome helpful vids for new players, great TF2 references as well.
relyanCe Posted November 13, 2009 Posted November 13, 2009 yeah so accursed + dark lady is awesome. 1. Shield on TDL 2. TDL blinks in with blades and autoattacks 3. ??? 4. PROFIT!!!!!
Battousai Posted November 13, 2009 Posted November 13, 2009 http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=42811 this is the best thread on the forums currently.
Tensei Posted November 14, 2009 Posted November 14, 2009 The one time I near singlehandedly manage to stomp a pub and get a ridiculous 20/1/11 score...I happen to be playing on my alt account
Dhsu Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 I love demented shaman, he's such a blast to play. I have a new item build to try on him next time I play also...looking forward to games tomorrow. I have to agree. As a long-time TF2 Medic, I feel his play style fits me like a glove. So...what's this fancy build of yours, and how'd it work out?
relyanCe Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 yeah so i know this is the HoN thread but I don't feel like making a whole new thread for League of Legends when I'm gonna be comparing it to HoN anyway. Okay so after playing a game of LoL: -Matchmaking system makes getting a game ridiculously simple, allowing for quick fun. -The artistic style is rife with quirkiness and zest. I was really pulled in by the cel shaded look. -User Interface is astoundingly solid, and the AMAZING CREEP AI/PATHING! this is where the game really shines for me. Currently destroys HoN at UI reliability. -Fun for, well, just having fun. No one playing it takes it for SRS BIZNIS and the atmosphere, like the game, is generally lighthearted. -Not as tight or engrossing as HoN, and definitely doesn't have as immersive a metagame. -Too simple for serious gaming, which is actually quite all right with me. -NO MAC VERSION!?!?!? =(((((((
Tensei Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Demented Shaman is probably the "Best" hero in HoN currently. There's really no reason to NOT pick him whenever you have the chance (unless you don't feel like playing him), because he's just THAT good.
Dhsu Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 I've been following JoeMartin's premium guide with great success, but I just checked out Nome's for good measure (after all, he invented Demented's core item ). The DSham + Ophelia combo is brilliant, never would've thought of that.
BardicKnowledge Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Blood Hunter + Valkyrie is a badass combo. Blood vision sets up amazing arrow shots
Dr. Tran! Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 yeah so i know this is the HoN thread but I don't feel like making a whole new thread for League of Legends when I'm gonna be comparing it to HoN anyway.Okay so after playing a game of LoL: -Matchmaking system makes getting a game ridiculously simple, allowing for quick fun. -The artistic style is rife with quirkiness and zest. I was really pulled in by the cel shaded look. -User Interface is astoundingly solid, and the AMAZING CREEP AI/PATHING! this is where the game really shines for me. Currently destroys HoN at UI reliability. -Fun for, well, just having fun. No one playing it takes it for SRS BIZNIS and the atmosphere, like the game, is generally lighthearted. -Not as tight or engrossing as HoN, and definitely doesn't have as immersive a metagame. -Too simple for serious gaming, which is actually quite all right with me. -NO MAC VERSION!?!?!? =((((((( Toss a friend invite out to myself (Skrusti on there) or Clef (Skinflint) if you wanna play with us when you're on. I'm sure if the both of us are on, we'll be up to play.
zircon Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 Rampage is hilarious. He's actually a pretty great hero, IMO - even without the charge. What makes him great is that he basically gets a massive steroid skill for almost nothing. Even without maxing it, the aura/damage skill will give you a solid +60 damage by level 6. No hero I've played comes close to Rampage's damage output at his level. The only possible competition is Soulstealer, but Rampage is far more durable, can obtain more than +60 damage easily, has a built-in stun, better chase, etc. If you compare him to Pestilence, maybe he is a notch worse, but not by much. Rampage has a comparable proc that he can max much earlier, better average movespeed, much higher average damage, and a comparable chase that doesn't make him take more damage. His Ult is nothing special but is still solid. While Pesti is (relatively) fragile and requires farm to carry, Rampage is a sick ganker and heavy damage-dealer the entire game. Also, while I was playing Rampage earlier Bardic did the most epic thing ever. A teamfight had started mid and I began charging from behind our tower toward an enemy Thunderbringer. As I entered the fray, Bardic (as Pebbles) THREW ME into Thunderbringer. The sight of Shredder on a giant charging rhino being thrown by a stone giant into a 10-man teamfight is just the definition of awesome. Once I landed, I proceed to ram into Thunderbringer and tear apart basically all their INT in short order. To top it all off, 10 seconds later I was killing Wildsoul and Pebbles threw Booboo into him. I'm laughing even just remembering this.
