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Heroes of Newerth Thread 2: Electrician Boogaloo. Now Free to play!

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Man they're going crazy with these vector abilities. Gauntlet seems like a pretty cool guy (eh masturbates all day and doesn't afraid of anything), but I haven't really played enough games with him in it figure out how to actually use him. He seems pretty similar to Devourer, but he doesn't build like Devourer since he doesn't get hurt by his slow, so Headdress is no longer a core item.

I also played Balphagore for the first time today (zomg so fun) and had a similar problem figuring out a build for him. Definitely a super-pusher, so I figured aura items would be good on him. Nome's seems like a no-brainer -- improves the longevity of his minions, and the INT and mana regen really help with his weak mana pool. Puzzlebox also helps in that regard and gives you a nice haste aura, but I'm just too much of a noob to actually micro the critters. But yeah, after that, I have no idea. I guess you could stack armor so you can stick around as long as possible and get the 80+ charges before ulting. I could also see Portal Key to get you in silence/vomiting range. What say you guys?


Haha, is there a hero you don't get Puzzlebox on? :D The more I think about it, the less synergy I see it having with Balphagore. The haste seems unnecessary since you already have two slows. The mana burn is almost counterproductive since you *want* people to use mana to build charges on your ult.

Nome's is actually pretty great for STR heroes now since the +1 hard regen is going to at least match or if not surpass 100% of their normal regen. But yes, the price is a bit steeper than other support items now.

Abyssal is a rockin' suggestion that I never would've thought of, and I could see Astrolabe complementing it quite well. Definitely trying these out next game.


Puzzlebox is actually great on any hero with a longer duration slow (you'll notice people get it on Slither, Hellbringer, Demented Shaman and Wretched Hag, and I even get it on Accursed from time to time :P) because it allows your minions to catch up and deal a lot of damage.

With Balphagore, it gives you two minions on top of the standard 5, which is some crazy DPS and pushing power, though I suppose it could be a bit taxing in terms of micro. It's definitely a nobrainer if you're countering invis heroes though. :P


Actually he wouldn't even have to do that, because right before that, SS had Posthasted up to our mid creep spawn at full life, and there's nothing Magebane would've been able to do about that. Although it didn't help that he wasted time retreating to the fountain even though he had the token.

The moral is don't try to race Scout and Madman in the first place. TP, gank, and then push while it's 5v3.

  • 3 weeks later...

The new Electrician build is way too good. Went 15-0-6 just now and almost singlehandedly forced the other team to concede. They tried to kill me 4v1 and I ended up hat-tricking them.

For the record, the new Electrician build involves maxing Energy Absorption/Shield first. Get Grip LAST after you've maxed those two. Solo mid and get a bottle fast, then get every rune possible (your ult will help with this.) Ghost Marchers and your Ult enable you to have extremely high map mobility. Energy Shield/Absorption do a ton of damage all throughout the game, and you can, with momentum, easily farm up Puzzlebox and eventually Nullstone to make you basically invincible, outputting tons of damage all the time.


The electrician build is insane. I want to see how it holds up in higher level games, and no doubt part of it's strength comes from the shock value (no pun intended), but the way you can pretty much 1v3 people and come out on top while ignoring tower damage is just so good.

  • 3 weeks later...

Time for some thread necromancy!

There seems to be a big patch on the horizon, including but not limited to:

- Changes to Engineer and Fayde.

- Rework for Rampage:

- Charge apparently makes him leap/pseudo-blink towards his target once he's within 400 range

- Might of the Herd is an active self-buff (with tweaked numbers I guess)

- The bash builds charges similarly to Gauntlet's current passive and has a higher chance to proc depending on the number of charges.

- The ult supposedly disables and drags an enemy behind him (Like batrider in DotA)

- Possibly yet ANOTHER rework for Gauntlet.

- New item 214pg1e.jpg (maybe Soul Ring or Urn of Shadows?)

- A new Gladiator-themed hero based on Kunkka; The ult will be a Horse + Chariot.

- A stormspirit port going by the name of Doctor Repulsor.

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