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Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! - History

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I know what that's like, haha. I've played through the entirety of Donkey Kong Country 3 probably a dozen times since this project started. That's NOT including the countless times I've played it otherwise. Heck, I've even replayed Donkey Kong Land 3 twice during the production of this project. Not to mention I've spent a million hours listening to these remixes. Despite being project staff I've been pumped for this project's release for 2 years. During this album's production I must've checked the front page a dozen times a day for updates, haha. :-D

However, now I can't beat Belcha in world one because it involves holding down Y and jumping. It's... just not working like it should

Do you have an option to enable multi-touch? It sounds like it may be a problem with the way your emulator is set up.

I've found that the original Droid's keyboard works better than the touch-sensitive screen when it comes to running emulators. The only odd quirk about the keyboard is that certain key combinations work yet others don't. For example, "Z" is compatible with "K" and "L", but a combination of "K", "L" and "S" won't work. I've played through all DKCs with no problems using "A" and "Z" to move left and right while using "K" and "L" to run and jump. Just takes a little creativity to work around the issue. Of course this is only relevant if you have the original Droid, haha.

Enchanted Riverbank is more or less done

Wow, an Enchanted Riverbank SNES remix actually reached completion? :-)


Well I just got back from a week long vacay was treated to this excellent news!!

I should go on vacations more often.

As a loooooooong time lurker on this site, I'm so stoked for this!!!!

(Look at that, you made me come out of my shell several times just to post on this forum)


Remember, real men and women enter TUFST and complete the game getting 105%


I'm so ready for this album, I already know it's gonna be awesome! It's been fun keeping up with the posts in this topic, watching things play out.

Mental note put here for posterity: Hated (HATE) the fonts for credits & tracklist within the rough art in the OP. :lol: They look too generic, so let's spice 'em up for the final look!

That's just temporary placeholder crap I threw together for the thread, it's not going to be included as part of any final artwork package as far as I'm aware of.

That's just temporary placeholder crap I threw together for the thread, it's not going to be included as part of any final artwork package as far as I'm aware of.


Guys, we've been duped


the enchanted is done finally the other ones are done so they could finally releashed and enjoy this in summer time i feel disapointed that alkumajobelmont left the enchanted music i like when alkumajobelmont sing but they replace him with another singer to do enchanted the albums i am gonna wait for this year is five albums so please we been waiting for this so keep the work going

the enchanted [track] is done finally[;] the other ones are done so they could finally released and [so we can] enjoy [them] this in [the] summer time. I feel disapointed that alkumajobelmont left the enchanted music[;] I like [it] when alkumajobelmont sing but they replace[d] him with another singer to do enchanted[.] The albums I am gonna wait for this year {are} five albums[,] so please[-] we been waiting for this so keep the work going[!]

I feel like a dick for doing that, but it was bothering me.

HOWEVER I agree with everything that was in that massive run-on sentence

I feel like a dick for doing that, but it was bothering me.

HOWEVER I agree with everything that was in that massive run-on sentence


thanks for translating that, and I agree as well. Eh, he's been busy (I'm waiting on him myself since he's got a song on my project) :<


I'm going to raise hype just a bit and say that the video preview is 100% finished and ready to go. I believe we touched about 20 remixes in the preview, 13 of them being brand new and the other 7 being alternate selections of previously-debuted material. This is definitely something to look forward to, and we're looking to release it as soon as we get our last WAV in. It's all on Theophany now :-D

This project is a fetus compared to some of them. It's been 2 years on this one. :whatevaa:

yes, but this one was probably finished the quickest out of all the projects to date. Two years is an exceptionally fast time, I know that some of these projects have gone on for 7 or more years.

yes, but this one was probably finished the quickest out of all the projects to date. Two years is an exceptionally fast time, I know that some of these projects have gone on for 7 or more years.

Yeah! Super Dodge Ball: Around the World took from Apl. 2005 to Oct. 2011, a span of 6.5 years, and it only had 10-something tracks. This has only been going since Dcb. 2009, a measly 2.5 years ago, and it has 60 or 70 something tracks, and assuming all the talk about high quality this album is is true, I conclude it says a LOT about Emunator's project director skills.

By the way, I'll totally flip if there's anything from Blast Beatdown in the trailer! I probably shouldn't say this, but if it were ever to be used in another game, that one would only be suitable for a last level based on how Emunator described it.


In the meantime, I decided I'd throw together a

containing all of the music from the updated 2010 audiovisual preview and both the 2010/2011 holiday previews. There isn't really anything new in terms of audio, but I'm sure there've gotta be people out there who would like to hear these previews in one go without clicking on each one separately :-D
hey i saw a youtube video of the preview what happen to enchated music i like that music

thought we've already covered this

Akumajo hasn't really turned in anything new for his song in ~2 years or so. So Flexstyle made a remix in his stead.


Well, the thing about Enchanted is that there was really never a 100% set-in-stone idea pertaining to the foundation of the track, which is probably why it didn't really end up getting anywhere after 4 or 5 iterations. It's alright though, I'm a huge fan of Flexstyle's take on the source; not only does it fit right at home in the album stylistically, but the source is readily noticeable. It's good stuff. :-D

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