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a dedicated spy checker is an absolute waste of a player slot on a team because all theyre doing is focusing on killing one class that really cant do much especially if the rest of your team has any sense

Woah, woah, woah... you're misinterpreting him here! He said "proper spy checking" not "a dedicated spy checker." Proper spy checking involves killing a cloaked spy if you bump into him, flaming around a sentry (just to check) when you run by it, shooting friendlies in the face if they're acting suspicious. THAT is proper spy checking (among other things).

I WILL agree with you that a dedicated spy checker is a bit stupid... unless _maybe_ you have like three engineers with a bunch of crap in one spot on defense (stupid engies). Then a dedicated spy checker may be useful

Woah, woah, woah... you're misinterpreting him here! He said "proper spy checking" not "a dedicated spy checker." Proper spy checking involves killing a cloaked spy if you bump into him, flaming around a sentry (just to check) when you run by it, shooting friendlies in the face if they're acting suspicious.

thats just getting kills

and when you get kills you get points and improving your kd and being useful and thats the whole discussion here

I WILL agree with you that a dedicated spy checker is a bit stupid... unless _maybe_ you have like three engineers with a bunch of crap in one spot on defense (stupid engies). Then a dedicated spy checker may be useful

Or one of two things is happening:

-Your team is really really stupid and gets backstabbed by a troublesome Spy constantly

-You really want to give that failspy a bad day.

Bahamut was nice enough to get me faggy earbuds.

Valve, I am disapoint in the quality of those buds. Something cooler would have been nice. However, I, too am sucker for any "special" thing I can get. :-]

There are also some people who take games so seriously, basing their personal value as a person on how well they do in their favorite game. Not seeing a game for what it is (a game!) can be problematic.

I agree. I used to be one of those people until a week or so ago. It took the third blowup on my group of friends in as many months for me to realize that something was wrong.

Next day I had a doctor's appointment; turns out I'm on my way to an ulcer, likely stress-induced. Needless to say, I'm not that guy anymore. I can't afford to be.

Also where you see schizophrenic I see Valve using TF2 as a hotbed of new, innovative ideas in the gaming market. (...) I wouldn't be surprised if Valve releases a research paper on how all this affects the gaming audience/market.

I'd love to read that paper. And you're right; Valve has used their position in the industry to do a ton of crazy stuff with this product. I respect them for that. Even with all the fumbles and foibles, it's been a wild ride thus far.


Ok, the Starfox night that's planned tomorrow will still go as scheduled... however, for Brushfire's sake, we'll hold a mini one tonight starting 10:00pm EST, if you need an avatar, bug me and I will get you one.

"Steam servers are too busy, try again in a few minutes" eh?

TF2 must be a very exclusive club cause I can't get in

This happens nearly every time TF2 updates.

Speaking of which:

An optional update (client bug fixes) is now available for Team Fortress 2. The changes include:


- Fixed a crash related to model caches.

- Fixed a crash related to empty proxy files.

- Fixed a rare crash involving corrupted voice-comm playback.

Team Fortress 2

- Fixed some issues with the community submitted tips.

- Fixed a case where servers could get stuck in an infinite loop while spawning bots.

- Made the training HUD code more robust, so it doesn't crash if the client has modified HUD resource files.

- Fixed a potential crash in the HUD during startup.

- Fixed a level change crash related to Bot navigation meshes.

- Disabled quickswitch UI in training to reduce confusion.

- The Demoman's battleaxe now sounds like a sword.

Missed a note from yesterday:

- The Eyelander now collects the heads inside Eyelanders of Demomen it decapitates.


Missed a note from yesterday:

- The Eyelander now collects the heads inside Eyelanders of Demomen it decapitates.

!! Holy cow !!

Does anyone else feel an "All Demoman Eyelander Extravaganza" coming on? Now that would be funny!


