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In other news, new versions of MetaMod: Source and Sourcemod will be rolled out tomorrow sometime, so I'll work on getting those installed then.

Meanwhile, I've made a backup of our current Sourcemod config (in case files get overwritten).

Edit: I thought about installing a development build of MM:S, but there have been 3 today alone, and I'd rather they iron out issues with it first.


I'm currently in the process of switching sleeping over to adjust to my full-time graveyard position, once I've made the adjustments, expect me back on the server for a couple of hours a day, assuming I can make my new roommate see the point that my TF2 time is my time to have my fucking computer!!!


Well, I don't think I'll be playing TF2 again until either Valve fixes engies being able to build a hundred sentries or people can be kicked/banned again. A half dozen sentries lumped in the pit on the third section of Dustbowl is a lot of things. Fun not being one of them.

Well, I don't think I'll be playing TF2 again until either Valve fixes engies being able to build a hundred sentries or people can be kicked/banned again. A half dozen sentries lumped in the pit on the third section of Dustbowl is a lot of things. Fun not being one of them.

I have GOT to try that.

I would like to see a spy decloak in the center of a sentry field.

I would hope they'd be disguised.

P.S. Admins: People can still be banned through the web interface.


A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include:

- Added new items to commemorate our 119th (or so) update.

- Fixed several issues with the Source SDK

- Scout's "Retire the Runner" achievement updated to be:

- "Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola."

- Added a 20% damage bonus to The Backburner

- Fixed the Flare Gun's afterburn duration being lowered by the Flamethrower's duration reduction

- Fixed the teleporter exit using the wrong particle effect

- Fixed HUD damage indicators not appearing

- Fixed Teleporters not reverting to level 1 when their other side is destroyed

- Fixed receiving damage not causing view-kicks on players

- Fixed Engineers & Spies being able to circumvent build restrictions

- Fixed Server Browser not saving filter settings properly

- Fixed a client crash in the targetID on clients running custom HUDs

The Backburner buff should make Brushfire happy.

The new items are medals based on when you first played TF2. I'll probably get the silver one, because I don't think I got it within 3 months of launch.

Also, servers are still updating.

A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include:

- Added new items to commemorate our 119th (or so) update.

- Fixed several issues with the Source SDK

- Scout's "Retire the Runner" achievement updated to be:

- "Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola."

- Added a 20% damage bonus to The Backburner

- Fixed the Flare Gun's afterburn duration being lowered by the Flamethrower's duration reduction

- Fixed the teleporter exit using the wrong particle effect

- Fixed HUD damage indicators not appearing

- Fixed Teleporters not reverting to level 1 when their other side is destroyed

- Fixed receiving damage not causing view-kicks on players

- Fixed Engineers & Spies being able to circumvent build restrictions

- Fixed Server Browser not saving filter settings properly

- Fixed a client crash in the targetID on clients running custom HUDs

The Backburner buff should make Brushfire happy.

The new items are medals based on when you first played TF2. I'll probably get the silver one, because I don't think I got it within 3 months of launch.

Also, servers are still updating.

It's not a buff, it's just them returning the BB to a crappy thing.

But it creates a clear distinction between the defensive vanilla flamethrower and the offensive Backburner.

neither weapon is remotely close to offensive

Oh, also, the medals are currently bugged.

Everyone is getting Bronze with the hire date set to Mar 17, 2009 20:00:00 or so.

Of course they're broken. Still kind of cool though. I look forward to getting the gold once they're working.


I crafted myself my Pyro hat last night. I almost waited until the next hat update so that I could have a chance to get a hat immediately after it was released but I like all the hats already out and if the next Pyro hat sucked I know I would be getting it. I like my new hat and should go good with me playing Pyro again.

neither weapon is remotely close to offensive

True. Pretty much everything a Pyro can do well is defensive in one way or another. Although, like putting up a sentry in enemy territory, defense can be used offensively so for the purpose of pubs it generally works out okay.


