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- The Original Remixing Competition -


Welcome to ORC124.

Source Material

I ask one of our famous OCR denizen to make a midi for this month and dedicating it to halloween. He is an ocremixer but we all know it for his love for John Talbain...The Coop.

The Coop - The sun is fading. - MIDI


Good luck everyone.


18th October Midnight US East Coast


The contest is a monthly contest so the deadline is programmed to be the 3rd sunday of the month. Voting stage will follow till the 4th sunday of the month. Next context will start again the first of the next month.

The Quick Rules Rundown

Step 1 -Submission:-

1. Anyone can enter regardless of your remixing ability.

2. Filesize is limited to 8 meg.

3. You may only enter one piece. but can collab on a second one.

4. When you've finished your entry, post it in the compo tha sauce system. HERE.

5. You may submit your piece as a MIDI, MP3 or OGG file.

Step 2 -Vote:-

Voting will be done via Thasauce. Voting stage will last 1 week from the 18th to the 25th Midnight .

About the comment:

You are now allowed to comment anytime EXCEPT during the voting stage..

that mean that once a mix is posted, you can feedback it, until the submission process is over. Remixer are able to fix/enhance it until the deadline. The date in the PM/Email will be used to upload the most recent one.

About a draw in the result:

It happen sometime. Both remixer are still officially Winner, but i'll ask the remixer with the less "Win" to send me his song.

We have almost a good year to finish, so the winner's source will be used next october month next year. :)

(I guess the deadline should be 18 october)

yes i'm soo lazy it's now a year competition :P


I love it. I'll get something that works with this one. I regret not being able to make something work well enough to get the last one to work. I sort of stalled out on it. But this one. I has ideas. And I'm starting now.


Coop steals the show (no really, he stole this round!) - Hey, Jerry, that might give you some more time to produce something well done for the next compo.

Damn, if I won I had a great Halloween song to submit. Alright, let's see if I can get something out for this (not too sure, this time around).

Hey, Jerry, that might give you some more time to produce something well done for the next compo.

Hmm... that's actually a brilliant idea. Though I don't think all the time in the world could allow me to make something "well done" when it comes to midi xD Still, it was good to actually get some practice in that area, midi has always kinda been where I lack in prowess.

Plus I've been fairly busy lately, so even finding time for this remix is a little hard. So far I've found the time to get a decent 1:50 of the remix done.

Oh, I can enter this, right? I mean, I did win the last ORC, but since my source isn't being used this month, I'm still allowed to enter?

(Besides, in the slim chance that I actually 'win', it would put everything back in order since I've already done next month's source, so it could fix the problem willrock mentioned earlier =D )


Oh, I can enter this, right? I mean, I did win the last ORC, but since my source isn't being used this month, I'm still allowed to enter?

Yes you are allowed to enter of course. :)


Well hot damn. This has already started?

I just wanted to swing by and say thanks to Douli for letting me step in and help out with this contest. I was honestly surprised when he asked me to make an original midi for this.

I was going to just use one of the songs I'd written a while ago, but I figured that was kind of chintzy. So I took a few hours, and threw "Faded Sun" together. Yeah, it's a bit repetitive. But after I decided to do something new, and with not a lot of time left before Doulifée needed it, I gave it my best shot.

That said, thanks for the compliments on it. I'm thinking of working on it more outside of midi, and submitting it for this. It won't be an entry per se since it wouldn't be a remix, but I'd like to see what I could do with more time.


So there I was, barely dressed, carving notes with a rock on a cave wall, when suddenly, out of the blue, a song hit me on the head. I picked it up and noticed It had an inscription, but at this point, the hermit life has made reading difficult for me.

"The Coop" was written on the front. I examined it closely, it had another, single word on the back: "Awesome". And just like that, all the knowledge of mixing came rushing back to my mind.

An epiphany. I had to do it, I got off my ass immediately and improvised a mixing setup out of coconuts, rocks and sticks.

Thanks for giving me back my humanity, Coop.


Anyone else seem to get where the more you work, the more it seems like there is to do?:tomatoface: I think I'll get it done in time. Still a few days left to get in with the rest of the procrastinators.


I really wanted to work on this, and actually did for a bit. But between work, writing and previous commitments to other folks here, I just couldn't put the time in. Something had to give, and I'm afraid it was working on this.

Even so, it was nice to see that I got Sir_NutS to dig out his coconuts ;-)


I'd hoped for some more last minute entries...

Yeah, shame there weren't any more, The source was damn awesome!

For some reason I was expecting there to be loads of entries this time round, it is halloween after all. C'mon, where's everyone's halloween spirit? :tomatoface:

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