SoulinEther Posted March 23, 2010 Posted March 23, 2010 ladder already reset but starting at 6PM pacific still right? i'm running a classic char till then Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted March 23, 2010 Posted March 23, 2010 I'll be on for an hour in another 5-6 min if you're still waiting on people relyance. Quote
Lord Obsidious Posted March 23, 2010 Posted March 23, 2010 Right now I can't make any effort to join you guys early game; I have homework to do. I do, however, happen to have patch 1.13 all loaded up, so once done, I should be good. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted March 23, 2010 Posted March 23, 2010 Rely yeah, I was around in the ocr channel for 10-15 minutes or so, but left after seeing no one else there (you didn't respond). I'll play a little tomorrow also -- let me know what level I should be before I run into the rest of you guys if you start tonight. Quote
Clefairy Posted March 23, 2010 Posted March 23, 2010 Donut, Rely and I are in the channel, we're probably just going to mess around until it's time. Feel free to join us Quote
Gario Posted March 23, 2010 Author Posted March 23, 2010 Sorry if the front page isn't up to date! I've had work until now, so I'll get to updating everything. See you all in an hour! Quote
Clefairy Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 That was... interesting. The latency was the biggest adjustment for me; I get around 100 ping in most games, which in this case cut a decent chunk out of my FPS. Gave me a headache at first. Y'all are in such a hurry. Don't care for the rush rush pacing we had going on. That's the nature of ladder play, I suppose. Darklink, you and I should have a talk about skills I didn't expect there to be another barb. Quote
Darklink42 Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Hey, it was a lot of fun, even though I had no clue what I was doing. I have to agree with Clefairy about the pace. That's really hard to adjust to, especially when you keep realizing that your gear is crappy at that point. As for skills, I was going for double swing/whirlwind and some battle cries to mix things up, but it looked like you were going for battle cries as well, so I went back to weapon mastery and double swing again. But when it comes to builds, I'm clueless. I have no idea what it all means, I just know what works for me. Quote
SoulinEther Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 that wasn't even that fast, or that long, hehe. was fun. we probably won't be top of the ladder any time soon but...whatever, not necessarily the biggest issue for me. Quote
Gario Posted March 24, 2010 Author Posted March 24, 2010 Well, that was fun, wasn't it? Huh, well if anyone has a time to do another run I'm game (if the time works for me, lol). Ah well, let's organize games in this thread, if we can . Quote
Lord Obsidious Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Haha, I gotta say it was well worth my hours, although everything did go kinda fast for me, but I'm adjusting. I'm certainly looking forward to another game, though I might try to snag a good bow while waiting in between games. Glad that I made it lvl 18 on this run, too. Looking forward to those games, and I gotta say, that was the best fun I had in a D2 game yet. Quote
SoulinEther Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 trying to figure out what would be the best solution to our problem around times.. maybe we should set up checkpoints? by, for example, friday, get to act 5 normal? i don't know. Quote
Gario Posted March 24, 2010 Author Posted March 24, 2010 Not a bad idea... although Act5 might be a bit rough of a standard - how about Act 4? Meet on Friday (sometime), have a softcore eastrealm char at Act 4... Sound good, everyone? Quote
SoulinEther Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Alright, but we can still get together before then when it's convenient for whomever - especially since we have people in the group that aren't very familiar with online play and quickness. I can schedule in about an hour of time tomorrow night between 10-11 EST (7-8 my time) to help get through a2 or with whatever anyone can handle. If that's not a good time for anyone, let me know. But definitely go to public games and work with people - A4 by Friday might be a bit hard especially for a bowazon or a barb. Quote
Clefairy Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Meet on Friday (sometime), have a softcore eastrealm char at Act 4... Sound good, everyone? It's a date. As for skills, I was going for double swing/whirlwind and some battle cries to mix things up, but it looked like you were going for battle cries as well, so I went back to weapon mastery and double swing again. But when it comes to builds, I'm clueless. I have no idea what it all means, I just know what works for me. This might help: These two sites are great resources. The wiki can be a bit... overwhelming, with all the data that's there, but once you learn to navigate it quickly that goes away. The key is to go in knowing what you're looking for. And yeah, I'm picking up a lot of Warcries. My main skill is going to be Concentrate, and until it opens up I don't have a lot of attractive options except Shout. For the record, I'll be maxing Shout and BO for the huge duration bonus, so while we're all grouped up you won't need to worry about that. When I was thinking about how this would all come together, I figured I could handle all the buffing and debuffing, and you could just go all out on damage. Although I'd realy appreciate it if you took a point in Find Item, and maaaybe a point in Grim Ward later. Just to give our caster friends a little safe zone to do their thing. If anyone wants to do smaller runs this week, just shoot me a PM. Or friend me on Bnet if you haven't already; my account name is, conveniently, Clefairy. Quote
Gario Posted March 24, 2010 Author Posted March 24, 2010 Alright, Friday sounds good, but I won't be able to get on there for longer than two hours (and that's if we start at 5pm Pacific), since I share internet with people that need it that night... Alas, a little time is better than no time, right? Quote
Lord Obsidious Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 I'll probably have some trouble getting to Act 4 by friday, not knowing what other work that I'll have to do. I wouldn't mind getting some running done tonight later, assuming I'm not caught up in GW. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 I'm level 16 with a completed staff, and the canyon wp. Lemme know if anyone needs help blazing through act 2! Quote
Hemophiliac Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 1 or 2 of my friends and I are gonna be starting up some stuff soon, we're planning on doing summon necro, zeal/fanat paladin and maybe a summon druid. Quote
SynthesizedStampede Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Anybody playing on the West Coast? I just solo'd to 14 today and saw this topic after I closed the game >_<. Quote
Hemophiliac Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 i'm west, but since everyone plays east, i'm on east. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Hemo, let me know when you get to the end of act 2 and I'll hop in with you. Currently a level 16 vengenace / holy freeze pally with 1 point in almost all the defensive auras (to get salvation). Quote
Darklink42 Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Well, by the looks of it, I'll focus on double swing/frenzy then. I'll have to work on raising my energy stat a little bit in order to really make it work, but if I want to do sheer damage (which is why I choose to play barb anyways) that's the most attractive option to me. Just have to find some good leech weapons/armor in the meanwhile to make whirlwind a viable possibility. Quote
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