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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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Don't fret it. Bleck is just unusually irritated by the Black/White jokes.

Normally he's the guy I would have expected to take that route' date=' go figure.[/quote']

You really don't know him at all, do you?

I love how people presume that anyone that usually has negative views on things will also be quite immature. Way to show that you are just riding the bandwagon of hating without prior knowledge about him.


Whoa, where in that did I say I hated Bleck?

I only stated surprise. He's got razor sharp sarcastic wit, and I did expect when the jokes about the games did come about, he'd be there. Obviously, I was wrong.

As for the jokes themselves: while lacking in humor, I've seen none cross the line into hate territory, so I don't see the point in getting worked up.

Whoa' date=' where in that did I say I hated Bleck?

I only stated surprise. He's got razor sharp sarcastic wit, and I did expect when the jokes about the games did come about, he'd be there. Obviously, I was wrong.

As for the jokes themselves: while lacking in humor, I've seen none cross the line into hate territory, so I don't see the point in getting worked up.[/quote']

For many people it doesn't matter if a racist jokes cross the line or not they're still tasteless and undesirable.


The new CoroCoro scans are out. New pokémon and a female professor are confirmed!


Weird, strange new pokémon... just like every new generation. Some of them look very odd compared to the others, while a few look like they would fit right in with the existing ones. Of course, like every new gen, everyone will complain about them, then get used to them, and then accept them like they do the first 151. Damn fanbase...

Also, one of the new pokémon has an ability called "Earthquake Spiral", which is supposed to raise attack every time it defeats a few. So, after a few kills, it's already boosted its attack stat twice. Revenge killer? Sweeper?


Yes, that is exactly how the fanbase works. I recall when Ruby and Sapphire were coming out, and we got to see things like Cradily. "Oh my god, it's sooooo ugly" they were saying. And yet, within a few months, it was popular because of its typing, stats and moveseets. It was a self-healing wall in a metagame of hit-first-and-hit-hard. Once people realized the pure and utter stalling you could do with it, people were all "I LOOOOOOOVE Cradily, he's so awesome in every way".

After people get to use the new ones, we'll see a bunch of people reversing their opinions.

Oh, also:


Finally. Now we don't have to bother with trying to hunt down friend codes or setting up times to play. You can just go online and find someone you've never met before and fight their team.

I am, though, hearing talk of triple battles, as in, three on three at the same time. No proof anywhere so far, but it's in the same batch of rumors that all the most recent info came from, so there might actually be some credibility to it.


For some reason it amuses me that the alligator thing shares a type with Hippowdon. (I guess I should call it a crocodile thing instead, crocs are cuter anyway)

It's like all the things from Africa that would normally brutally maim/kill you near the water can just pop out of the ground anywhere instead.

And Luxray/Zebra thing are both electric. I know it's a dumb thing to notice but I think it's neat if pointless lol.


I am, though, hearing talk of triple battles, as in, three on three at the same time. No proof anywhere so far, but it's in the same batch of rumors that all the most recent info came from, so there might actually be some credibility to it.

3-on-3? I don't think that would really work. Maybe they mean 1-on-1-on-1 or maybe 2-on-2-on-2. Either of those would be pretty neat, too. Or maybe they'll just go all out: 3-on-3-on-3 :P


Is it sad that Reshiram is the first fire-dragon of the ENTIRE SERIES? I mean, dragons and fire go together like peanut butter and chocolate. But then, in Japan dragons are typically associated with water...

Which explains all the water dragons, or at least dragons that live IN water.

EDIT: Calling the new Prof's name -- I think it'll be Professor Maple in the english version.


Saw the rumors trickle in, in the wee hours of the morning.

I like the crocodile and I really like the pidgeon(no doubt the Pidgey of this generation).

Do the region maps give anyone any better ideas about where this takes place? I say it looks vaguely like the New York area(Manhattan/Central Park) and the mountains(Appalachians) on the left. This being a Pokemon game, it's understandable that the region not be as exactly urban as the real world area. (http://pokebeach.com/news/0610/corocoro-new-pokemon-4.jpg)

And that new Pokedex looks like an iPod.

It looks like the new region will be called Isshu. All the previous areas were based on Japanese geography' date=' but I can't recognize this one so far.[/quote']

Little late to the party there, chief. The name had been revealed weeks ago, and the developers have stated that this new region is 'far away' from the previous regions, so it's likely that it's not based on a Japanese region. Though, we'll see.


Names that were thrown around in IRC last night for the new Professor.







Dogwood (as Brush explained, "cause she is a bitch")





Your thoughts?

Also, yeah, we knew that long ago. Want to bring up the name of the city that we've known forever too?

It's Hiun City, btw.


Apparently it's being thrown around that the Professor's name 'translates' to 'Yew'.

And back on the subject of the region, some are stubbornly speculating that it's based on the Chugoku region of Japan, due to the real-world Chugoku being called the "San'in-San'yō region" (relates to Yin & Yang). Fitting. Though, why would they say the region is far far away from the other regions if they made it in Japan again.

As cool as it is that they base the regions on real Japanese regions, I would love to see a region based somewhere else, particularly if it's the U.S.


Pokémon Colosseum games for the GameCube. They were based upon Nevada, according to the game designer at Genius Sonarity.

Mind you, no one even counts those as part of the series, and more like a random side-game that shouldn't be mentioned.

The RPG side was weak, but the GBA-cart battling was nice.


Alot of people on other forums are speculating it's either based on New York (around the Manhattan area, pointing out alot of bridges coincide perfectly) or somewhere in China.

Then the two groups fight but it's a really boring argument lol.

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