d5kxlollerz Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Would like to know what the itchy trigger finger from the admin was about the other night (3/27/10)... srsly, wtf dude?
atmuh Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Its very hard to find a map that people are willing to sit there and download it just to play when they could play a official map on another server faster cp_warpath2!!!!!!
Kiyobi Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 fine, replaced it with koth_pacmanEnjoy. YES YES YES Probably joking but this would be my reaction regardless
Bleck Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 man I sure love playing for twenty minutes with an unbalanced team while vahn sits in spectator waiting to stack
Brushfire Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Would like to know what the itchy trigger finger from the admin was about the other night (3/27/10)... srsly, wtf dude? What incident are you referring to? We need specifics.
Secret Agent Man Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 I really enjoy waste, personally. But for the greater good, I don't mind seeing it dropped for maps that will make the population stick around. PL_Waste is interesting, but is just a train track slapped on a map designed for CP, not PL. I'm honestly curious as to what maps people do like to play on. Over the past few nights I've heard nothing but a constant stream of complaints about the current map being played, regardless of what map it was. By process of elimination, about the only map that anyone likes is ctf_turbine. I personally don't care what map we're on as long as the group online is good and it hasn't been played to death. I'm only on for an hour or two a night, so the latter rarely happens to me. Seriously, though, more often than not it's the teams that make the map fun or interesting to play on, not the map itself.
atmuh Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 I'm honestly curious as to what maps people do like to play on. dustbowl <- best map in the game goldrush <- poorly designed yes but in a 12v12 pub is quite fun turbine granary badlands badwater gravelpit fastlane junction (well not really but its fun once a week) WARPATH What incident are you referring to?We need specifics. http://www.ocrtf2.com/bans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:1782114&advType=steamid&Submit
FireSlash Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 Would like to know what the itchy trigger finger from the admin was about the other night (3/27/10)... srsly, wtf dude? I saw that get protested in sourcebans, but it's hard to argue a case where the entire argument against the ban is "A little harsh?". Grab an admin on steam and explain the entire situation. Then maybe we can help you.
ParanoidDrone Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 I really enjoy waste, personally. But for the greater good, I don't mind seeing it dropped for maps that will make the population stick around. PL_Waste is interesting, but is just a train track slapped on a map designed for CP, not PL. Actually, I believe the PL version came first, and was adapted for 5CP later. The author likes to do that to his maps: See ctf_vector and cp_vector.
atmuh Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Actually, I believe the PL version came first, and was adapted for 5CP later. The author likes to do that to his maps: See ctf_vector and cp_vector. yeah but pl waste is played considerably less (which is why he switched it over to a cp version) mainly because id imagine he realized that adding a spamfest element (pl) to an abcba map, of which the best thing about them is that they arent a spamfest, was a terrible idea also theres an arena waste and a koth waste which i found comical i for one would like to see koth badlands (the arena one adapted to a koth map) i actually started doing it myself but i wanted to expand the spawns and i dont know how to do anything so oh well
Brushfire Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Finally, someone has a problem with an admin that isn't me! As far as the language is concerned, if Darkesword banned you, it means he told you several times before he did. He isn't the admin that levels harsh punishments that far outweigh the crime. That would be me.
d5kxlollerz Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Finally, someone has a problem with an admin that isn't me!As far as the language is concerned, if Darkesword banned you, it means he told you several times before he did. He isn't the admin that levels harsh punishments that far outweigh the crime. That would be me. I didn't hear any warning from him first off, and second my big beef is the jumping straight to permaban... over a freakin rage fit in which i was two seconds from ragequit anyway.
d5kxlollerz Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 I saw that get protested in sourcebans, but it's hard to argue a case where the entire argument against the ban is "A little harsh?". Grab an admin on steam and explain the entire situation. Then maybe we can help you. That was over the straight to permaban status.
The Author Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Well, ragequitters should be banned anyway. If you hate losing, play better.
atmuh Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Well, ragequitters should be banned anyway. while i agree with this its incredibly difficult to tell the difference between a ragequit and someone simply leaving (unless of course they proclaim their anger) what i CANT TAKE is that recently there have been a LOT of people that have rage spectated, and who do it quite often to me thats akin to the people who spectate after a scramble or something similar, and its also incredibly annoying when someone will ragespectate right at the end of a ctf match in which itll be decided by points when the time runs out, but your team just lost someone contributing to that point total also its way too common now that there will be 5+ people sitting in spectator if you dont like the map just leave
chivesontheweb Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 At this point I'm tired of a lot of maps, Dustbowl and Gold Rush in particular. Usually I can do Huntsman Sniper to pass the time on said maps but recently they have been getting to me. I know a lot of people love these maps so it would be really self-centered to ask for them to be removed from the rotation. So I'll probably just be more picky about when I join the server because when I'm spending the majority of my time on maps I don't want to play I feel like I'm wasting my time. Maybe I need to get into scrims so I can play all the 5-CP maps I want to, but then I'd have to get good at Scout and I'd actually have to use my microphone!
Ubel Feuer Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 I have a suggestion for making the second server actually useful. The idea of having one map for customs and one for stock maps was ok, but in practice it's not working. Both maps should have the same map rotations with customs and stock maps. If one server becomes full and someone is kicked because of slot reservation, it should split the server population between the two servers when the map changes. The plug in exists. I also have two comments for auto balance. The issue the vast majority of the time is class balance, specifically lack of medics or too many support classes. Instead of switching people based on points why not force class balance? The second idea is to have a list of specific players that get balanced instead of balancing everyone. What I mean is that people like Vahn or Frogg would be put on this list and it would just split them up. I think we can admit that there are certain people that pretty much win the game if they're on the same team. This also allows the more average players to stay on their team and develop team work and actually get better at the game.
ParanoidDrone Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 The second idea is to have a list of specific players that get balanced instead of balancing everyone. What I mean is that people like Vahn or Frogg would be put on this list and it would just split them up. I think we can admit that there are certain people that pretty much win the game if they're on the same team. This also allows the more average players to stay on their team and develop team work and actually get better at the game. I didn't think it was possible to do this... If so, it has my support.
SuperWalrus Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Instead of switching people based on points why not force class balance Would this class balance be a admin command or automatically enabled in the server?
Ubel Feuer Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Would this class balance be a admin command or automatically enabled in the server? Both of these would be implemented just like the current vote scramble. If a majority votes yes then the server handles it. And to be honest I think the best result would be seen if both of these systems were used at once, so specific players get moved and it balances out classes. A team without a medic is no team at all.
FireSlash Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 Splitting the pop between red and blu when it hits it's limit is a bad idea. Odds are people from red will just hop back on to blu and red will die out. As for balancing individual players, assuming a plugin supports this, we'd need consent from the players involved first. It'd kind of suck in some cases if, say, you were friends with frogg, but unable to play with him most of the time due to autobalance.
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