The Biznut Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 started at the age of 18. I just got busy and didn't have time to play RPGs anymore. Welcome to life hey? I'm sure this would be the case with most people here. You know, this thread reminds me of something I read several years ago... Quote
Shadow Wolf Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Not that anyone's required to agree with me, but I think Secret of Mana is the SHIT. And Final Fantasy VII is in fact an awesome and extraordinary game. Still. However. I think RPG's tend to fall prey to this thinking the most, for a very simplle reason. They are by nature grindfests. You have to spend hours training and grinding levels and obtaining armor and weapons to advance. What keeps you interested in doing that? Story. That's always, in my mind, the trade off with RPG's. You grind because you're interested in hearing the rest of the story, and RPG's commonly offer the best stories to be had in video games. That's all well and good the first 3 or 4 times through the game. But even for a game as consumattely astounding and Final Fantasy VII, there comes a point where you know the story so well that it's no longer worth the outlay of time playing through the entire thing to access the story. That's where I think our warm fuzzy nostalgia starts to wear off a bit. I will NEVER forget the first time I played through FF7. It was far and away the deepest gaming experience I'd ever had. But I didn't feel I'd completely absorbed the incredible story. The second time I played it, I had several AHA! moments and made all the connections, and enjoyed it even more. But now, if I was to pick up FF7 again, it would be SOLELY for the nostalgia of the good old days. I can speedrun the entire game in a little less than 20 hours. So I think our amazing games start to "suck" simply because we've drawn all the story out of them, and there's no longer any reward to playing them EXCEPT nostalgia. There's my 2 pesos. Quote
Ybrik Metaknight Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Another game that I love but can't go back and play is Xenogears. Lack of text scroll speedup would torture me to death. I keep trying to replay Xenogears. The lack of quicker text doesn't bother me too much, but I keep getting distracted by shiny objects. I still love the story and the soundtrack, and the gameplay's OK, but I've never been able to get back into it. I think that after I get through some of my massive RPG backlog, I'll give it another shot. Maybe that'll happen in another year or so. I definitely won't get rid of it, so I figure I probably have time. Quote
The Biznut Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Lack of text scroll speedup would torture me to death. Ok, this is something that I CANNOT rationalize. How RPG games that have insufferably slow text or dialogue make it to store shelves is utterly beyond my brain to explain. Slow dialogue is probably the primary hindrance to people getting into an RPG, and It is unbelievable to me that such issues are not addressed during testing and QA. Also, I just reached Goomba status. Alriiiiight Quote
The Biznut Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 One game that had MAD childhood memories associated with it was Super Smash Bros... In my experience, no other game has caused more laughter, yelling, smack talk or profane outbursts. Our group of friends got pretty good at it and it became a very technical affair at times. It was ALWAYS intense edge of your seat competition! Some of my best gaming memories hands down. Quote
Kenobio Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 It certainly doesn't suck by any stretch of the mind, but going back to play Shadow of the Colossus is not as easy as it was before. Quote
Arcana Posted September 17, 2009 Author Posted September 17, 2009 Not that anyone's required to agree with me, but I think Secret of Mana is the SHIT. And Final Fantasy VII is in fact an awesome and extraordinary game. Still. However. I think RPG's tend to fall prey to this thinking the most, for a very simplle reason. They are by nature grindfests. You have to spend hours training and grinding levels and obtaining armor and weapons to advance. What keeps you interested in doing that? Story. That's always, in my mind, the trade off with RPG's. You grind because you're interested in hearing the rest of the story, and RPG's commonly offer the best stories to be had in video games. A big problem is that RPG gameplay is kind of, well, bad. There's a reason that Final Fantasy does well, and it's because their developers tend to try to invent a system that is replayable and customizable, but at the same time not bogged down in administrative details. In general the FF series is one of the few Japanese-style RPGs that try to keep themselves up to date and that's why they keep doing well. A lot of other RPGs unfortunately are, well, boring. They have a few quirky features or some hook, but are otherwise the same game as every other game in the genre. So, once you're done with the story, you don't want to play anymore because the game itself is bad. Quote
