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Official OCR-Tan Game Thread! Signs of a Possible Revival?

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I found Queue Tortoise last night. He was still sitting around in my Photobucket account.


Base sprite pieces and palette.


Extra legs for jumping animations.


Original design sketches.


Juese Belmont (I will be refering to vampire hunter as him from here on)

Cross Throw: Juese throws a large cross towards 4-Tan

Multi-Cross: Juese throws several crosses towards 4-tan. Causing minimal damage that isn't affected by the invun period.

Judgement: Juese fires a beam of White light towards 4-tan, causing large damage.

(After Half HP) Wield: Juese turns in his crosses for his weapon of choice, A large spatula.

Flip!: Juese charges 4-Chan and flips her over his head with his spatula.

Syrup Volley: Juese launches a volley of maple syrup at 4-Tan

Flatten: Juese tosses a pancake into the air. It coming down at 4-Tan's location when it was launched.

OH! Before I continue can VH please be called Juese Belmont? I will love you forever if he can be :D

If you don't know him then go to olremix.org and search it.

Also, I just don't get schalasaurus so you might want to find someone else to do the attacks for him/her/it

I can do Schalasaurus. One question before I do: What general look of Saurus will Schalasaurus be? T-Rex? Stegosaurus? Triceratops? Brontosaurus? Pteradon? Velociraptor? Let me know and I'll come up with attacks for it.

The Coop would be an amazing spriter for this.

indeed. Also wingless if he is still available can help probably (wasn't he the one who mad a quick test for a mmx like tan game?)

also the remixer from the megaman battle could work on some stuff too :P for the bgm.


Wow, never mind, the loop points in this thing have the most terrible buzz to them no matter what I use. How about instead of the soundfont, you let me rip sounds from the .spc file. Then I'll send you the .wav files and I'll let you run them through whatever sampler you use.

If you don't have a sampler or even know what one is, I know a nice one you can use.


So yeah. I happen to be working on a 2d platformer already. While I don't want to bail on that project, I do think we can share some code.

I've got a mostly complete engine at this point. It's written in Java, with box2d physics. Map editor is Tiled, and supports inline entity placement.

Entities can be individually scripted with javascript.

Graphics engine supports a variety of formats, I've been using RGBA PNGs mostly.

Also supports dynamic lighting, shaders, parallax backgrounds, and various other visual effects.

Runs on windows, OSX, and linux.




Basically, If you guys are comfortable with Java, I figure we can work together on the engine bit (It's mostly done, but could use some optimization and general improvements/enhancements) as well as cooperate on the common bits. Should save us both time, and since OCR artists are involved in both games, it's a win win.

Wow, never mind, the loop points in this thing have the most terrible buzz to them no matter what I use. How about instead of the soundfont, you let me rip sounds from the .spc file. Then I'll send you the .wav files and I'll let you run them through whatever sampler you use.

If you don't have a sampler or even know what one is, I know a nice one you can use.

I don't have the buzzing problem...

I use SynthFont... and i don't have buzzing issues, lemme test some more but..

I don't have any buzzing issues. so Try getting Synthfont, its a bitch but you can export individual files as .wavs and mix them in your daw. That way we don't have to try to use samples or w/e...

Lemme know how that goes.

That works becuase other rock musicians are sorta dick to bass players.

True Story.

My brother plays bass; as did my dad. I know all about this. The bass players get no respect. NO RESPECT! /dangerfield

FireSlash: It depends on if Donut and BlackPhantom are also comfortable with Java. Personally I don't care. If there's already code for something similar, and it's multiplatform, then I say go ahead. But they also have to agree.

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