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So I got the Magistrate's Mullet yesterday, continuing the tradition of me getting hats for classes I play but none for the classes I play the most. Well, except the Trophy Belt I suppose. It's a really nice hat and is my fifth one. Still have one Reclaimed and a Refined to go till I can craft my Pyro hat, which has been a long time coming now.

Still hoping Valve implements a trading system so I can trade one of my Pickelhaubes for a Scout hat but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't see the light of day.

I could trade you a pickelhaube for a batter's helmet. I have a couple of those.


I have this strange ability to get Backbiter's Billycock... now if only trading worked.

(I recycled one of them with the bald engineer "hat" already, and still have two)

Since Chives has the mullet, I'll probably change my Spy's hat to the fedora or something.


Oh darn, so I still haven't found a hat drop yet...:( that's not fair...

I've also noticed alot of goofy hats that look like fucking Chappy the Rabbit lately...

I have this strange ability to get Backbiter's Billycock... now if only trading worked.

(I recycled one of them with the bald engineer "hat" already, and still have two)

Since Chives has the mullet, I'll probably change my Spy's hat to the fedora or something.

Aw, that's sweet of you.

Oh darn, so I still haven't found a hat drop yet...:( that's not fair...

I've also noticed alot of goofy hats that look like fucking Chappy the Rabbit lately...

You only have 25 hours in this game. You should receive a hat around the 250-600 hour mark. Yes, I am completely serious.


Some of my friends who got Orange Box when they had that really cheap sale last year showed on our TF2 server today.

First time they've been on since just after they started... they didn't seem to be too bad at it, though.

Well, not as bad as I expected them to be anyway.

Some of my friends who got Orange Box when they had that really cheap sale last year showed on our TF2 server today.

First time they've been on since just after they started... they didn't seem to be too bad at it, though.

Well, not as bad as I expected them to be anyway.

but thats because..........

but thats because..........

Since you asked, at least one of them got pissed off because they didn't want to have to grind achievements to get new items, or wait to get random drops. Don't be surprised if they show up on the idle server, too, to get said items.

Another one of my friends who played only a few times may join us once the Mac version of TF2 is out... he was complaining that his PC laptop couldn't handle TF2 without being extremely slow (and he didn't want to dick with it)... which may in turn pull another of my friends back... we'll see.

Since you asked, at least one of them got pissed off because they didn't want to have to grind achievements to get new items, or wait to get random drops. Don't be surprised if they show up on the idle server, too, to get said items.

Another one of my friends who played only a few times may join us once the Mac version of TF2 is out... he was complaining that his PC laptop couldn't handle TF2 without being extremely slow (and he didn't want to dick with it)... which may in turn pull another of my friends back... we'll see.

you dont get it


Major change to TF2's drop system is coming today. No idea if it requires a server/client update or not.

I will be on a leave of absence from TF2 and Admin related duties for Anime Detour.

So please, don't PM me.

I won't answer.

er... but you're on BLU right now...


I like this idea a lot. Not that I had anything against idlers, but at least it means that I can now get items without having to stay on for an oppressively long time just for a fair percentage roll. I wonder how it will fair in the long run though.

I like this idea a lot. Not that I had anything against idlers, but at least it means that I can now get items without having to stay on for an oppressively long time just for a fair percentage roll. I wonder how it will fair in the long run though.

Except that it's been implied that, if you play more than 7 hours a week, you'll actually get less items overall because of the item cap.

Except that it's been implied that, if you play more than 7 hours a week, you'll actually get less items overall because of the item cap.

I would think, and it might take some tweaking if that's the case to start out with, that they would strive to be more balancing then that. It sounded to me like what they were trying to do was make it so that people that played for seven hours a week would get as many drops as people that played more without putting a huge handicap on those that play the game more often.

Edit: The gist being that if you're playing more than the amount of time that you have allotted to rolls, you're not necessarily going to get more stuff that way. I guess this hurts people who are just playing the game for drops, but it sounds like a more level playing field for everyone involved so that more people have a reasonable chance at getting cool stuff.

I would think, and it might take some tweaking if that's the case to start out with, that they would strive to be more balancing then that. It sounded to me like what they were trying to do was make it so that people that played for seven hours a week would get as many drops as people that played more without putting a huge handicap on those that play the game more often. It just wouldn't make sense that they'd punish people for playing the game more often than 7 hours a week.

"There's now a maximum amount of playtime per week in which you get item drops. Playing beyond that amount won't find any more items. The amount varies, but if you play an hour or so a day you're good."

One hour a day times seven days in a week...

"There's now a maximum amount of playtime per week in which you get item drops. Playing beyond that amount won't find any more items. The amount varies, but if you play an hour or so a day you're good."

My emphasis.


What I like about this is that I now have no reason to consider idling, which I was starting to toss around in my head. I'm sure I play enough hours to get the full chance at items per week in this new system so... cool.

I wonder what that means as far as random hat drops though, presumably they will be a little more common now, but how much more common. Either way, more items means more scrap which means more hats as well.

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