theshaggyfreak Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 I never got to play The Secret of Mana when it was originally released but I picked it up on virtual console several months ago. I got through about 2/3 of the game before I quit. I agree that there really isn't a lot of substance to it compared to some of the other games that were released in that era. Games like Chrono Trigger and A Link to the Past were much better at telling a story. I for one would rather have a game with mediocre graphics and a great story than some shiny 3D extravaganza with a crappy plot. In a way, I'm glad that I'm just now getting caught up on a lot of games that came out on the 90s. Plenty of good titles to keep me amused and Suikoden is currently on my plate. As far as nostalgic games that are horrible to me now...ET. For some reason my 8 year old mind thought it was awesome when it came out. I hang my head in shame just thinking about it. Quote
Scufo Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Super Mario 64. Yeah it pretty much set the standard for 3D platformers and was really great for its time and blah blah blah, but having gone back and played through it recently, the level design is actually pretty shit and the camera is unbearable. Except for the Bowser levels. Those are still awesome. Quote
Jenz Drake Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 I never got to play The Secret of Mana when it was originally released but I picked it up on virtual console several months ago. I got through about 2/3 of the game before I quit. I agree that there really isn't a lot of substance to it compared to some of the other games that were released in that era. Games like Chrono Trigger and A Link to the Past were much better at telling a story. I for one would rather have a game with mediocre graphics and a great story than some shiny 3D extravaganza with a crappy plot. How about Secret of Evermore? I think SoM had a better gameplay and story then that game. lol SoE haunts my brothers and I 'til this day. Especially the dog maze part.... ::shivers:: And I agree... I prefer the oldschool games with "mediocre graphics" as you call it then a 3-D game that is so short, yet so boring. I can't get into games as of now, sadly. Just doesn't do it for me like it did back then. The only one I will exclude is FFIV: The After Years. Perfect remake... WAY better then FFX-2. Game was garbage. Quote
Brycepops Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Hahahahaha yeah, voice acting was terrible, writing wasn't much better. The PSP version makes some improvements to both of those areas, but not a whole lot. I like the voice acting in the ps1 more than the PSP version. Claude's new voice makes me want to punch him in the dick :/ About Lufia 1....I love the game to death. Hell, I even have it in my SNES right now because I started playing through it again recently on Try Again mode. I like Lufia 2 as well, but I just seem to gravitate back to 1 because it has a more classic feel to it. Quote
Salluz Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Except for the Bowser levels. Those are still awesome.Tell it like it is, bro.Fighting Force. God, that sucked. Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 How about Secret of Evermore? I think SoM had a better gameplay and story then that game. lol SoE haunts my brothers and I 'til this day. Especially the dog maze part.... ::shivers:: I will defend Secret of Evermore until I die with words of its encouragement and my own blood choking me into sweet oblivion. Secret of Evermore was never meant to be part of the Seiken (or Secret of) series, supposedly (the ring system kinda defeats that explanation), so its barely fair to compare it to Mana. I present the following items to be considered: - Secret of Evermore was more concise. You had four major worlds and thats all you needed. You traveled across them at a decent pace and had a reason to go back. - Better level design. Secret of Mana's biggest weakness was so much BLAH space to travel. Little if any puzzle or level design at all. Evermore had dark cave mazes, a pyramid labyrinth where you needed to make use of your partner, a hedge maze, the broken towers, that really cool Greek Temple thing and more. - MUCH less buggy. - LOTS more secrets and easter eggs and fun stuff. Cecil Harvey for gods sakes. FFVI characters. - A much better script that actually sounds like it was written by real people. - I'd argue Secret of Evermore has better graphics. I wouldn't argue it has a better soundtrack, but its soundtrack is really good. - A much better weapon system. You only need three weapons in these games (plus a bazooka!) I don't know why it keeps the old ones instead of automatically upgrading them, but oh well. Also, if you just remember there is a bookcase stuck out that has a hidden vent, you can easily get through the Dog Maze. Quote