BardicKnowledge Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 Throwing Booboo felt really, really damn good. Great stuff though -- IMO Pebbles throw to initiate is amazing. Throwing a char like MQ (right after she ults) or Rampage is just icing.
Vilecat Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 hahaha! Man I wish I were there, or that you'd have a video link to it.
bladiator Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 I still play in noob games mostly (cause I'm noob), and it's even funnier in those games. I was just playing Pebbles, and I tossed the MQ (who was obviously very new at the game) and killed the enemy hero, and MQ was like, ".....wtf just happened?"
Dhsu Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 hahaha! Man I wish I were there, or that you'd have a video link to it. You can get it here when they enable downloading replays: http://replays.heroesofnewerth.com/match_replay.php?mid=11846974 Hopefully replays will also make it easier for people to tell me wtf I'm doing wrong.
zircon Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 http://replays.heroesofnewerth.com/match_replay.php?mid=11964246 25/6 as Corrupted. Possibly the most farmed I've ever been; I hit 25 before anyone and ended up with Geometer's Bane, E. Marchers, Symbol of Rage, Shieldbreaker, Helm of the Black Legion and Dancing Blades. I could practically solo their entire team as I began to get farmed. CD is a really powerful hero. His only weakness is lack of stuns but he's so fast and good at chasing it almost doesn't matter.
BardicKnowledge Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 http://replays.heroesofnewerth.com/match_replay.php?mid=1196424625/6 as Corrupted. Possibly the most farmed I've ever been; I hit 25 before anyone and ended up with Geometer's Bane, E. Marchers, Symbol of Rage, Shieldbreaker, Helm of the Black Legion and Dancing Blades. I could practically solo their entire team as I began to get farmed. CD is a really powerful hero. His only weakness is lack of stuns but he's so fast and good at chasing it almost doesn't matter. No stuns is made up for the auto-Nullfire effect if you cast on him directly.
Dhsu Posted November 17, 2009 Posted November 17, 2009 I'm kind of confused about the HotBL decision...I've always read that it's a terrible item on any hero, and I don't see any special synergy with Corrupted. Conduit seems like it should be more than enough in the damage mitigation department.
zircon Posted November 17, 2009 Posted November 17, 2009 We were fighting a team with four heroes that focused on physical damage. When you know you're going to be the focus of a lot of physical damage, HotBL is a solid option. If you're attacked 10 times (not unusual in a short time period) you will block ~280 damage. Add that to the 300 HP and that's a significant increase of your "effective" HP vs. physical characters. It also gives you nice regeneration - +6HP/sec is +360 HP per min, which means in between teamfights you'll regenerate, from HotBL alone, possibly 1k+ HP. If we were fighting against a nuker team, I would have gone Headdress. If they had a ton of disables, I would have gone Shrunken. Both give similar increases to survivability and are, IMO, the three top protective items. No stuns is made up for the auto-Nullfire effect if you cast on him directly. True, though against some teams it doesn't do much (ie. AOE teams, physical teams.)
