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I would have guessed Medic was the fast track to points, not Engineer.

medic gets you barely any points

1 point for uber

0 points for any amount of healing

4 points per assist but you dont get the high amounts you get for kills

but if you want me to show you the ridiculous amount of points you get as an engineer i can show you that

medic gets you barely any points

1 point for uber

0 points for any amount of healing

4 points per assist but you dont get the high amounts you get for kills

but if you want me to show you the ridiculous amount of points you get as an engineer i can show you that

I thought it was 3 per assist.

Anyways, the easiest way to increase your Hlstats score is to play Heavy in maps that have dense populations and close goals. Heavy kills the most people which tends to be the quickest way to adding points since you get bonuses for more kills. Add to the fact that Heavies must be near the objective to be useful means a Heavy will be on the cart, gaining points.

Hlstats is not perfect in its scoring. Unfortunately Medics, the class that matters the most, does not perform well under Hlstats.

I wouldn't worry about the scores or stats. They are poor indicators at best.

the trick to being a good engineer is to not turtle

except in this instance were just talking about getting points and youll get plenty by turtling


Easiest way to get first place.

Play more.

The reason he has so many points.

1. He's not bad at the game

2. He has over 25 days played

Rewarding time played is the biggest flaw of hlstats.

medic gets you barely any points

1 point for uber

0 points for any amount of healing

4 points per assist but you dont get the high amounts you get for kills

but if you want me to show you the ridiculous amount of points you get as an engineer i can show you that

1 point for Extinguish, too. Though I still agree Engineer nets you the most.

I don't need stats to tell me that I am bad at this game. :-)

It took me awhile to get my settings right so i had a decent framerate; apparently going fullscreen on a mac is a huge dip in resources. Windowed mode was way smoother. :-)

Right click TF2 in Steam -> Settings -> Launch Options, "-window -noborder -width xxx -height yyy" where xxx and yyy are your horizontal and vertical resolution. Just as good as fullscreen with none of the issues that arise from alt-tabbing around, or whatever the Mac equivalent is.

Although from the look of it you already did this. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee~

I don't need stats to tell me that I am bad at this game. :-)

It took me awhile to get my settings right so i had a decent framerate; apparently going fullscreen on a mac is a huge dip in resources. Windowed mode was way smoother. :-)

That's amusing to me, only because Windows is usually the other way around: Full Screen is faster than windowed mode.


There was a stealth update to TF2 today, caused by CS:S being updated to use the Orange Box engine (Jason Ruymen from Valve confirmed this on the hlds_linux mailing list).

The update may not actually change anything in TF2, but just in case I've updated the servers and restarted them.

There was a stealth update to TF2 today, caused by CS:S being updated to use the Orange Box engine (Jason Ruymen from Valve confirmed this on the hlds_linux mailing list).

The update may not actually change anything in TF2, but just in case I've updated the servers and restarted them.

From the Steam forums:

Added sv_disablefreezecam cvar to turn off the freezecam on a server.

Added sv_nonemesis cvar to turn off domination/revenge on a server.

Added sv_nomvp cvar to turn off MVP stars on a server.

Added sv_nostats cvar to turn off stats on a server.

From the Steam forums:

Those patch notes are for CSS. Those vars were NOT added to the tf2 server.

Updating 'OB Linux Dedicated Server' from version 43 to version 44

11.71% downloading ./orangebox/bin/dedicated.so

72.46% downloading ./orangebox/bin/engine.so

99.89% downloading ./orangebox/bin/materialsystem.so

100.00% downloading ./orangebox/hl2/resource/gameevents.res

HLDS installation up to date

Probably just minor fixes brought forward from the cs:s tree.

Those patch notes are for CSS. Those vars were NOT added to the tf2 server.

Probably just minor fixes brought forward from the cs:s tree.

I have better evidence than that:


Unknown command "sv_disablefreezecam"


Unknown command "sv_nonemesis"


Unknown command "sv_nomvp"


Unknown command "sv_nostats"


"sv_password" = ""


- Server password for entry into multiplayer games

The last is included to show that cvars that exist show a different message. notify is there because players are informed when sv_password changes, but not what it is changed to.

Experiment went well, so I've updated mapchooser.cfg to pop up a vote at the end of every round

I hope you adjusted the vote time to be more than 5 minutes before map end, or you'll end up with the occasional missed vote.


You know, I thought I'd like the new always-vote system, but when I came on the other day (and this was for five maps total), we ended up playing Badlands 3 times. It was a bit painful.

Eh, I'll get used to it I guess.


I've modified the map cycle to remove duplicate maps. Hopefully this will fix some of the problems with certain maps appearing more often than others, etc...

Current map cycle:



















it used to because viaduct was our starting map. habit afterwards I think. But we're not really using a mapcycle anymore so it's moot.
I tried using mapvote_extended, but the developer seems to be busy, and it causes the server to crash on vote ties. So back to the stock plugin. :|

Switching back to the stock plugin.

Not using the mapcycle implies continued use of the nextmap vote.


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