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So I booted up my wii yesterday to play FF4:AY, and noticed I had mail. It was nintendo telling me that:

a)The Wii's Internet channel was now free. Again.

b)That those who had actually paid money (or points rather) for it would be getting a free NES game (for 500 points) sometime in october.

Okay, fair enough, we've paid for something, so its only fair we get what we paid for (more or less), but after browsing the selection of NES games available, I have no idea what to get. Anyone out there like to suggest a good game from the NES Virtual Console range?


If you have someone to play it with, River City Ransom is AWESOME. On the surface, it looks like a standard sidescrolling brawler. In actuality, it's really quite deep. It has a stat progression and skill system allowing you to customize your character(s), add new moves, hold items in your inventory, etc. Kinda like Castle Crashers, but.. 20 years earlier :-) Anyway, the style of graphics and humor is also fantastic. The world is free-roaming meaning you can go back to areas you've already been to, explore around, etc.

Two player just makes it way more fun. RCR lets you throw basically ANYTHING at ANYTHING, including enemies and your allies, and beating up people with punches and kicks is incredibly satisfying. One word of warning - watch out for the tire ;)

If you have someone to play it with, River City Ransom is AWESOME. On the surface, it looks like a standard sidescrolling brawler. In actuality, it's really quite deep. It has a stat progression and skill system allowing you to customize your character(s), add new moves, hold items in your inventory, etc. Kinda like Castle Crashers, but.. 20 years earlier :-) Anyway, the style of graphics and humor is also fantastic. The world is free-roaming meaning you can go back to areas you've already been to, explore around, etc.

Two player just makes it way more fun. RCR lets you throw basically ANYTHING at ANYTHING, including enemies and your allies, and beating up people with punches and kicks is incredibly satisfying. One word of warning - watch out for the tire ;)

Don't forget about the music :0


Look, the eight-bit era sucked. If we were all honest, we'd all admit it. The fun is in the nostalgia and, of course, in revisiting and reinventing the music.

That said, the only two NES games I would personally consider recommending would be SMB3 and, to a far lesser extent, Castlevania. I've heard good things about Blaster Master, Guardian Legend, and Dragon Warrior 3, but I haven't played them. Other very cool games have been recommended in this thread (8BitBliss' recs are all solid), but if you weren't around for the eight-bit era (or if you don't enjoy primitive 2D scrollers), I don't think you'd enjoy them.


Hopefully at least some of these are on the VC...

Batman (Action Platformer)

Batman: Return of the Joker (Action)

Bionic Commando (Action)

Blaster Master (Action)

Burai Fighter (Shmup)

Casltevania (Action Platformer)

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (Action Platformer/RPG)

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (Action Platformer)

Contra (Run 'N Gun)

Dragon Warrior (RPG)

Dragon Warrior II (RPG)

Dragon Warrior III (RPG)

Dragon Warrior IV (RPG)

Dr. Mario (Puzzle)

Galaga (Shmup)

Gargoyle's Quest II (Action RPG)

Guardian Legend (Shmup)

Gun Nac (Shmup)

Heavy Barrel (Run 'N Gun)

LifeForce (Shmup)

Metal Gear (Action Stealth)

Metal Storm (Action)

Metroid (Action Platformer)

MegaMan 1-6 (Platformer)

Ninja Gaiden (Action Platformer)

Ninja Gaiden II (Action Platformer)

Ninja Gaiden III (Action Platformer)

Silk Worm (Shmup)

Super C (Run 'N Gun)

Tetris (Tengen version) (Puzzle)

TMNT II: The Arcade Game (Action)

TMNT III: The Manhattan Project (Action)

Zanac (Shmup)

Hopefully at least some of these are on the VC...

Batman (Action Platformer)

Batman: Return of the Joker (Action)

Bionic Commando (Action)

Blaster Master (Action)

Burai Fighter (Shmup)

Casltevania (Action Platformer)

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (Action Platformer/RPG)

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (Action Platformer)

Contra (Run 'N Gun)

Dragon Warrior (RPG)

Dragon Warrior II (RPG)

Dragon Warrior III (RPG)

Dragon Warrior IV (RPG)

Dr. Mario (Puzzle)

Galaga (Shmup)

Gargoyle's Quest II (Action RPG)

Guardian Legend (Shmup)

Gun Nac (Shmup)

Heavy Barrel (Run 'N Gun)

LifeForce (Shmup)

Metal Gear (Action Stealth)

Metal Storm (Action)

Metroid (Action Platformer)

MegaMan 1-6 (Platformer)

Ninja Gaiden (Action Platformer)

Ninja Gaiden II (Action Platformer)

Ninja Gaiden III (Action Platformer)

Silk Worm (Shmup)

Super C (Run 'N Gun)

Tetris (Tengen version) (Puzzle)

TMNT II: The Arcade Game (Action)

TMNT III: The Manhattan Project (Action)

Zanac (Shmup)

The Tengen Tetris for NES is my favorite version of the game -- unfortunately, not on the VC. As for advice: If you grew up playing NES games, get Ninja Gaiden (2 preferred). If you didn't, get The Legend of Zelda IMO.

Of course, you could just homebrew your Wii, and emulate everything :P

Double Dragon II for NES is a really good one too. STILL loads of fun.

Yeah, but avoid Double Dragon III at all costs. As well as Silent Service... but that goes without saying.

If you like adventure games, I would recommend Battle of Olympus.

Plays the same as Zelda II more or less, and as you can imagine, is set into greek mythology.

Got crazy boss monsters, unescapable maze dungeons and a nice soundtrack.

Also, Faxanadu could be an interesting choice. It's kind of intricate and very hard to beat too.


Depending on whether or not you enjoy hard games, I'd suggest getting any of the Mega Man games that are currently offered (I think 1-3 are up, and I'm 100% sure the first two are). The original Mega Man is definitely the hardest one, just for reference.

Punch-Out!! is another damn hard game that's worth the money if you're into that kinda thing. Metroid, too.

Oooooooooh, the real Super Mario Bros 2 is a great game that's great. I mean, it's basically just more Super Mario Bros, but the levels are designed to dick you over. It's great fun.

The Tengen Tetris for NES is my favorite version of the game -- unfortunately, not on the VC.

Yeah, I didn't think it would be after the lawsuit and everything back in the day. Shame really, considering it absolutely trounces the Nintendo-made version in pretty much every way.

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