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I bought this game and I played "visiting worlds" with my girlfriend for a while.

It is probably more rewarding when you get later into the game to have a lot of people who are grouped up together; we basically unpackaged the game and then played as fast as possible until we could unlock multiplayer. Fortunately it's really fast, I think we were playing for about an hour and a half before multiplayer play was opened up.

I'm still way behind overall, I don't even have class change yet, but the game is quite fun. It has a very old school charm and a lot of story simplicity that takes most of the good elements of old NES and SNES RPGs and rolls them together.



I lost some of my save data because the game cart accidentally pooped out while it was in my jeans pocket.

Basically an entire day and a half of stuff, including the Level 40 Priest quest. So I'm mad now.

I don't feel like playing. :(


That happened to me.

Except that I had saved prior to that happening, so no harm done. I almost got corrupted data when my DS shut off due to overheat RIGHT AFTER it finished saving. Seriously, less than a second had passed and only the first letter had appeared notifying me that the save was complete.


I changed my hero to a thief as soon as I was able. To be honest they honestly don't do that much for me. The steal ability (half inch) is decent, but has a pretty low success rate. The other abilities I have used all of once, except for "Eye for Trouble" which gives you extra information on monsters.

It is good, however, to do the level 40 quest, which gives you the thief scroll that will automatically attempt a steal when you kill a monster. Can be really awesome in grottoes. I've heard of people lucky enough to steal an item in a boss grotto battle, then have the boss drop a chest, and get a thief scroll steal off.

I changed my hero to a thief as soon as I was able. To be honest they honestly don't do that much for me. The steal ability (half inch) is decent, but has a pretty low success rate. The other abilities I have used all of once, except for "Eye for Trouble" which gives you extra information on monsters.

It is good, however, to do the level 40 quest, which gives you the thief scroll that will automatically attempt a steal when you kill a monster. Can be really awesome in grottoes. I've heard of people lucky enough to steal an item in a boss grotto battle, then have the boss drop a chest, and get a thief scroll steal off.

...That is what the Thief Scroll does?

Forget Gladiator and Sage, I'm going after that one first!

Also, I love this game. I put 105 hours into it before even beating the main storyline.


Okay, I didn't quite lose as much progress as I thought. Also, last night I went and re-completed the priest quest, this time being smart and running around on lava a lot to reduce my HP (instead of fighting thousands of drakulards and hoping for the best).

Right now my team is Armamentalist, Ranger, Gladiator, and Warrior. They're all strong and well-defended but I'm still avoiding grottoes because none of them have learned Multiheal (and I kind of doubt they ever will).

But man, what's with this game keeping all the best spells an absurd amount of time? By level 40 in other games you're already supposed to know Kazing and Kafrizz and HealUsAll so on.


Forgive the double post. I just wanted to let everyone know that this week on DQVC it's AlchAid 2, which allows you to purchase alchemy items without having to scrounge around for them.

Also, new special guest! It's Ashlynn, from DQVI.

Just thought I'd notify everyone.


A) Thieves are good, once you get Ranger. Give your high-level Ranger Half-Inch and all the Deftness buffs from Thief (as well as some good gloves), and watch the items come in quick.

B) Level grind in WATER GROTTOS. Darkoniums only appear in the ruins grottos, IIRC, and Waters have Metal King Slimes that appear near the lower floors of just about any and every water grotto.

C) To get all of the guest items: Talk to them, talk to them as their favored class, talk to them on your birthday, talk to them after getting the inn maxed out (30 unique IDs canvassed), and talk to them after doing one of the later extra quests. Some of their stuff is really, really nice early-game.

The entire series does.

It didn't in the NES days, at least not in the English translations. They only really started recently with the GBA remakes IIRC. I don't even remember the DQ I & II and DQ III remakes for the Game Boy having so many puns.


DQ7 had a mostly rough translation. For example, whenever the "narrator" had any dialogue, a lot of the time it'd be missing the first letter from the first word.

Also, the only one to really use strong language is Aira, when she refers to the Wind Spirit as a "slut".

Not many puns, though. The story has heaps more tragedy than other DQ games though. Even better, you can often see the effects of those bittersweet endings years or even centuries after!

For example, in one village a priest takes on the form of a monster to protect the citizens. So long as he's in that form, the monsters will not attack. But he is stripped of his ability to speak, so the villagers attack and nearly kill him until you manage to set things right.

About a century or three passes when you return to the present, and you find the villagers lied to themselves and their descendants, and that YOU were made into the villains of the tale! You manage to help some kids uncover the truth behind it, and nobody believes them. The only inkling of hope is that the kids vow to tell their future generations the truth.

Man, DQ7 got real depressing at times.

Dragon Quest II had an enemy called a Batboon.

Maybe I was wrong on that. And you mean the DS remakes, since there were no GBA remakes. DA8 was out before those, and that's where the puns truly began.

Yeah, there was a Batboon. That does not nearly compare to "Abbot Jack of Alltrades" who turns into the evil "Master of Nu'un" or the quest to go to the "Quarantomb" because that's where you have to seal away a disease. Every game has a collection of a few silly enemies and silly situations but this was not a "staple" of the series until very recently.

Dragon Quest I & II were made for the Game Boy Color/Original, and Dragon Quest III was remade for Game Boy Color. GBA was incorrectly used by me as a blanket term for that generation of Game Boys since I used my GBA by that time to play most of my GB games.


*has a level 32 map*

*gets a level 35 map*

*gets a level 43 map*

*gets a level 21 map*

What the hell.

*gets a level 24 map*

*gets a level 28 map*

*gets a level 32 map*

*gets a level 21 map*


Well anyway, I got a level 44 map at last. Hopefully it's water or ice, since I'm getting sick of fire, dirt, and ruins.


I'm currently level 48 with my MC and have him around level 20-40 in most other vocations (save for Luminary, which I have yet to unlock). So getting level 20 maps, STILL, is quite annoying.

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