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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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well, what with november 16th fast approaching us and all, i would really like to have a sig that deals in some fashion with alien hominid. god, that would kick ass.

Mind if I assist the sig-making duo by passing this request onto myself? I'm great with Photoshop, it's only that I haven't had time lately to doodle around with it.

I think its safe to say we're a trio now, Groveg's been helping out here as well. Oh and he's already done that request too :P, but we'd be glad to have you join us.

Welcome aboard!

Let's see what you got, CCR.


I'd be willing to help, I need an excuse to get crackin in photoshop again anyways. Little warning, I'm not too active here, so it may take a while to get to a request, unless I happen to see it. I hope you guys don't mind me helping out >_>;

If it's a problem I don't have to, I just wanted a place to exercise my skills in.

Pleassse....! I beg of anyone willing to help lol...It just kind of feels wierd not to have a sig when you post, makes me feel unimportant lol!

I'll work on it tomorrow. I'm tired.

On that note, I made two sigs here, and BOTH the people disappeared. What the hell.

Welcome to sig world.

Pleassse....! I beg of anyone willing to help lol...It just kind of feels wierd not to have a sig when you post, makes me feel unimportant lol!

I'll work on it tomorrow. I'm tired.

On that note, I made two sigs here, and BOTH the people disappeared. What the hell.

*sigh* Oh, you'll get used to it.

I'd say 10% of the sigs made actually get put to use, the rest disappear (possibly to other communities, I dunno). On a lighter note, you get to flex your creative muscles and gain experience

I trust gryphon's motives, I dont think he will pull the disappearing act on us. He's been pretty persistant...I doubt he would have stuck around this long waiting for his request to come in if he had plans on leaving. Proving me wrong could be lethal gryph...rawr


Kairi should probably be less blurry. I also see you're having fun with difference clouds, try inverting it to get some spiffy results. Go to Image>Adjustments>Color Balance and mess around with that to make the clouds "pop" more too. This place has great fonts you may want to check out, as does this place.

Here's an example of what the alterations to the Clouds can do.



Hey Uh i dont know size limits on pictures...and i cant seem to find any in the tech forum...

So i am shrinking these down to i think respectable sizes...

Blend these 2 with the Sword in the background (remove the text if possible)

(Hang on too big too big!)

Make Squall's pic look transparant more backgroundish while the ship is in front. :) if you want to add my name thats cool too.

Second attempt



There we go.

Pleassse....! I beg of anyone willing to help lol...It just kind of feels wierd not to have a sig when you post, makes me feel unimportant lol!

I'll work on it tomorrow. I'm tired.

On that note, I made two sigs here, and BOTH the people disappeared. What the hell.

shit. sorry about that. i was meaning to get back here, but a multitude of things (including me being used to throwing ideas out which are ignored/forgotten) kind of obscured that process.

anyway, thanks! i liekz et! :D

well, what with november 16th fast approaching us and all, i would really like to have a sig that deals in some fashion with alien hominid. god, that would kick ass.

Mind if I assist the sig-making duo by passing this request onto myself? I'm great with Photoshop, it's only that I haven't had time lately to doodle around with it.

I think its safe to say we're a trio now, Gorveg's been helping out here as well. Oh and he's already done that request too :P, but we'd be glad to have you join us.

Welcome aboard!

and what, pray tell, is this? damn, this would be nice too. i could alternate from one to another each month. sweet.


I think I need an improvement to my sig, apparently it's terrible. I literally threw it together in 10 minutes, but people diss it anyway, and something has to happen. I have no skill in photoshop and i need the crap taken out of it, but I want it to be the same sig.

Oh and it used to be like 2x as big, but i smalled it up. If it's still too big for some of you, I'll lower it more.

I think I need an improvement to my sig, apparently it's terrible. I literally threw it together in 10 minutes, but people diss it anyway, and something has to happen. I have no skill in photoshop and i need the crap taken out of it, but I want it to be the same sig.

Oh and it used to be like 2x as big, but i smalled it up. If it's still too big for some of you, I'll lower it more.

Could you perhaps be a little more specific?

You want us to change it, but you want it to be the same sig...what kind of changes do you have in mind?


I dunno what to do because i'm not very creative. I just need to take the crappy out of it, mainly sharpen the heart-cross. But I don't know the first thing on how to go about doing that, just like all PS. I don't know how you guys do that without classes on comp arts or something, but I don't ever use PS.

Also on another site, someone said it was too corny, but that's kinda what I'm looking for. I just got some suggestions to ask for improvements here, but I don't appreciate everyone critiquing (sp) my sig; I don't take it that seriously.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey i was wondering if you couls make me a sig having to do with jet grind radio and mgs3 at the same time with my name in graffiti font if that is possible? also could you make if camo-esque? thanks...take all the time you want


I just got a rather odd IM about someone requesting a sig.

I WILL not make sigs to people who have not posted at least a few times. I WILL not be FORCED to make a sig for ANYONE. Whoever this was, fuck you and make one for your "friend" yourself. However, since I am so awesome I made him one anyway. It isn't very detailed but then again neither was his description he sent me oh so long ago.

Here's the awesomeness.

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