BardicKnowledge Posted November 17, 2009 Posted November 17, 2009 We were fighting a team with four heroes that focused on physical damage. When you know you're going to be the focus of a lot of physical damage, HotBL is a solid option.If we were fighting against a nuker team, I would have gone Headdress. If they had a ton of disables, I would have gone Shrunken. Both give similar increases to survivability and are, IMO, the three top protective items. I really think that both Barbed Armor (at slightly more money, but around the same price point) and Plate Mail (cheaper, but upgrades to GREAT gear) are both better alternatives than HotBL unless you're planning on jungling as Zephyr or Legionaire (the blocking does more early than armor, which gets much better lategame). Blocking the damage is near useless in the lategame compared to having an additional 6 (barbed) or 10 (plate) or 15 (daemonic, frostfield) armor. Additionally, the additional effects -- barbed's damage return, daemonic's TWO auras and super attack speed, and frostfield's mana + AOE slow are all much better effects than the regen on HotBL in a teamfight. Since when has a teamfight lasted long enough to regen 1000 HP on +6 regen alone anyway? Teamfights last 20 seconds max, and then one side is running the hell out of there.
Tensei Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 HotBL is not outright bad, it's just terribly terribly situational. It's only core on Legionnaire imo. As a rule of thumb you should either get it if you're farming extremely well earlygame and are able to get it before the ten minute mark (and only on heroes that make good use of it like Armadon, Disciple and Sandwraith) so you can dominate earlygame with towerdives and ganks. The alternative is if you're getting your ass kicked so thoroughly that 'rushing' bigger items like Mock of Brilliance isn't realistic and you desperately need survivability (talking about the absolute worst case scenario, where you're already losing your outer towers +/- 15 minutes in). I find that in the vast majority of situations, 2x Fortified Bracers are a better alternative. Keep in mind that those few extra HP and the blocking will become negligible about 30 minutes in, so it's truly an earlygame item, and spending 2k+ gold on an earlygame item usually isn't a good investment.
zircon Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Extra fort bracer = 120 HP. HotBL = 300 HP and +40 EHP per time you're attacked. Also, I didn't mean regening 1k HP IN a teamfight, I meant BETWEEN teamfights - ie. if you're roaming.
Dhsu Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Here's what Glorify has to say about it (in his Legionnaire guide no less) I'd like to take this time out to address an item that you should never buy on any hero, this one included. We all know why people get this, it's damage mitigation, and it has just about everything Legionnaire needs early game. However, there is a gigantic flaw with getting this item, you get everything that it has and more buy building other core items. Now, sure, this item does reduce quite a bit of damage early on from both hero and creep attacks, but so does a normal stout shield! You're paying 2k gold for regen you DON'T need, and a moderate increase in life that you also do not need in the form of vanguard anyways. You can use the booster to make your heart later on, and lifetube is simply not needed. It's much cheaper to buy two rings, and you're only missing out on 1 point of regen. The 7 regen from helm+rings is enough to sustain you during the lane or jungle phases, and once you finish hood and phase you have sufficient creep reduction with the amount of armor and regen you have with basically 250 gold stout shield. This item delays all of the items you need to get as soon as possible, and I'll go ahead and quickly list them: Phase boots, Blink, Hood. These are THE core items, you need phase for armor and chase/escape, Blink for initiating, and hood as your staple regen and spell mitigation. You already have stout and armor, and that's enough to reduce most incoming creep damage, and you'll never be able to mitigate all damage from enemy heroes. Finally, this item scales poorly late game since it reduces damage before armor reduction. A quick example: Assume you have a vanguard, and you're taking 200 damage. Vanguard procs, causing the damage you would of taken to be reduced to 160. Lets also assume, since this is generally the case, you're now lacking armor because instead of opting for phase boots you bought vanguard. So your reduction is only 20%, causing the damage you've taken to be reduced by 32.160 - 32 = 128 Now, you have armor and a stout shield, rather than the upgraded vanguard. You take the same 200 damage, and stout shield procs, reducing the incoming damage to 180. This is now reduced by your armor, let's assume 45% reduction. 180 - 81 = 99 damage taken. Anyways, the two main points you should take away from section of the guide is: -Vanguard delays your important, core items too long for little to no benefit -Vanguard's early buffs do not warrant building it when you can already buy what it provides via core items you'll need later The stuff about the armor from boots is less applicable now, but most of his points still seem to make good sense.
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