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I laughed, but probably for a different reason than you did.

That's only about 10% of the stars in that game. After seeing some of the Green Star challenges in action, I wonder if he'll keep that opinion trying those, or quit after being unable to stand up to the challenge? Only time will tell...


This may be a really bold statement, but even with the parts that piss me off and kick my ass, this is probably the most I've enjoyed Mario since SMB3. Yoshi's Island might be up that high too though. So good to have lil' green back. ;_;

Edit: ...I played until I was trembling from lack of food yesterday and then still delayed pausing to make some for another hour or so. x_x


so LOL established gaming websites and all that but this got a 10/10 from both ign and gamespot

and while ign is getting a bit lighter on the quality gamespot doesn't exactly give those out all the time so it must mean something


So I finished the main quest at 9 1/2 hours in, 71 stars. I only had the cosmic guide show up once, and that was in the Melty Monster Galaxy level, where you roll around those ramps as rock mario.

The final level was awesome, and exactly what a final level should be: a culmination of all the gameplay elements throughout the game, with an epic boss battle at the end. It also showed off the Wii's graphical powers, which are a lot better than most people give it credit for. Let's see a gamecube pull off that last level! :wink:

I thoroughly enjoyed it, but the experience was somewhat spoiled for me because I watched too many videos online of gameplay, and Nintendo was also very gracious with level spoilers, showing off the Throwback galaxy on their own website. I didn't spoil Mario Galaxy 1, and the experience was so new and fresh, that at this point I'd have to say I like the 1st one better, but without a doubt the 2nd is the better game.

I'm going to try to refrain from watching too many videos of Metroid Other M and Zelda 2010, but holy cow is that going to be hard.

Does one of those people share their name with the first four letters of a certain abbreviation for a certain website? :D

Yes ma'am. Yes Ocre does.

Edit: By the way guy with first four letters of a certain abbreviation for a certain website for a name, if you're reading this, I just want you to know that Mario and Luigi are brothers. Also they like mushrooms. BTW you use all kinds of stars in this game. /spoiling.

I'm going to try to refrain from watching too many videos of Metroid Other M and Zelda 2010, but holy cow is that going to be hard.

I recommend it. I stopped looking at stuff for Galaxy 2 after the second trailer, and my personal goal is to watch nothing about Zelda Wii. Games get way too many trailers.

Anyway. I'm collecting green stars now. Some of them are...pretty hard. I like 'em.

Maybe spoilers (whatever, just to be safe): I was simultaneously impressed and let down by Slimy Spring Galaxy. From the second I flew into it, I was thinking "ooh, this looks cool." The music and overall mood was excellent. I couldn't help but think of the Forest Temple from Ocarina of Time. But it's an incredibly underutilized galaxy. I was hoping for more things to do there. Anyway. Yeah. I find myself going back there every once in a while.


That's what I thought right before I got the game actually. I was watching gameplay and reviews, and then was like "why am i doing this when i can get the game and play it and be even more in awe."

with zelda wii, i don't plan on watching much stuff about it either. official trailers and that is all.

That's what I thought right before I got the game actually. I was watching gameplay and reviews, and then was like "why am i doing this when i can get the game and play it and be even more in awe."

with zelda wii, i don't plan on watching much stuff about it either. official trailers and that is all.

But even the official trailers gave a ton away! Have you seen the official website?


I guess those aren't 'trailers', but all the same, they have 15 videos showing off some of the coolest stuff in the game! Notably, transmission 15.

But even the official trailers gave a ton away! Have you seen the official website?


I guess those aren't 'trailers', but all the same, they have 15 videos showing off some of the coolest stuff in the game! Notably, transmission 15.

huh they aren''t working for me for some reason. but wow that's a lot! i don't think i ever watched those transmissions, only really gameplay from ign, joystiq, etc.

remaining spoiler-free = easier said than done lol.

anyways, i want to be a luma. a fat luma. life would be amazing as a luma.

i giggle each time one transforms, every single time. it's awesome.

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