XeroZohar Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 I really don't see why they don't just make the gift like the Mann Co. store's single "Gift".In other words, someone would pick it up and a random person (not necessarily the one who picked it up) would receive the contents. I think this would make everyone happier all around. ....mmm, no, I'm pretty sure everyone would bitch and moan and fly banners of boycott across the internets. Or at least, most would, as unwarranted as it would be.
Lyrai Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 Oh, right, that's the other thing that sucks: less than two weeks' worth of event isn't nearly enough time to get everything unless you go into hardcore grind mode and/or have a ton of metal to trade for them and/or just buy everything. Since the Halloween stuff is now wearable during full moons, the least they could do is turn present drops on then too. I sell my extras for 2 scrap each. It doesn't take THAT much metal. But I do agree it can be supremely annoying to find a server where there's one or two scouts who do nothing but hoover up gifts. Personally I grabbed my bio lab homework, parked on a server that was doing a rotation, and spent the entire day on there. I can now draw the life cycle of seedless vascular plants, and I have all 27 pieces.
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 Not my most inspired work so far. Car handles beautifully, though. I might make a few class-specific cars later on at some point, but character portraits take a long time. I'm thinking an Aston Martin for the spy, maybe a land rover for the Sniper. BMW something for the Medic perhaps.
Cinderwild Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 I thought that was a real car at first so my thought process went something like, "Hey that's cool." "Wait, he made this? Does he make cars or something?" "He doesn't seem all that proud of it for someone who made a car." "oh its a video game."
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 Haha, yeah. That particular area has very realistic looking lighting, but alas. I would totally drive that car though.
Native Jovian Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 +1 on the "27 Halloween-only items is too many" sentiment. I nearly killed myself grinding for the masks last year. This year I haven't really bothered, though I've ended up with three or four gifts so far anyway.
Powerlord Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 I swear, Valve waits until I'm out doing shopping and then pushes required updates. Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM) - Output of status command now includes public IP - Fixed playback for pre-Halloween demo recordings Team Fortress 2 - Output of status command not includes registration status, including any error message causing failure - Update the '_registered' server tag based on whether registration is successful, not whether the registration convars are set - All registration related messages now go to the server log in addition to the console - Fix response from cl_gameserver_reset_identity command to properly format convar config lines - Added a taunt for the Tin Soldier set - Fixed the Soldier's melee dare response rule - MONOCULUS! HAS GROWN ANGRY - Updated the localization files P.S. I have no idea how to update the Multiplay (TEST2) server. I started the updater for BLU, and will start the updater for RED shortly.
Powerlord Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 What's the Monoculous update there? Don't know, and given the glacial pace the server updater has, we won't know for at least 20 more minutes.
Powerlord Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 BLU and RED are now both restarted. RED is now set up for Halloween again and should be unlocked. As for TEST2, no clue what it's doing. It's out of date, and I have no idea how to update it.
NegimaSonic Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 Haven't played yet, but I'm skimming their forums. It appears "He spawns with half health now with fast instakill crit eyes." and "He gains a level if he is killed. If he isn't killed, he reverts to no-level next time he shows up." I've seen screenshots of him going up to level 6. I assume every level he gets stronger and more hp. Though this kind of suggests you shouldn't kill him too much? Time to find out for myself...or not. Might've actually had fun yesterday being a spy backstabbing here...got spy achievement 2 and 3 in the same night and I suck
Top Gun Posted November 3, 2011 Posted November 3, 2011 Oh good, now he can kill you even faster when you're trying to get a gift! And heh, there's a blog post from the Administrator about servers that are cheating with the gift drop rate and such. Gee, Valve, maybe if you hadn't made it so absurd to collect them this time around, people wouldn't need to do that.
Powerlord Posted November 3, 2011 Posted November 3, 2011 I will need test bodies tomorrow or Friday. Why? Oh, a little thing I like to call BuiltinVotes and [TF2] MapChooser. It took me like four damn months, but it appears to be working in TF2, but I don't want to install it on our good servers. So... expect me to ask people to join me on Old BLU. However, I have things going on tomorrow night.
