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Alright, I wasn't going to release this, but I like it so much I feel that I should share it.

It's a hard house remix of the chemical plant zone from sonic 2 that is more "club friendly" than my cheetahmen II mix, but it's still in that vein.

It was originally a sound check of sorts to see how I want my debut album to sound - so if you're into this, chances are you'll like my originals. (when they get released...)

anyway, enough talk, I'll let the music speak for itself.




When I was little I used to hit the mute button over and over while my sister was trying to watch TV.

So nostalgic.

Seriously, though, this mix is pretty cool.


You mean your Cheetahmen II remix wasn't club friendly enough? I mixed that track of yours in a practice DJ set I did. I like the electronica remixes you do here, they stay true to their genre.

I'm feeling the percussion and the supporting instruments but the synth that plays the melody could use a bit more energy.


repeating everyone else's sentiments - everything you put up on this board (and the site, of course) is freakin' solid.

great genre adaptation - it works really well with this source. i feel like there's a little space for another background instrument or a pad support or something. otherwise, impressed as usual by your super hard-hitting production. keep up the good work, man.

also, trix?


Maybe it's just 'cause it's early in the morning, but damn this is throwing me for a loop. I don't think I'm coherent enough to handle this song :-P It gets really disorienting at times, especially on headphones.

No, but seriously, this is pretty killer. I agree with halc that it could use one more musical element to fill out the space a bit, but this is pretty interesting as-is. I'm always impressed by the different directions that you take your songs, you're a really talented arranger :-D


Thirding halc and Emu - this is some solid stuff you got pounding here, but I'd kinda like to hear just one more thread playing. The bass-line is EPIC. Good to see this theme done justice!

I'm looking forward to this album action, too. As Heavy Weapons Guy would say, "ANOTHER MEDAL!"


Hey everybody, thanks for all the comments - glad to hear that the genre adaptation works. I was kinda worried there for a bit haha

As far as the mix needing another instrument, I kept it relatively "open" on purpose so that the bass could cut through like I wanted - plus it sounds better when played REALLY loud. (ie: PA systems)

The album is about one song away from completion; I'm going to put something in gen disc when I have a for-sure release date.

...But, here's a little something for those of you who found this thread - the early album teaser!


if anyone knows of a label who'd like something like this, let me know. I've been shopping around...


I'll come right out and tell you now that I'm not the biggest fan of house music, but it's good to see this track get some sexy love.

Like everyone else said, this mix is pretty solid and that bass-line is epic indeed (to the fifth power! :lol:). A nice, solid adaptation and it really works.

Also, good luck with your album. I'm cheerin' for ya, mate!

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