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Heroes of Newerth Thread 2: Electrician Boogaloo. Now Free to play!

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is a pretty sweet vid.

What the hell. This game is so pretty. I can't get over the chronosphere. Its beautiful! Does not look like the same game I play.

I was watching you elec video again and I clicked on another related link. Sure enough its by the guy who destroyed me and my team with elec not even an hour after you showed me the build.


Played a bit on the test client:

- Gladiator will be amazing in both concept and playstyle.

- New Rampage is quite awesome as well.

- Engineer's turret got completely reworked; he won't be carrying anymore.

- Gauntlet is looking good.

- Chalice of Blood will make every STR caster, as well as most healers very very happy.


Oh hey looks like I can play some more without having to man up the 30 bucks... It's worth it, but I just don't feel like paying yet.

  • 4 weeks later...

Soooo, they removed the ability to bring up a vote kick? Is it just well hidden? Or is it gone completely.... because that would be absolutely freaking brainless.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I have a problem.


Is it just me, or does anyone else think this is about the lamest port of a DotA hero EVAR?

Also, where by God's good graces is KING LEORIC?

  • 1 month later...

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