Finally crafted my first Soldier hat today. Got myself a Tyrant's Helm. I would have preferred the Killer's Kabuto, but I'm not too bothered since I like pretty much all of the Soldier's hats and the Helm is a nice second for me.Now if only it hadn't taken weeks of idling pre-idle nerf and some waiting since to get one hat.

Finally crafted my first Soldier hat today. Got myself a Tyrant's Helm. I would have preferred the Killer's Kabuto, but I'm not too bothered since I like pretty much all of the Soldier's hats and the Helm is a nice second for me.Now if only it hadn't taken weeks of idling pre-idle nerf and some waiting since to get one hat.

When I was at 300 hours I didn't even dream of having a hat.(Because they weren't invented) In fact, I was at well over 800 hours before I saw a random hat drop into my hands. You young whipper snappers and your crafting.

When I was at 300 hours I didn't even dream of having a hat.(Because they weren't invented) In fact, I was at well over 800 hours before I saw a random hat drop into my hands. You young whipper snappers and your crafting.

Young whipper snapper? I've had the game since it came out. Mind you, my computer was crap so I stopped playing for months until I got my current one, and even then I can't play a lot, but still. Mind you, only about 51% of my 326 hours is actual playing time. Makes me wonder if it was tracking it properly all of these years, because I should have easily surpassed 150 hours in the last year alone and I've been playing regularly a lot longer than that. Could be wrong though.

Young whipper snapper? I've had the game since it came out. Mind you, my computer was crap so I stopped playing for months until I got my current one, and even then I can't play a lot, but still. Mind you, only about 51% of my 326 hours is actual playing time. Makes me wonder if it was tracking it properly all of these years, because I should have easily surpassed 150 hours in the last year alone and I've been on the server longer than that alone. Could be wrong though.

Mine seems to have tracked correctly... before I started idleing for items, that is.

I had 600+ hours back then.


To whomever it may concern:

If you update Metamod and Sourcmod to development versions on the server, it's up to you to keep them up to date, particularly if you don't tell the rest of us which versions are installed.

Sincerely, Powerlord.

P.S. The version of Sourcemod you installed is already out of date. I don't know about Metamod, because its version doesn't show up in the .bash_history.

P.P.S. Why Sourcemod 1.4.0 dev insted of 1.3.2 dev? 1.3.2 is going to be released soon, 1.4.0 is a ways off.

Mine seems to have tracked correctly... before I started idleing for items, that is.

I had 600+ hours back then.

Like I said I could be wrong. Maybe I just think I've played more often than I really did since release. Could have sworn I've been averaging at least 4-5 hours a week more or less for the last two years, but I suppose once you're well over the 100 hours mark everything's long since started to run together.


Sorry, I was off reading a book, so this is 15 minutes late:

A required update to Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include:

- Added further PropHunt mode support:

- Added a "SetCustomModelRotates" input, which will enable/disable whether the custom model should rotate yaw (enabled by default)

- Added a "SetCustomModelVisibletoSelf" input, which will set whether or not the local player should see his own custom model

- Fixed the Engineer being able to build more than 1 of each type of building

- Fixed old Engineer build keybinds not working with the new system

- Fixed a client crash on shutdown

- Fixed the Gunboats not properly applying the damage reduction when Spectators are nearby

- Fixed post-processing bug which could cause tone mapping to become stuck at highest setting

I can't tell if pav updated the server yet or not, so I've restarted RED to update it. If the update hasn't been applied yet, BLU will follow.

Edit: Update hadn't been applied... however, I think it skipped some files while updating, so I'm forcing another update.

Sorry, I was off reading a book, so this is 15 minutes late:

A required update to Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include:

- Added further PropHunt mode support:

- Added a "SetCustomModelRotates" input, which will enable/disable whether the custom model should rotate yaw (enabled by default)

- Added a "SetCustomModelVisibletoSelf" input, which will set whether or not the local player should see his own custom model

Wait what. I have nothing against Prop Hunt, but adding support for it totally caught me off guard.

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