Had fun playing until Windows Update shut me down... -_-

I got a question. What else can I change to lower so that the game plays better? I changed a lot as low as I could, even turned on multi-core something or other in the video settings. Are the lowest and fasted settings typically at the top for each box? Some of the lower ones are outside of my comprehension. Like the 8x anti-aliasing and stuff. o_O

Had fun playing until Windows Update shut me down... -_-

I got a question. What else can I change to lower so that the game plays better? I changed a lot as low as I could, even turned on multi-core something or other in the video settings. Are the lowest and fasted settings typically at the top for each box? Some of the lower ones are outside of my comprehension. Like the 8x anti-aliasing and stuff. o_O

I'm not sure what your specs are but I have found that setting the Dx level to 8.1 helps a ton.

To set dx level open Steam.

Right Click on TF2

Click on Properties

Under the General Tab click on Set Launch Options

In the box enter "dxlevel 81" without quotes

Exit this menu

Start TF2

Exit TF2

Now go back to Set Launch Options

Remove "dxlevel 81" (This stops the game from resetting your visual settings everytime your start the game)

Your game will now run dx 8.1 shaders instead of the standard 9.5. This option removes some phong shaders and makes the game look less shiny but you will see an increase in FPS.

Check your specs to make sure that your PC can run TF2 in the first place.


Multicore rendering is finicky for TF2 and doesn't always work on every machine, or so I heard. I vaguely recall hearing that in some cases it can make the game run worse, but I lack any sort of evidence to back this up.

It doesn't help that the game wasn't optimized for multicore to begin with.

Fight for the most heads, kill the titan?

I'm down for Eyelander night.

Put a PW on RED for a night, set it to Eyelander/Targe Demo only (or just have everyone there play that), and beacon the guy with the most heads?


I'm all for eyelander night, but not tonight, as we have Starfox night tonight (starts 10:00pm EST). Speaking of which, it's going on RED server tonight, not BLU, so if you wanna avoid the Starfox stuff, we're not messin' with BLU.


I am going to redo our SourceMod installation from the ground up to make sure it or MetaMod: Source aren't causing the lag issues we're experiencing.

This may take place as soon as tomorrow.

Chances are I will reset all settings for it except for the reserved slot and admin lists, so don't be surprised if a few things work slightly differently than before.


Hey guys!

To help make our semi-regular Starfox micspam event more accessible to more people, I decided to put together a little thread with the resources people would need to get involved in our fun.


http://hldj.org/ -- one of the free music/micspam programs for playing audio in Source games

*Avatar pack*

(note, individual avatars are included in the voice clip packs)

Audio clips taken from http://starfox-online.net

Voiceclip packs include BOTH the origional mp3 files and the converted wav files for use with hldj.

*Team Starfox & Goodguys:*

*General Pepper*

*Fox McCloud* (WindStrike)

*Falco Lombardi* (alt download. WindStrike)

*Peppy Hare* (WindStrike)

Slippy Toad (needed)

*ROB 64*

*Team Starwolf & Badguys:*

*Wolf O'Donnel* (WindStrike)

*Leon Powalski*

*Pigma Dengar*

Andrew Oikonny (needed)

Other packs will be added as people submit them. If you would like to help, download all the clips for a character at http://starfox-online.net and then convert the mp3s to wavs that hldj can play using something like dBPowerAMP and upload it to Filefront or some other file sharing site.


-Your Friendly Neighborhood [OCR]Krowbar


Thank you to everyone who was a part of the OCRTF2 Starfox night, whether you were on Starfox, Starwolf or just playing as yourself. It went a lot better than yesterday's rushed night, and kudos especially to ROB 64 for the best timing with the best quotes. More than likely, we won't hold another Starfox event for quite a while (probably another month), but if someone wants to organize together a different themed event, gather some interest up and go for it (my next suggestion would be Metal Gear Solid btw).

The following is the list of "who was who?":


- Fox McCloud = ???

- Falco Lombardi = MAV

- Peppy Hare = Wind

- Slippy Toad = ctr_100, <DsH>Tatsuma

- ROB 64 = Krowbar

- General Pepper = Game kid


- Wolf O'Donnell = Wind, Gamemaster

- Pigma Dengar = ctr_100

- Andrew Oikonny = Draken-Korin

- Leon Powalski = Kenogu Labz

- Andross = !!

??? means I don't know who subbed in for that person.

If I missed someone, I apologize.

Thanks everyone again!

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