XeroZohar Posted November 3, 2011 Posted November 3, 2011 I will need test bodies tomorrow or Friday.Why? Oh, a little thing I like to call BuiltinVotes and [TF2] MapChooser. It took me like four damn months, but it appears to be working in TF2, but I don't want to install it on our good servers. So... expect me to ask people to join me on Old BLU. However, I have things going on tomorrow night. I can show up, just lemme know when you need me.
Powerlord Posted November 3, 2011 Posted November 3, 2011 I can show up, just lemme know when you need me. I was still ironing out bugs even as recently as a few minutes ago... a failsafe to cancel votes was trying to display the cancel screen even for votes that had finished. Whoops.
Native Jovian Posted November 3, 2011 Posted November 3, 2011 I'll be around pretty much all evening tonight; hit me up on Steam chat if you need me. Tomorrow's probably no-go, though.
Top Gun Posted November 4, 2011 Posted November 4, 2011 I finally got my next gift drop tonight...and it winds up being a Haunted one no less. (It's depressing how much so many people are fapping over the distinction.) I think spending the last couple of nights in my one usual trade server was a bad idea, since the disabled control point meant that 10 or so people were dry-humping each other over the gift every time it started appearing. At least having actual combat going on gives a bit more of a chance. It also helped that I literally didn't give a damn about getting the things anymore.
XeroZohar Posted November 4, 2011 Posted November 4, 2011 I know everyone's kinda sick of TF2 with all this halloween stuff, but can we get some non-eyeduct games going on BLU? It's empty every night now it seems, and that makes me a sad panda.
Powerlord Posted November 4, 2011 Posted November 4, 2011 I know everyone's kinda sick of TF2 with all this halloween stuff, but can we get some non-eyeduct games going on BLU? It's empty every night now it seems, and that makes me a sad panda. I just fixed a bug in MapChooser Extended on that server that caused it to stop working whenever a custom map was in the vote. However, BLU is now also running the BuiltinVotes extension, so expect it to look different.
Cinderwild Posted November 4, 2011 Posted November 4, 2011 Does anyone know what the abusive servers were doing that was considered abuse? The blog post didn't really elaborate.
Powerlord Posted November 4, 2011 Posted November 4, 2011 Does anyone know what the abusive servers were doing that was considered abuse? The blog post didn't really elaborate. Sadly, no, because they didn't elaborate. I assume things like tricking the server into thinking bots were people, then allowing one person to run around collecting gifts and things like that. Likely, the Steam accounts associated with the servers got all their other servers delisted as well. On another subject, I scheduled a Good, Old Fashioned, Traditional Quest... er... game for tonight at 9:00pm EDT / 6:00pm PDT / 1:00am Saturday UTC. This doubles as a public test of the BuiltinVotes extension and MapChooser Extended 1.7.2a's BuiltinVotes support. If it crashes, I can unload said extension and continue with normal vote support. (Side note: US DST ends this weekend.)
Powerlord Posted November 5, 2011 Posted November 5, 2011 Thanks to the testing earlier today, I found a major BuiltinVotes bug and several (3) minor MapChooser Extended bugs. They've all been fixed now and I'll be deploying the new versions to BLU soon. But, the big bug I can't test alone... I need multiple people, the more the merrier.
Powerlord Posted November 6, 2011 Posted November 6, 2011 After today, it appears that the BuiltinVotes voting style is now working correctly. Let me know if you see some issues, though.
Powerlord Posted November 6, 2011 Posted November 6, 2011 As a reminder, Valve says the Halloween event ends today. Which, as I recall, is midnight UTC (24 minutes from now).
ParanoidDrone Posted November 7, 2011 Posted November 7, 2011 As a reminder, Valve says the Halloween event ends today. Which, as I recall, is midnight UTC (24 minutes from now). Finally. I was getting tired of the Halloween menu. Unrelated: In an attempt to figure out what's causing my ping issues, I discovered that checking the servers through Steam before opening TF2 yielded more standard ping levels. So I told my antivirus to ignore everything in my TF2 folder. This was last night, and except for a few seconds at the beginning of each map, it ran pretty smoothly. So...yay? Even more unrelated: There is very little in the world that can make my soul hurt as much as watching our Spy in the deathcam attempt to snipe across Nucleus while an undisguised enemy Spy walks up with the Sapper, stands behind our own Spy, and walks away without doing anything. True story.
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