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Has anyone else played this? It's basically audiosurf except instead of riding the music it turns the song into it's own game of asteriods. It's apparently been on XBLA since forever but it just came out now on steam and I've been having a ton of fun with it.

Here's a quick video if you wanna see how the game works.


Saw the steam ad for this and figured it was an audiosurf ripoff and didn't give it much of a look.

But this actually looks cool after watching the video, what are the pc controls like? If you can use the mouse I'm pretty sure I'll try this, if it's keyboard or controller only then I dunno.


i use the 360 controller so its just like geometry wars

if you use the mouse and keyboard you move around with wasd and use the mouse to determine the direction you fire


Bought it, really fun so far. My only complaint is that it doesn't support flac but then again I'm in the minority of people who actually rip things to flac.

Bought it, really fun so far. My only complaint is that it doesn't support flac but then again I'm in the minority of people who actually rip things to flac.

the dev has already said that hes going to be adding aac ogg and flac support and adding it shouldnt be too much of a problem so you can expect it soon

ive got a couple albums as flacs so id like that to be added soon too

oh and in the meantime yes im enjoying this a lot


Yes! I just downloaded it earlier today and it's amazing. Somebody described the game to me and the "Geometry Wars meets Audiosurf" idea didn't sell it for me... But after you see/hear it in action and play it, it's a whole different beast. I recommended it to a bunch of my friends.

A few of the best songs I've played so far were by Electro Static Discharge; the game really goes nuts with their songs because they're so... well, loud. Also played Fury of the Storm by Dragonforce (because despite not liking Dragonforce much, their songs seem to be good benchmarks for games like these!), and it was some damn good fun. Well-placed bosses.


There goes my free time! =)

I gave the XBLA version of Beat Hazard a shot a couple months ago but I haven't played my 360 at all lately. For anyone that hasn't played this, it's like Asteroids meets Geometry Wars meets bullet hell meets acid trip. :mrgreen:

Oh yeah I really do wish this had individual song leaderboards like audiosurf

Yeah I spent a couple minutes in the Leaderboards section trying to figure out how to get to individual songs... Only to find out it doesn't exist

Hopefully it can be added in later if the game gets more support


well i can understand that just steamworks isnt gonna cut it for that so yeah itd have to bring in a decent amount on money before the dev would wanna add something big like that id imagine

if people here get into it though we could do competitions and i think thatd be fun!!


Updates to Beat Hazard have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

* Added support for .FLAC files

* Added support for .OGG files

* Added 'Restart Track' option in pause screen

* Added 'Force Vsync' option to options screen

* Fixed music select crash & playing wrong tracks

Updates to Beat Hazard have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

* Added support for .FLAC files

* Added support for .OGG files

* Added 'Restart Track' option in pause screen

* Added 'Force Vsync' option to options screen

* Fixed music select crash & playing wrong tracks

That's pretty awesome - it looks like they're being receptive to the fans.

Also, I'd like to thank atmuh for recommending this game - it's really fun!

Some of my music makes for an insane play it seems, like X-Japan - Art of Life, Nightwish - The Poet and the Pendulum, Kiko Loureiro - Outrageous, and Dream Theater - Octavarium...ugh. On the other hand, doing survival mode to Iron Maiden's Somewhere in Time album seems to flow pretty well - got the 20 minute mark achievement!


atmuh, you sold me on it, and I sold several friends on it. Good job, there. In fact, my complaints when I bought it yesterday were a) the file picker would occasionally mismatch the filename with the preview, which can mess up your high scores (and crash the game if you aren't careful) and B) it doesn't have a "restart song" option.

Lo and behold, I power up Steam this morning and find... both of those have been fixed!

Playing "Crest of Z's" is intense.


my eyes hurt

a lot

also some people from another place i visit are gonna do weekly competitions where the winner picks a song and we see who can get the top score on that song

would anyone wanna do that here too

Oh yeah I really do wish this had individual song leaderboards like audiosurf


This game is fun as hell. Seriously is curing my musical urges right now.

Ooh, and I got my new headphones, going to try them while playing tonight, see how it turns out!

P.S. Post #400 :nicework:


It looks like a good time for the most part. I just blew what little I had on this weeks sells. I'll def pick his up later. If it had leaderboards like Audiosurf, it would be an instant purchase. Thanks for the vids, was always wondering what the deal was.

It looks like a good time for the most part. I just blew what little I had on this weeks sells. I'll def pick his up later. If it had leaderboards like Audiosurf, it would be an instant purchase. Thanks for the vids, was always wondering what the deal was.

http://twitter.com/ColdBeamGames/status/12598618211 in reply to me asking him about the potential for audiosurf like scoreboards

ill take more vids later maybe if you want me to play a particular song

Judging from that first video, I don't see what the music had to do with it at all. It just looked like Asteroids to me with a custom soundtrack.

why dont you try it and see for yourself???

Judging from that first video, I don't see what the music had to do with it at all. It just looked like Asteroids to me with a custom soundtrack.

It is mostly how much damage your weapons can output and to a lesser extent the enemy spawns. It's harder to gauge when and what kind of enemies will spawn but the intensity of the songs makes it easy to figure out your weapon power.

This isn't a the game for you if you're looking for a really music-based game. This is primarily a bullet hell/geometry wars type of game that has an association with music.

It is mostly how much damage your weapons can output and to a lesser extent the enemy spawns. It's harder to gauge when and what kind of enemies will spawn but the intensity of the songs makes it easy to figure out your weapon power.

This isn't a the game for you if you're looking for a really music-based game. This is primarily a bullet hell/geometry wars type of game that has an association with music.

While I agree it seems to be much less dependent on the music than Audiosurf, I have definitely begun to notice patterns in the game - in the same way I can predict a ridiculous downhill section in Audiosurf (without the map, that is), I can predict boss encounters and asteroid sections in Beat Hazard. It's just much less noticeable until you play enough to recognize how it interprets most songs.

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