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Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

- Updated the Pilotka so it can be crafted, traded, and gift-wrapped

- Updated the Stahlhelm so it can be crafted, traded, and gift-wrapped

- Updated the physics for the Sticky Jumper projectiles so they behave like regular sticky bombs

BLU will auto-update shortly. RED... well, the event version of RED doesn't auto-update, so I need to manually update it when BLU is done.


Speaking of Prop Hunt, I've added some new Prop Hunt maps to the server and added another that was present but not in the mapcycle.

The new maps are:

ph_cchotel_b2 (new)

ph_kakariko_b1 (new)

ph_harvest_event_a1 (added to mapcycle)

I wanted to add one more, but I couldn't locate a Prop Hunt config for it... ph_manor_a1.

I also altered where the download mirror points for the Prop Hunt server, so let me know if you see any problems.


Ooh, cool update to TF2 Beta today:

Team Fortress 2 Beta

- Synced with all changes and fixes from the official release

- Added support for multiple Misc slot items being equipped at the same time

- Added support for character loadout presets

2 Misc slot items? YES!

Saved Loadout presets? YES!


So, they introduced Series 29 crates, with Strange Black Box, Strange Razorback,and Strange Axetinguishers into the game.

As someone with no money to open crates due to family events, if anyone has any of those (Axetinguisher especially), I'd be eternally grateful if you would let me trade it off you


According to the TF2 Wiki there are several undocumented weapon changes in the Beta now. Such as the Enforcer's downside being increased to 1 extra second taken to cloak, instead of 0.5. Which still means diddly to the Dead Ringer.



Here's the full TF2 Beta changes (aside from the 2 Misc. Item slots and loadout presets) if anyone's interested:

  • Updated the Foster's Facade and Noh Mercy to use the misc slot.
  • The class select screen now displays currently equipped loadout.
  • The Reserve Shooter can now be equipped by the Pyro and Soldier.
  • The Tomislav now reduces the wearer's health by 50.
  • Metal consumption while using the Widowmaker was reduced to 30 from 60.
  • The cloak delay when using the Enforcer was increased to 1 second from 0.5 seconds.
  • The cloak blink time when using the Saharan Spy item set was increased to 1 second from 0.5 seconds.
  • The Claidheamh Mòr charge extension is increased to 1 second up from 0.5 seconds.
  • The Scottish Resistance's stickybomb arming delay was increased to 1 second from 0.8 seconds.
  • The Grenade Launcher and Stickybomb Launcher now use the in-game slot notation on the loadout screen.
  • Added support for the Sixense/Razer Hydra motion controller.
  • The public IP is now displayed in the console when creating a local server, and the output for the exec command has been altered.

Lots of interesting things happening here, but the most important thing here is the Tomislav nerf...


*hugs Tomislav and cries in the corner*


fix'd formatting.


A quick note to some of last night's Prop Hunters:

I have a shaved undercut, and have since 2000. My hair is long on top and 1/16" underneath, when freshly trimmed. Bark's comments about going to shave my head are just that - he's just trimming my undercut for me. He isn't pinning me to the ground and forcibly shaving me. So for those of you who expressed concern or dismay, it's ok.


The Grenade Launcher and Stickybomb Launcher now use the in-game slot notation on the loadout screen.

Freaking finally.

Edit: Oh, and here's a thing. Anyone playing when I was last night probably remembers me complaining about some wicked loss going on that was muffing up the audio chat, and a few people giving me handy console flags to take a look at it. I thought to enable net_graph while hopping between a few other servers earlier tonight, including one in Europe, and as it turns out...the only time my loss indicator moved above zero was on BLU, where it constantly stayed between 10 and 20 or even higher. Whatever weirdness is going on, it looks like it's only happening here.


If I don't play in the event on Saturday, I apologize in advance.

I've been making what have been (I think) great strides in getting my TF2 Voting extension completed.

A lot of it is just interfaces and infrastructure, but this time I'm keeping it a lot closer to the SourceMod vote system's code, so that it's a lot harder for me to screw up. :P



CaptainYahoo's Prop Hunt Event: The Full Server Edition is today at 8:00pm EDT / 5:00pm PDT / Midnight Sunday UTC on red.ocrtf2.com.

Also, a lot of people have been complaining about lag on the server. I'm sure exactly what's causing it. It doesn't help that I'm personally not seeing it.

I'm guessing it involves connections between networks on the Internet, and it appears that IJ's server has a similar problem on the other side of the US.

Either that or it really is a client problem, but I have no idea what settings would cause/fix it.


I wasn't seeing any lag on IJ's server myself last night (besides the usual 100+ ping sort), even though I'm on the other side of the country from him. What's stranger, the brutal net loss I was experiencing on BLU/RED over the past couple of days disappeared as suddenly as it arrived. Who knows what's going on at this point.


For my part, I had been experiencing connection issues with TF2 in general, then the internet went out at my place for a couple of days, then when it came back everything was hunky dory.

Perhaps the tubes are clogged?


I want to see the Widowmaker buff passed. In its current state it's an absolutely terrible weapon =/

I also want to see the Reserve Shooter change pass, but I got this feeling it's gonna be overpowered...

I've also gained a newfound love for the Detonator.

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