Kinslayer Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Well, for the NES, the only games I don't really enjoy playing anymore that were nostalgic were the Mario games(excluding Mario 3! I still play the shit out of Mario 3) I can handle Mario 2 to a point, but I hate trying to beat it... SNES: I still like all the games I had for SNES, the Donkey Kong series is still excellent, the Marios, Zelda LTTP, Super Metroid, but Smartball was a game I remembered playing in my childhood that I really enjoyed, and now I still love it, but hate the idea of playing through 20+ levels with no freakin' save feature(and the childish graphics) SNES sucker: Megaman X3, not for reasons you might think, I love the MMX series, especially 3, the reason 3 sucks is because Capcom had the creative idea to Put the PSX version of MMX3 on the MMXCollection, with it's dull sound system, bad anime cutscenes, and horrible soundtrack, If MMXC had had the SNES soundtrack instead of the remix, I do believe it would have made Collection more popular. PS...Crash Bandicoot, as I got older, it suddenly got too easy...although the first one is still decently challenging... My favorite PSX game of all time is Legend of Legaia, it's got shitty graphics, but it is by far the best RPG I've ever played short of Earthbound. Quote
Jenz Drake Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 I will defend Secret of Evermore until I die with words of its encouragement and my own blood choking me into sweet oblivion. Secret of Evermore was never meant to be part of the Seiken (or Secret of) series, supposedly (the ring system kinda defeats that explanation), so its barely fair to compare it to Mana. I present the following items to be considered: - Secret of Evermore was more concise. You had four major worlds and thats all you needed. You traveled across them at a decent pace and had a reason to go back. - Better level design. Secret of Mana's biggest weakness was so much BLAH space to travel. Little if any puzzle or level design at all. Evermore had dark cave mazes, a pyramid labyrinth where you needed to make use of your partner, a hedge maze, the broken towers, that really cool Greek Temple thing and more. - MUCH less buggy. - LOTS more secrets and easter eggs and fun stuff. Cecil Harvey for gods sakes. FFVI characters. - A much better script that actually sounds like it was written by real people. - I'd argue Secret of Evermore has better graphics. I wouldn't argue it has a better soundtrack, but its soundtrack is really good. - A much better weapon system. You only need three weapons in these games (plus a bazooka!) I don't know why it keeps the old ones instead of automatically upgrading them, but oh well. Also, if you just remember there is a bookcase stuck out that has a hidden vent, you can easily get through the Dog Maze. Yes, yes, yes... I know about alllllllll the facts, especially that it wasn't in the Seiken Densetsu series. I played Seiken Densetsu 1 (Final Fantasy Adventure & Sword of Mana), Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3. SD3 was indeed my MOST favorite in the series. Don't scold me like I don't know the facts. I'm a diehard Square fan. Also the Dog Maze is hard to figure out when you're 10, fyi. Especially when there was no internet and had no strategy guide. obviously helps nowadays. I played it again last year though and I enjoyed it much more then the last time. My favorite part was indeed when you ran into Cecil. I screenshoted everything he said and I have it in a folder somewhere in my hard drive. Ask Jordan... he knows I did. I showed him when he got back from the hospital. haha So I wasn't trying to talk bad about SoE in any way. I just have traumatizing memories. Can't beat that with your... "bazooka!" Another game I didn't love so much as a kid was Donkey Kong Country 2. I bet millions will sit down and argue this one with me too like you did with SoE... but all I can say is - Soundtrack is superb. So many great favorites, but not my favorite DKC game. Quote
Brycepops Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 my favorite psx game of all time is legend of legaia, it's got shitty graphics, but it is by far the best rpg i've ever played short of earthbound. TORNADO FLAAAAAAAAME I've been tempted lately to rip my game cd and covert it so I can play it on my psp. Quote
