Battousai Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 Usually with Tensei we play on a US East server. Being on the other end of the country I usually have about 100-150 ping.
Nase Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 Ah, right. Sounds like a good compromise. Could I get a clan invite? I'd like to see when you have matches coming up, growing a bit tired of pub games here.
Tensei Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 Senj is a guy from theshizz and Desumetaru is my alt that I use to play public games with newer people on my team so I don't get bad stats on my main account. Oh and you guys won that game because a guy on our team picked Nighthound over a STR turtling hero like Kraken Also, you need the proper 'mindset' to play ganker/support heroes like Witch Slayer. You do not need to keep up in levels with the carry on your team, you do not need to be farming lanes, and you should be roaming and ganking as soon you have your ult and the bare necessities (marchers, bottle). You keep up in levels and farm by ganking other heroes so the enemy team is preoccupied with defending from your ganks and can't go after your carry or farm properly. Oh also...please check the runes. Especially with such disable-heavy heroes like Magmus/Polly, it's EASY to firstblood. You don't check runes to get the first rune, you check to possibly get an easy kill.
Nase Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 man, the shit you have to put up with in pubs sometimes. i just finished a relatively short game with kraken 8/2/17, helped the team win most of the major battles in midgame, and 2 people of my team keep slamming me for not -tanking- properly, because boohoo they died and i didn't. any further attempts to tell them about kraken's role fail. next minute they feed 2v5 after i and another guy called them back. so many worthless opinions you gotta ignore...
JadeAuto Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 Oh also...please check the runes. Especially with such disable-heavy heroes like Magmus/Polly, it's EASY to firstblood. You don't check runes to get the first rune, you check to possibly get an easy kill. It's also unwise to do anything but peek out from the rune spot if you're the only one there, disable or no disable. I felt bad for you last night, and I apologize for not being there with you to die, however, I have a question re: starting runes. Is it really that game changing to get the rune for your team at the opener? I can see bottling it and saving it for an opportunity if it's double damage or regeneration, however, it doesn't seem critically important. Games seem more decided on kills and feeding/denying than runes. Also, you mentioned a different item strategy on Corrupted Disciple than I built yesterday. Could you list the pros and cons of rushing HotBL on CD?
Tensei Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 HotBL and tanking items in general are pretty crucial on Corrupted, mostly due to the nature of his ult and his second skill. Both of these are reliant upon staying around for as long as possible to deal/drain the damage. Getting items like thunderclaw and wingbow will set you up to be a glass cannon, so while you might deal some damage with your auto-attacks, you probably won't live long enough to maximize the duration of your ult/conduit. I wouldn't say there are any real 'cons' to rushing HotBL on him. It just means you can tank way more damage in the first 20 minutes of the game and can get away with fun stuff like towerdiving and all that. If you manage to get HotBL within 10 minutes, Steamboots within 20 and Barbed Armor within 30, you'll be a force to be reckoned with for most of the midgame since your skills are still doing a shitton of damage if you can stay alive long enough in teamfights, while barbed armor will force the enemy to think twice about focussing you. After that you can start building more offensive items like Frostburn/Geometer's/Frostwolf and top it off with a behemoth's heart. Remember that even in lategame, Conduit will boost your autoattacks by 200 damage (almost as much as a doombringer) if you can keep it on for the full ten seconds. Getting the first rune isn't that significant, getting first blood at the runespot is. I assumed we'd gank the runespot with such a stun-heavy team, but my map awareness/judgement isn't exactly at it's best at 4 AM. Edit: Also remember that corrupted has no slows or stuns whatsoever, so most of his ganks will come down to chasing down your enemy with superior movement speed, which will require you to dive towers more often than not.
JadeAuto Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 That makes sense now. I was having difficulty visualizing why those items would help. Now that you've explained it, it makes a ton more sense. I noticed that at the end of yesterday's game with CD I died quite alot due to focus fire, I probably would have survived longer with the itembuild you mentioned. My skillbuild on him was q,e,q,e,q,r,q,e,e,w,w,w,w,stats. Should I modify that? (can't remember the skill names off the top of my head).
zircon Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 That's a good build on him, but if you are fighting a melee opponent in mid, get a point or two in w (corrupted conduit) so you can drain his damage and harass better. You might want one point in it by 8 or 9 anyway, just because it's nice to have.
eternal Zero Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 Laning against Keeper is an exercise in futility. He has I think the highest base HP in the game (660) which in and of itself makes him almost impossible to kill, but in addition to that he has enormous STR gain as well as an ability that keeps his armor and regen boosted through the roof at all times. There's just no point in even trying to harass or gank him. Also huge base damage means you get to harass really well. Also at level 6 it's a guaranteed kill at mid or awesome gank in a sidelane. And by then if you played your cards right you pretty much have your radiance already.
