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A video game mystery that has been bothering me for years...

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Oddly enough also thinking on this I remember the same guy being in a Link to the Past.. Don't remember if you can talk to him.. or if you can even interact with it other than killing it. But the same enemy is definitely in the game and can be changed in the same sense by using the magic powder made from the mushroom.. I just might have to drag my old SNES game out to actually give it a whirl and see if any conversations are had with him in Link to the Past as well. And this too has my curiosity as I merely scratched my head wondering not only what he was talking about In Link's Awakening... But what he was even supposed to be.


Dan Owsen is kind of a big deal. He's done tons of translations and localizations for Nintendo, including some of the biggest games of the 1990s, such as the Zeldas, Final Fantasies and other RPGs, Star Fox (voiced Fox), and even Super Metroid. In fact, he did the voice-over for "The last Metroid ...is in captivity. The galaxy ...is at peace."

If you've beaten a big Nintendo game and sat through the credits, you've read his name dozens of times.

Good luck getting any info from him. I'm pretty curious now, too.

Oddly enough also thinking on this I remember the same guy being in a Link to the Past.. Don't remember if you can talk to him.. or if you can even interact with it other than killing it. But the same enemy is definitely in the game and can be changed in the same sense by using the magic powder made from the mushroom.. I just might have to drag my old SNES game out to actually give it a whirl and see if any conversations are had with him in Link to the Past as well. And this too has my curiosity as I merely scratched my head wondering not only what he was talking about In Link's Awakening... But what he was even supposed to be.

There are, but nearly as fun. I if I recall correctly, he mentions something about vacationing. Then again, I could also be thinking of the ones from Oracles, so maybe it is worth checking out. Count me in on the curiosity though for the original question.

... BuzzBlob.png


... not gonna lie, I seriously thought this thread was going to by why the hell this guy changed from a standard dildo to one with the balls and some... eyes. Glad the Germans caught on to that in their translation, lol.

As for the Snes version, no one seems to recall 'Tra la la, find Shaharala-la-la (or whatever his name was)'? It was just a lame hint for where to go next (if, by chance, you got lost on the way from the shrine to the town and went through the work of finding the powder first... which is not likely).

I'm going to have to stick with the 'PRE-pre-N64' explanation for the LA version, here, but to be frank there's some real problems with that theory, too - why the hell would an American translator be privy to that information?

I'm on the boat wondering what the hell it all means, now... :banghead:

If someone wants to direct him to this thread, then by all means, go ahead. I've kind of given up on a bi. I'd like to find out at some point, but it's not a big thing for me anymore.


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