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So, I'll have time to play some this week, which is a nice change. You lot won't have to spycheck too hard, though, since I'm getting practice with Scout recently.

Nonsense, they always need to Spycheck.

Even if you and Paranoid aren't around, that doesn't mean I won't be.

Can Toomz have a reserve slot? He plays on the server often enough and his janky internet gives his client a tendency to crash when the map changes. He's been unable to reconnect quite a few times due to server fullness.

thanks in advance

OK, we finally got this sorted out. Both Toomz and Dr. Suredeath Trballer were added to reserved slots.

what exactly happened? cuz Toomz said he talked to Brush and Brush said he already approved him. so curious

Brush doesn't have access to the Admins file.


Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Team Fortress 2

Mann Co. badges updated

Added new "Primeval Warrior" employee badge

Moved badges start date to the official TF2 release date of October 10th, 2007

Gave "Primeval Warrior" badge to anyone who played in the TF2 Beta prior to the official release

Adjusted existing badges based on the new start date

Fixed player avatars being squashed in the Arena win panel

Fixed a client crash caused by players calling for a Medic

Fixed a server crash caused by receiving invalid data in player commands

Fixed wearables attached to ragdolls not setting their skins and bodygoups correctly

Fixed deflected remote-detonate pipebombs becoming mini-crits when detonated

Fixed deflected remote-detonate pipebombs becoming full crits if the Pyro is critboosted

Prevented custom models from showing domination particles in PropHunt

Nonsense, they always need to Spycheck.

Even if you and Paranoid aren't around, that doesn't mean I won't be.

Oh, it's on now.


(Also, when I get on, can I recruit someone to help me see if they fixed that cloak bug?)

Oh, it's on now.


(Also, when I get on, can I recruit someone to help me see if they fixed that cloak bug?)

Servers haven't been updated yet. The server updater is being its usual "we don't let you choose a mirror so it takes forever" self.

Also: Coming Soon

Servers haven't been updated yet. The server updater is being its usual "we don't let you choose a mirror so it takes forever" self.

Also: Coming Soon

Well, the vid was nice but it really didn't tell us much about the update. Anybody have speculations, yet?

Well, the vid was nice but it really didn't tell us much about the update. Anybody have speculations, yet?

sure ive got one

itll make the game even easier for less skilled players like every other update

actually nevermind engineer does that already but im sure valve could take it a step further

sure ive got one

itll make the game even easier for less skilled players like every other update

actually nevermind engineer does that already but im sure valve could take it a step further

I think you do have a valid point there. Backburner/Natasha/Huntsman and others do make it a bit easier on low end pubbers. However, fortunately, you can't really say that they break the game (mostly) but simply add a new dimension to the game. Many unlocks are not even used in competitive play (and how many are even allowed?)

I think you do have a valid point there. Backburner/Natasha/Huntsman and others do make it a bit easier on low end pubbers. However, fortunately, you can't really say that they break the game (mostly) but simply add a new dimension to the game. Many unlocks are not even used in competitive play (and how many are even allowed?)

competitive play isnt the issue here

the unlocks make pubbing a lot less fun for people that have actually taken the time to improve their skill only to have the people who dont be the ones rewarded by valve

and sure they add a new dimension to the game except that dimension is just STUPIDITY


tf2 has always been about fucking over players who want to rely on skill and this is what always made it great; it was about bro'ing up with your team to accomplish goals instead of being personal glory fortress 2

if you need some kind of srs bsns shoot time go play counter-strike or something

tf2 has always been about fucking over players who want to rely on skill and this is what always made it great

and yet the scout and sniper classes exist


Still having a hard time dealing with the changes to the flame thrower. For every deflected mini crit hit I get, I get my ass handed to me four or five times. (I did manage to deflect an arrow right into a heavy's head though). I'm not switching to the backburner because I don't quite like how it turns an assault class in a "support" role. One thing they could do to make the flamer a tiny bit more interesting would be to be able to deflect the turret's missile.

Still having a hard time dealing with the changes to the flame thrower. For every deflected mini crit hit I get, I get my ass handed to me four or five times. (I did manage to deflect an arrow right into a heavy's head though). I'm not switching to the backburner because I don't quite like how it turns an assault class in a "support" role. One thing they could do to make the flamer a tiny bit more interesting would be to be able to deflect the turret's missile.

You already can reflect a sentry's rockets.

I think you do have a valid point there. Backburner/Natasha/Huntsman and others do make it a bit easier on low end pubbers. However, fortunately, you can't really say that they break the game (mostly) but simply add a new dimension to the game. Many unlocks are not even used in competitive play (and how many are even allowed?)

er... I can see why Backburner and maybe Natascha are on that list, but why is the Huntsman there? It's a lot easier to pick people off in the distance with the Sniper Rifle even with Bodyshots than it is to kill them at closer range with the Huntsman.

Jarate and Razorback on the other hand...

You already can reflect a sentry's rockets.

Unfortunately, since rockets fire after the guns start, you'll never actually take out a fully repaired sentry that way.

sure ive got one

itll make the game even easier for less skilled players like every other update

actually nevermind engineer does that already but im sure valve could take it a step further

competitive play isnt the issue here

the unlocks make pubbing a lot less fun for people that have actually taken the time to improve their skill only to have the people who dont be the ones rewarded by valve

I can't think of any unlock sans Equalizer that breaks the game in relation to skill level. Most of the unlocks are specialized and therefore not as good as their vanilla counterpart. Which unlocks are you referring to?

Well, the vid was nice but it really didn't tell us much about the update. Anybody have speculations, yet?

there's a couple clues, I think.

-Hammer he smacks his project with at the end should be obvious. (either that or the arc welder)

-There is something behind the Lvl3 Sentry at the begginning of the video. It has the same gas tank as a dispenser, but the front of the object is different and it looks like it has an attachment with a lens of some sort on the top.

-Robotic arm blueprint behind engie at end of video.

-somehting that looks like a welding mask with a glowy eye under the blueprint

-also, the propane tank used in the pyro's weapons is sitting on his workbench in front of him

is there a copy of the video with high enough definition to read what is on the soldier poster in the back?


and atmuh, i think you're wrong.

pub servers are much much easier to play on than our server.

which one of the resident spies said they wreak havoc on pub servers because they can't deal with spies?

Almost every time I play on a pub server with peeps i met on the OCR server, we lead the scoreboards.

there's a couple clues, I think.

-Hammer he smacks his project with at the end should be obvious. (either that or the arc welder)

-There is something behind the Lvl3 Sentry at the begginning of the video. It has the same gas tank as a dispenser, but the front of the object is different and it looks like it has an attachment with a lens of some sort on the top.

-Robotic arm blueprint behind engie at end of video.

-somehting that looks like a welding mask with a glowy eye under the blueprint

-also, the propane tank used in the pyro's weapons is sitting on his workbench in front of him

is there a copy of the video with high enough definition to read what is on the soldier poster in the back?

The poster is the propaganda competition winner just with a RED soldier instead of a BLU.


As far as I can tell anyway.

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