JadeAuto Posted December 23, 2009 Posted December 23, 2009 Wow, such a fun 3v3 we just had. Went 5/1/X with KotF. One melee hero I actually dig. Thanks again for the fantastic 3v3 tonight guys. Made me proficient with at least one melee hero
Vilecat Posted December 23, 2009 Posted December 23, 2009 I went nom nom on warbeast in that game. I'm decidedly terrible at micro-managing. Fun 3v3 AR indeed. I had Tort in one of our 5v5 AR and I kinda felt bad raping during teamfights with 1+2+ult when people were grouped right after someone else had initiated (prob. beginner's luck, t'was the 2nd time i think i ever played him). I still like Deadwood more though, I think i'll stick to him if possible. As for other heroes like VJ, it seems to be a hit or miss: either I'll do great and get to land my cursed ground + stun almost all the time and all that, or i'll just fumble it all game long. This is very annoying.
zircon Posted December 23, 2009 Posted December 23, 2009 Care to join?
SadFace Posted December 23, 2009 Posted December 23, 2009 to join? That seems awesome, If you guys want to compete I will help out as much as possible
Tensei Posted December 24, 2009 Posted December 24, 2009 Registration is free and open now for select residents of the United States and Canada.
eternal Zero Posted December 24, 2009 Posted December 24, 2009 I will help you guys out as much as possible in terms of giving you proper strategy and even training you guys in fighting a tough 1v1 lane or even practicing taking advantage in a 1v2 lane and stuff like that but I myself won't compete. I want to stay under the HoN radar and avoid joining any teams cause I don't want that from my playing.
Tensei Posted December 25, 2009 Posted December 25, 2009 If you feel like getting better at the game, watch this, all of it.
Rambo Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 If you feel like getting better at the game, watch this, all of it. I was pretty eager to watch these... and was disappointed to learn nothing in over 30 mins of video..
zircon Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 Haha, you're learning fast then Two "advanced" guides would be: Juking - Wards -
Tensei Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 I was pretty eager to watch these... and was disappointed to learn nothing in over 30 mins of video.. Must be because you're too good already ;D
Dhsu Posted December 29, 2009 Posted December 29, 2009 Wow, I just saw a League of Legends ad. Talk about targeted advertising...
Capa Langley Posted December 29, 2009 Author Posted December 29, 2009 I know release dates don't work, but could you not give three catergoeis of completion for the projects (just started, halfway, nearing completion) to make the list a little more easy on the eye? And to give potential mixers more overview? Yes, we're obviously making a music project by playing a video game.
JadeAuto Posted December 29, 2009 Posted December 29, 2009 A few thoughts, as I slowly try to improve. These aren't aimed at anyone, and to be honest it's been mentioned earlier in the thread, so i'm just going to reiterate what I've learned: Don't wander solo after the first teamfight unless there are wards up and you pay attention to the minimap to get out before they gank you. If your teammate in Hellborne top or Legion bot goes to pull creeps, do not help them - theyr'e getting free exp, you're soaking up extra exp from the lane, and it's just good. If everyone has their headset, and they can speak, use them. If you don't, then you're stuck with typing and pinging. It can be done without, but verbal communcation really kicks ass in this game. If you're ranged in a two-melee lane, harass them. I'm horrible at this, yet it gives splendid opportunities to make them waste cash on healing items, and gives you a better opportunity to gank. Carry a teleport at all times ALL TIMES, carry a teleport. Repeat the two above items a few minutes. I'm guilty of not having one on occasion, but having one is very important.
Tensei Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 Babysitting and in-lane harassment in general tend to be quite hard. You need to pay extremely close attention to your positioning relative to the creep waves and the enemy heroes, and basically start hitting them with auto-attacks whenever they come into range. This will usually draw creep aggro so you need to be able to judge when to disengage. Unless you're Hellbringer, ALWAYS try to minimize the damage you take from creep aggro compared to the damage you're dealing through harassment. You will generally be babysitting the carry in the safe lane, so getting kills isn't a prime objective, as you generally won't have the lane control to do this vs something like a double stun lane. However, you should immediately pounce when the opportunity presents itself. A typical example is when the enemy melee hero gets too greedy and makes the last deny on his own creep wave. Suddenly he's facing two heroes and a creep wave with nothing between them. This is when you should use any slows at your disposal (with heroes like Hellbringer, Demented shaman, Glacius, or even Maliken and The Dark Lady), as not only will they take damage from your spell but your creep wave will catch up with them and start hitting them. In the case of demented shaman, getting a heal off on your creeps when this occurs will basically mean a guaranteed kill. Hellbringer is a bit of a special case as he can allow himself to take tons of damage from creeps and enemy auto-attacks without fear of dying due to Life Void. You can ignore the creeps entirely and just keep on auto-attacking the enemy heroes. If the enemy heroes decide to auto-attack back, just throw on life void, and keep going. Trading blows will always result in victory for hellbringer. In most cases, weaker lanes will be forced way back, allowing your carry to freefarm entirely. Oh and another tidbit for playing support: Unless you're planning on a coordinated, single-lane push, Never "Push back the lane a bit" with autoattacks or even AoE nukes on the creepwaves when they're close to your towers. Having the creep waves just outside of tower range is a GOOD THING, and you should try to keep the situation like that for as long as possible since it will allow for more creepwaves to be safely farmed. Stick to hard-denying and lasthitting only, even when it's 30 minutes in! (I'm looking at you, Hemo and Jadeauto)
JadeAuto Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (I'm looking at you, Hemo and Jadeauto) <3
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