Jenz Drake Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Well, for the NES, the only games I don't really enjoy playing anymore that were nostalgic were the Mario games(excluding Mario 3! I still play the shit out of Mario 3) I can handle Mario 2 to a point, but I hate trying to beat it...My favorite PSX game of all time is Legend of Legaia, it's got shitty graphics, but it is by far the best RPG I've ever played short of Earthbound. Ftw! Yes... I hated Mario 2 way more then 1 as a kid... still do. Just not worth it to me. lol When my middle brother beat part 2, he was so pissed. "IT WAS A DREAM THE ENTIRE TIME?!" smh..... And me with FFVII... "THEY GAVE ME GRASS, WTF" hahaha And woooo Legend of Legaia = amazing game as well the one for PS2. Ever played it? Grrrrreat stuff! Quote
Ybrik Metaknight Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 I just have traumatizing memories. Can't beat that with your... "bazooka!" Another game I didn't love so much as a kid was Donkey Kong Country 2. I bet millions will sit down and argue this one with me too like you did with SoE... but all I can say is - Soundtrack is superb. So many great favorites, but not my favorite DKC game. I love DKC2, but not quite as much as the original. The first DKC, there was just something almost magical about it. Particularly, level design and aesthetics were just a bit better on the first one, in my opinion. Gameplay might have been a little better, as Dixie added some good dimensions, but I still love the original the best. Quote
Jenz Drake Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 I love DKC2, but not quite as much as the original. The first DKC, there was just something almost magical about it. Particularly, level design and aesthetics were just a bit better on the first one, in my opinion. Gameplay might have been a little better, as Dixie added some good dimensions, but I still love the original the best. Wow, awesomeness...someone who agrees with me. lol I'm with ya. Part 1 was my favorite as well. I loved it so much... I made a project in the 5th grade regarding it. Def was the game I was so proud of the most because I got ALL the secrets on my own without a strategy guide. Sadly many years later my cartridge died so all that for nothing... Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 I just have traumatizing memories. Can't beat that with your... "bazooka!" You can beat anything with a bazooka. It just requires ungodly decapitation. Quote
Jenz Drake Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 You can beat anything with a bazooka. It just requires ungodly decapitation. LOL Not if I have awesome super powers, rargh. Quote
Kinslayer Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 VULLLTURE BLADE!!! Yeah, I'd love to get Legaia to be portable, and no Jade, I've said this already, I haven't played Duel Saga, probably for the main reason that I can't find it anymore, I'll probably end up getting it on ebay or Amazon...oh, btw, got Command Mission for less than $10 online...take that Gamestop! Quote
Jenz Drake Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Damn, I got my copy the day it released. $50 plus tax. lol And hun, do remember I got a lot going on and I will probably forget some stuff anyone says. Don't take it so personal. Quote
Kinslayer Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 I know you've got a lot going on hon...btw...if you want DKC again...I believe you can actually find the first one pretty cheap online for SNES, it's also available for GBA, and the only difference between the original and GBA version is they had to downgrade the soundtrack just a bit...otherwise, the game wasn't half bad...2 and 3 were screwed up on GBA though...they actually made a new world that's just pure evil in that area you have to use the Helicopter to get the banana bird in...(lake above the waterfall DKC3) Quote
SwordBreaker Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Very good topic. I'm trying to think of a game that applies to to this from the top of my head...only I can't exactly mention one from experience. Games that I usually go back to after years of not playing them remain masterpieces to me. Super Mario RPG, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Wave Race 64, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP version) and most recently Final Fantasy VII have been really enjoyable games that are still awesome today in my case. Perhaps Final Fantasy VIII, Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Mana, Legend of Legaia, Lunar: Silver Star Story, and Donkey Kong 64 are games that I won't go back to anytime soon because I get the feeling that I won't enjoy them as much as I did years ago. Quote
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