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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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Enough...of having to go...to FRIGGING GAMESTOP...to get access to these events. /heavy breathing.

When you live an hour and a half away from the closest store, this kind of stuff just ruins your day. But then, I guess this just proves that I am not hard-poke-core enough.


I once drove a day from my home in Canada to cross the US border in Oregon to get to the closest Toy R Us for their GBA Mew event.

That was a three day ordeal all around. But I did get a half dozen Mews, most of which were given away to people here on OCR.

Mind you, if you don't want to go to GameStop, there is this:


It will give you the pokemon that are being given away this month, right now, without having to leave the house.

I once drove a day from my home in Canada to cross the US border in Oregon to get to the closest Toy R Us for their GBA Mew event.

That was a three day ordeal all around. But I did get a half dozen Mews, most of which were given away to people here on OCR.

Mind you, if you don't want to go to GameStop, there is this:


It will give you the pokemon that are being given away this month, right now, without having to leave the house.

I now officially love this site, but I have a Wifi connection that dislikes the DS in every way. :(

I once drove a day from my home in Canada to cross the US border in Oregon to get to the closest Toy R Us for their GBA Mew event.

That was a three day ordeal all around. But I did get a half dozen Mews, most of which were given away to people here on OCR.

This is the definition of hard-poke-core. I salute you, with absolutely no derogatory intention. If I were half this serious I have no doubt I would enjoy the series much more than I currently do. But then again, my wife would shoot me. How do you manage?

Enough...of having to go...to FRIGGING GAMESTOP...to get access to these events. /heavy breathing.

When you live an hour and a half away from the closest store, this kind of stuff just ruins your day. But then, I guess this just proves that I am not hard-poke-core enough.

I actually am enjoying the gamestop events, cause it means I can actually get the pokemon, seeing as I don't have Wifi nor are there any wifi access points anywhere that I have been able to find.

I think it'd be nice if they did these sorts of events as both wifi and location based. That way people who can't get to a location easily can get it on wifi, and people who can't get on wifi can still get it from gamestop or toys r us. Of course they probably will never do this I guess too much work or something.


It turns out that the cost of special events for Nintendo games isn't cheap. Wifi events aren't cheap either. When you set up a server that has the data to be downloaded, Nintendo has to pay for it. That's part of the reason for why all the Virtual Console games cost more than they should (aside from the obvious profit).

By having GameStops across the country set up their own distribution, Nintendo basically pays for the carts and the data they put on them. That's it. They just have to have a DS setup to transmit via the existing DS Download system that's built-in to the DS. Put a DS somewhere in the store, put the cart in, power it up and let the DS broadcast.

It's bit more complicated than the old GBA (and even just GameBoy and GB Color) events, where they just mailed a Pokémon cartridge to the store and had someone with another GameBoy and a link cable sitting by all day. The GBA events, though, were much more controlled by Nintendo. At the Mew giveaway I went to, they actually had a Nintendo rep the the entire time to make sure that no one stole the carts. For some reason, they considered these carts important enough to have a rep on site. Talking to said rep revealed no real reason why, as the Toys R Us staff let me see the cart; it was just a regular Sapphire cart, with every box willed with Mews. They simply withdrew six at a time and traded them away for whatever the public had on them.

Real life events, while done a lot in the past, are fucking expensive. Like, if they have a 3DS demo unit tied to them, they get paid for that. If they host a party to showcase a new game, that costs money. The hardware, the setup, the security, all that costs money. As much as I'd like to go to a Nintendo party or event (or any video game event for that matter... Video Games Live! was nice), it's just not as economic as having a store do all the work for you.

at participating gamestops

That's the important part. Most of Canada has EB stores, not GameStop stores. The ones in my area aren't doing it, it seems. And from what I've been reading on other forums, Canadians are missing out on this again, simply because EB Games isn't participating. Again.

Fuck you EB Games.

Fuck you EB Games.

I stand corrected. The EB Games in my town is hosting the event. They have a sign in the store. I just got the shiny Raikou this morning.

It seems that they set theirs up later than the actual date, which is why I didn't see it before. But the Canadian EB Games site still doesn't show anything about the event. No wonder people aren't sure about if their store is doing it or not.

They didn't participate in any of the other GameStop events, so they still get a "fuck you", just not a much of one.


Those of you in Europe that are anticipating the day Black and White come out... guess what!?

You actually get it two days before the US does. That's right! March 4th, you lucky Europeans get to play before those darn Yanks!


So I guess most of us will be hitting you guys up for trades first, seeing how you should be farther along than those of us in the US and Canada.

Official US Names

Yeah, they've been leaked. Enjoy the good and the downright atrocious. (Cubchoo? Really?)

I've spotted one foreign-number progression akin to the three legendary birds from the first generation: Deino, Zweilous, and Hydreigon.

That aside, there are a few other clever ones, but most of them are really--really--bad (in my opinion, of course).


Or better yet, use the English spelling for the original Japanese names! That's the best of both! That way, you can be cool by not using those filthy American names and only the awesome super kawaii-desu Japanese names in their purest forms, except with English letters so you can actually read them!


I usually keep the pokemon's original names simply because I like to know what pokemon people are talking about.

"I really like Charizard!"


"You know, the flying dragon fire pokemon?"

"Oh, you mean Buster!"


"I named him Buster."



Well, me, ah, neither. Why would you ever think I'd have a conversation like that? 8-O

A more real situation would be you get some weird new pokemon you've never seen and nickname it. Later, you decide to look some stuff up on it online (Like serebii.net) but can't find it because you don't recognize the name.

Well, that, and I'm terrible at thinking up good nicknames, so I'm judging all who are good at it.

/Sarcasm, but I should stop while I'm ahead.

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