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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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in my experience rules for professional pokemon playing usually involves banning everything that a five year old would find annoying and then watching as a bunch of sneering pedantic asshats try to out-Spikes each other


Don't you mean Stealth Rock? :<

but yeah i'd be up for it

Also, literally no pokemon in Black/White learn Spikes by leveling up, and Stealth Rock isn't a TM anymore, so really, unless people transfer their entire team from Gen 4, I wouldn't worry about it.


I've definitely reached the point where I can no longer carry all the Pokemon I want to use at once. I honestly didn't expect to be using this many.

Also I'm starting to regret settling for a Timid Snivy at the beginning. Its actual damaging moves are all physical.


No joke.

I went looking for a Totodile a few weeks back and there were 3 offered. I don't remember what the first guy wanted, but the second one wanted a Jirachi, and the third wanted a level 100 Arceus.:???:


A level 100 Arceus isn't that horribly difficult to obtain. But I've seen some people requesting for level 9 or below of some legendary Pokemon (I forgot which) and that's just absurd. It's like the cheaters have gotten lazy and want others to do the work for them.

It's obviously based on an atlas moth. A fiery atlas moth. You know, the ones that actually exist, as opposed to like, mechanical ants. :roll:

I like to think of it as some sentient nanotechnology gone wrong and it adopted the ant form out of efficiency/ whatever reasoning works for you.

Cmon it's not THAT bad.


Also I did not realize on the Trainer Card you can change what look you take when you trade. My girl asked me if there was a reason I had the "hiker" avatar. Soon after I was given the explanation of how to change it. :tomatoface:


The Ranger's as close as I'll EVER get to the "Raidou Kuzunoha" look

A level 100 Arceus isn't that horribly difficult to obtain. But I've seen some people requesting for level 9 or below of some legendary Pokemon (I forgot which) and that's just absurd. It's like the cheaters have gotten lazy and want others to do the work for them.

Did you mean an illegitimate level 100 Arceus isn't terribly difficult to obtain? Because I have yet to get my hands on a legit one.

Did you mean an illegitimate level 100 Arceus isn't terribly difficult to obtain? Because I have yet to get my hands on a legit one.

I do mean legitimately, because even though it is an event-only Pokemon the person(s) who obtained it can level it to 100. Whereas a level 9 Lugia is practically impossible to obtain legitimately.


I've just by-passed what could have been rage-worthy. Picture this:

To catch a Lapras in White or Black you have to land on bubbling water while surfing (the equivalent to shaking grass). To have one of these waters come up is fairly uncommon, normally requiring you to get repels and surf until one pops up. The pokemon itself only spawns 5 percent of the time in these rare bubble spawns. After getting nothing but basculin from these bubble patches, I finally track a Lapras down. After paralyzing her, I then switch over to a pokemon that uses false swipe. The suicidal little shit decides to cast perish song after my first false swipe. So I have 3 turns to throw a ball before she kills herself. It kept breaking out until the perish song countdown was at 0, where it finally gives in, and allows me to capture it.

I'm going to feed her bitter herbs and throw her into daycare center, never to be released. Let's see her use that song again....


Or you know, breed her and have a stronger Lapras..?

Serious question though, is there something such as a VS. Seeker In B&W? Curiously through out what I've traveled through I've not seen anything regarding such an item. Would make raising and grindan less tedious than simply diving into the water/grassy/sand areas.

Not to mention the cash earnings won along side using the amulet Coin...

EDIT* Never mind, did a longer google search; turns out there is no such item.


That bothers me too... I'm afraid that after I've fought every trainer, there'll be no one left to battle and gain experience with :(

EDIT: So, anyone up for some battles tonight?

Where is the Amulet Coin? I'm at the E4 and haven't found it yet.

There are three dancers in Castelia City. There are located in the Central Plaza, Narrow Street, and Unity Pier. When you defeat the three, they give you an Amulet Coin.



OK, to those that missed out on the Gamestop and WiFi events where you could get a Shiny Raikou, Suicune and Entei, don't worry.

I finally got around to it, and I tested one of the Japanese version Suicunes I picked up from here.

Guess what!? It worked! The Japanese event pokémon work in the US versions. So if you missed any of them, just hit that link above, and go get your Japanese version right now.

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