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But editing is the FUN PART!! =D

Unless you plan on using Windows Movie Maker. Or almost any free software. Or a really old computer and video card. If that's the case, just remember it'll all be over in a month!


Personally I'd recommend the 30(?) day trial of Adobe Premiere Pro. I'd also recommend a Sony Vegas trial, but I haven't tried it yet.

But editing is the FUN PART!! =D


Personally I'd recommend the 30(?) day trial of Adobe Premiere Pro. I'd also recommend a Sony Vegas trial, but I haven't tried it yet.

Thanks for the suggestion. I actually was going to post in here asking for recommendations for free/cheap video editing software. I don't fancy putting this together in iMovie, considering you can't line up video with audio very easily (making the idea of a MUSIC video kinda pointless, how am I going to convey that certain visuals go with certain parts of the song?) and also I never figured out how to turn off the audio from your imported video file, if there is a way.

Have not started filming yet. I'm actually stuck on a specific (and significant) problem, that I would post here for help but it would kind of totally give away what I am doing. So I'll try to figure out something on my own and/or enlist the help of Palpable.

Edit: LAOS, you can do it!! Just have to push through the slump to your 2nd wind. We want to see what your awesome video is!!

Have not started filming yet. I'm actually stuck on a specific (and significant) problem, that I would post here for help but it would kind of totally give away what I am doing. So I'll try to figure out something on my own and/or enlist the help of Palpable.

If it's the same problem I'm having: the key to getting a monkey to flip is, believe it or not, bananas. A trampoline helps too.

And all the video editing I've ever done has involved syncing video to a more-or-less set-in-stone audio track, so I can confirm that Premiere Pro does well in that respect. If I recall, that was my main beef with Windows Movie Maker and a reason why I never really gave it a chance.


The really good Mac video editing software is Final Cut Pro, but iMovie works pretty well and is infinitely cheaper.

iMovie 06 is a traditional non-linear editor however the newer versions (08, 09) use a very different interface which is probably not ideal for assembling a music video. Apple used to let you download 06 if you preferred to downgrade, but it doesn't seem to be available on their website any longer. You can try this but I haven't tried it myself (I already have '06)

But if you have '06, you can remove an imported video's audio by either setting the clip's volume to 0% or using "Extract Audio" from the menu and delete the audio clip.


Since I will have a lot of work very soon, I had to make my vid shorter than expected but it's still cool. May I wait before submit it ? Or must I do it right now ?

So wait... it's DONE? I would expect the best channel by which to submit would be uploading to something like megaupload for now. If it's too big for something like that, don't shrink it... zip it into parts and upload it to a few places.

Otherwise we can talk about p2p transfering to biznut or myself, uploading to existing server space, and/or e-mail.

Correct me if I'm wrong biznut. :P

I thought we were avoiding youtube for reasons of quality loss

YouTube supports up to 1080p now. As long as you encode at a good bit-rate there'll be no perceptible quality loss.

early video leakage,

You can make your video private or viewable only by The Biznut until the viewing party if you want that kind of security.

and potential audio/video de-synch;

This usually happens due to poorly supported video/audio codecs or container formats. If you follow this advice you won't have this issue.

I see where majority vote lies here.

YouTube is the 4th most popular site on the web, right behind Yahoo, so everyone's familiar with it.

It is the best available option.



Youtube actually mentions sound sync on a help page now? =D I've already been using the audio codec they recommend (mp3), but mayhap they've fixed it.

...Says nothing on there about stereo, but I'm pretty sure uploading to the "Music" category will prevent it from turning mono. Lucky that we happen to be uploading music videos.


Bad news... I've shot about 60%-70% of what I wanted for my music video; and now I don't have a time that I can schedule with my lead actress to finish the project. She took on other PAYING projects and kind of snubbed me and put me at lowest priority.

I know this sounds like a weird complaint, considering music videos are usually just dancing or random visualizations, but I actually had a pretty specific vision and story going and now I don't know how I'm supposed to finish it. :banghead:

Well... I hope either I can make the last of the filming work or finish it with the usable footage I DO have. :puppyeyes:


Have you considered cross-dressing?

If that won't give the effect you're looking for, how about:

- Trained monkeys

- Puppets


- Do what I do 80% of the time for the Fan Art Competition: say I'm going to enter and then not enter and then finish it months and months later.

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