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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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I've got the game, and also found that the dorm internet allows us to attach another device to the network now, so I can actually participate in things like this.

My friend code is 4384 1437 6617, I've got white, and started with oshawott.

I'm somewhat interested in a tournament, it'd be fun to get to battle human players more regularly in the future too.

get on the irc chat

I've never used irc before... Actually, upon trying, i see that my mac refuses to recognize a website starting with 'irc'. Literally, it says that Mac OSX won't do it :?

We could use MSN, maybe? (Oh the irony that microsoft messenger works on my mac...)


ooh, okay, i've got it downloaded, but I think I'm terminally stupid because I have no idea what to do now. Could someone post the link I need to get into the right chatroom, please and thank you?

EDIT: nvm, I think I figured it out :P


I've never tried to catch every single pokemon in a given version before, but I'm super psyched to get this done for White. Got 113 so far! Mostly just need to evolve first tier versions, or find their superiors in the wild. Still looking to trade a zorua for a tepig if anybody needs one/can trade one!


Bad timing... I'll be too busy playing my 3DS!

On a musical note (ar ar) it's too bad they weren't able to actually use this song in-game:

It's in there, but it's unused :( I would've loved to face all the previous pokemon protagonists! Red, Gold, whatever their names were in R/S/E and P/D/Pl. That would have been awesome!

My Victini... It is AWESOME! Check its IVs.

HP: 31

Attack: who cares, I'm going for a special attacking one

Defense: 31

Special Attack: 27 (could be slightly higher)

Special Defense: 29

Speed: 29

Keeping it. Saved! FUCK YEAH!

Lucky you! I hatched my Larvesta yesterday and ended up pretty well.. Neutral nature, but IVs are:

HP: 31

Attack: 21

Defense: 28

Special Attack: 14 :(

Special Defense: 28

Speed: 24

Of course Volcarona is a special attacker, so it figures that those IVs are the lowest. But I'm liking both defenses being 28 and HP being 31!


Well, it depends upon what you really want to do with a pokémon. I have a few Special Attackers that I purposely breed low Attack IVs for, so that if they were ever confused, they wouldn't hurt themselves much (not that that is a big concern these days... It seems the meta game has moved away from things like confusion and other status ailments in favor of hard-hitting first strikes and compounded stats boosts and the like. It seems very all-over-the-place to me now).

Others were breed so that I could get a specific Hidden Power type. One was a purely lucky catch that I only noticed after I decided to check all my box clutter, and I came across a few that were really good, but hadn't originally intended to use.

I guess I've been pretty lucky when it comes to getting good IVs and natures.


My Victini wasn't nearly as balanced; it's defense were mediocre and it's HP was in the 0-6 range. But on the plus side, both attack stats and speed were 30-31. With a hasty nature (+Speed -Defense) I guess he'll be a bit of a glass cannon.

BTW, it absolutely sucks that you are basically forced to keep the Reshiram/Zekrom that you catch. You have two battles directly after capture, and you can't check natures in battle, and without knowing nature, you can't get a very decent idea of what the IV's are. (That is until after the game automatically saves and puts you back in your house.)

I've got Zekrom, so as long as his nature didn't diminish Attack or Speed I would have accepted it. I got very lucky; Careful nature (+Spec. Def. -Spec. Att) and all IV's in the high twenties, with a 30 on attack. It could have been much much worse.

I had tried it before. Doesn't look fun without friends. Gets too lonely. Not to mention everything isn't there yet since our Dream World isn't opened yet. March 30 for Global Link!

I did it; it's kinda cool talking to the other player. And you can do W>W/B>B; in fact, some Pass Powers require it. When you complete a mission, the level of the Entree goes up (corresponding to the version you entered) and more Pass Powers become available.

What was funny was hiding behind a Pokémon Center, out of sight, selling the other person a Revive for $1980. Just like a shady smuggler. ^.^


Modest Nature is actually really good for Victini (reduces attack but boosts special attack), the IVs are kinda bad to be honest. I wouldn't bother with resetting for better IVs, unless you're outright planning on playing competitively online or something.

Modest nature should be perfectly fine throughout the single player game.

Modest Nature is actually really good for Victini (reduces attack but boosts special attack), the IVs are kinda bad to be honest. I wouldn't bother with resetting for better IVs, unless you're outright planning on playing competitively online or something.

Modest nature should be perfectly fine throughout the single player game.

I see, thanks for the info. I was quite puzzled on what Individual Values actually are, but I'll just look it up when I have some more patience to read through it.


I've honestly never cared what natures or anything my legendaries have because I never use them. I've always wanted a good reason to, but it always felt too cheap. That's why I loved the final battle in white!

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