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Nario's Ultimate Dance Pad Thread (Playing Super Mario Bros. 3 next!)

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I can believe that Nario can do all this; what I have trouble comprehending is how fast he completes everything. Super awesome work, dude!

Thanks, OA. :) And everyone else, too, but I already thanked them on YouTube.

Oh, and a big local newspaper company called News Enterprise wants to interview me tomorrow at 1 PM AND take pictures. Pretty exciting stuff!


Sorry for taking seven hours to post this. I've been busy.

This has to be one of the most annoying levels I have played on a dance pad thus far in all of my projects. Enjoy watching me kick this level's butt.

I'm playing the last level later today.

You probably should have seen it coming. He specifically used the word "play" instead of "beat" - which he's been using for every other video he's done - for Level 10.

I thought he might have just lost a bunch of times, with the win yet to come. lol

ANYWAY. When I first read what you were gonna do Nario I didn't believe it was possible, ESPECIALLY with useless Grant. But I can't believe there is such a drastic difference between the 2 different versions. Actually being able to THROW your knife makes him freaking amazing. Probably an easy jump from worst to best tag along in the game.

I downloaded CVIII for my Wii and just played it as I'd play it on my NES. I'm gonna have to try it differently now.

Having watched so far all I have to say is that you're a beast. Straight up nuts.

Are you going to play through it upside down and on hardmode, and the 'impossible' route the second time? :-P

But I can't believe there is such a drastic difference between the 2 different versions. Actually being able to THROW your knife makes him freaking amazing. Probably an easy jump from worst to best tag along in the game.

Combine this with his ability to climb on walls and ceilings and, yes, I agree with you! I mean, seriously, GRANT'S DYNASTY. :-D

Are you going to play through it upside down and on hardmode, and the 'impossible' route the second time? :-P

Heh, we'll see.

Anyways, Rambo, Abadoss: Thanks for following this series! I'll see you all tomorrow... hopefully!


Dracula's giving me a harder time than I thought he would, just as I feared. I'm sad to announce that I might not be beating Castlevania III today. To top it all off, every time I get a Game Over at Dracula, I have to start at the very beginning of Level 10 all over again, so this may just take a while. :-(

Dracula's giving me a harder time than I thought he would, just as I feared. I'm sad to announce that I might not be beating Castlevania III today. To top it all off, every time I get a Game Over at Dracula, I have to start at the very beginning of Level 10 all over again, so this may just take a while. :-(

I for one, wouldn't think less of you if you played through to the staircase on a controller and faced dracula by foot from there. I thought the dracula fight might be inCREDIBLY difficult by foot. He's among the hardest bosses I faced in any game as a child. lol

I'd be blown away if you could beat Dracula's final form without using the axe.

Prepare to not be blown away and completely unimpressed. :-P

You could also use a save state... I don't think it would be cheating.

Edit, I think you said you were using an emulator...

He's using the Wii, by the looks of it.

It's a combination of both. That's how I've been able to play the Japanese version on my Wii, especially since I'm not allowed to buy the Japanese version of the game from Virtual Console in my region. Without HBC on my Wii, I wouldn't be able to play the Japanese version of CV3 on my Wii with my GameCube dance pad. It's all Nintendo's fault for not officially releasing the better version over here, really.

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