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I still think Nintencats would have been a catchier title than Nintendogs + Cats

wait Assassin's Creed and Metal Gear Solid on 3DS!?!


& Kingdom Hearts 3D too.


and apparently Resident Evil.


Iwata and Miyamoto just got sucked into a 3DS. If only that happened in real life. *sigh*

I would also like to note that an Arwing just flew out of said 3DS.

This was one of Nintendo's greatest E3 conferences ever, I believe. :D

I agree with this; they've pulled out all the stops in regards to nostalgia and retro-ness. And its so beautiful to the point that it brings tears to my eyes. T_T


The only way they could have done better was doing what Microsoft did with their new 360: give everyone in the audience one right there and then.

But with no games for it out yet, I guess that would be kind of pointless.

Hopefully it will be out either this holiday (like everything else they showed today) or early next spring.

This was one of Nintendo's greatest E3 conferences ever, I believe. :D

Agreed. And they definitely did a good job of returning to their core following without ignoring the need for so-called "casual games," although some of what they showed... Nintendogs... ugh. *shivers*

Way too much money to be spending this holiday season.

3DS is also a day one buy.

Pretty much has me settle on Metroid/Zelda that's for sure but I actually don't see myself touching the 3DS anytime soon...


Here's a list of developers and games for the 3DS, according to the screens they showed at the event.

* Square Enix and Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy franchise, Chocobo Racing 3D

* THQ and Saints Row

* DJ Hero

* Capcom and Resident Evil

* Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed

* Namco and Ridge Racer

* Konami and the Metal Gear Solid franchise

* EA Sports and Madden

* Tecmo Koei and Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive

* Professor Layton and the Mask of Mircale

That's... that's most certainly not the usual "kiddy" list people expect.

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