DarkeSword Posted December 19, 2004 Author Posted December 19, 2004 Bas, please take out the saxophone and change it to something else. It simply does not fit. Also, please cut out the section from 3:26 from 4:50, and work on transitioning those parts together. A lot of that stuff in the middle sounds very empty and it's much too interpretive. Too much original stuff.
ella guro Posted December 19, 2004 Posted December 19, 2004 Schoolwork + college applications + not feeling well = not having this one finished for awhile. I know I can make some progress on it once I have some serious time to and I'm really sorry for delaying this further, but right now those three things take priority.
Daethar Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 Ok, guys. All of your final arrangements are due today, or at least soon, from my spectator point of view. I want to know what your plans are for the next step. Will you be organizing all of this at a separate site, or posting finals in the forum? Basically, I, and likely many others, want to know where we can get the finished goods. I don't want to pressure, I am more than willing to wait for finished mixes instead of getting half-assed ones now. But, like the DOOM Remix guys, this thread has random song postings, WIPs, and I predict few actual finished ones. Unlike the DOOM Remix Project, the Kirby project looked and was expected to be done now (unless I am mistaken). So, just keep in mind that us consumers still need some organized way to get these all. And don't get me wrong, I appreciate very much all the work you guys are putting into this. Darkesword, this is looking to be great, and right here there's a couple people itching to hear the finished products.
Darangen Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 I'm taking down my WIP of the project for now, since 1) it's finished, and 2) I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be released until the project is completely finished and ready to launch. DarkeSword, when you need it you can contact me and I'll get it to you. To Daethar: I'm pretty sure DarkeSword has everything planned out and organized as far as what we're going to be doing next. I don't know when the remix's will be available, but I do know that they will be eventually. Just because the final arrangements are due doesn't mean the release is right around the corner. There is still some things that need to be done, some of which are artwork, a website, and people actually handing in their projects, and in the event that someone drops out last minute, replacements have to be found, etc. I'm not trying to sound harsh or anything, and no hard feelings, but please be patient. In addition to all this, it's the holiday season which is going to eat up alot of everyones time. Patience is key, and I'm sure Darke isn't trying to delay the project at all. If I'm wrong, Darke can clear it up . Just trying to save him some time.
Hadyn Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 They'll worry about that after the mixes are finished - looks like a few people haven't finished yet... even with an extended deadline. Darkesword needs to be nastier. He should jump up and down on the remixers backs, whipping them with flaming batons until they get their remixes done. Actually, that's a lie. If anything he could be a little more supportive - it feels like team morale is down, and like remixing has become a chore for the mixers involved. A project leader should be constantly checking around, making sure everyone in the team is feeling good about what they're doing and encouraging them to continue, rather than just posting one or two blunt critiques every few weeks. Then again, it may not be DS's fault at all - I'm guessing there's a fair bit of behind the scenes work going on for him. So then what's gone wrong? A lazy bunch of remixers? They've had 2-3 months to actually work on their mixes, and some of them haven't shown us anything yet... I'm not sure how much stuff is going on away from this forum, but this isn't looking good. Now, if only you'd put me on the project... Jusssst messing Well, good luck everyone with finishing up! ~Hadyn
Darangen Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 I'd have to pretty much disagree that it's DS's fault. I think he's doing a fine job. Darke has a lot of things going on (as he mentioned about about papers and finals) and most of us can relate to that. As far as team morale being down, I think one of your guesses was right, a few lazy remixers that weren't too serious about actually participating. But like I said before, it's the holidays, finals and semester exams were just before this, and it's probably a VERY busy time for almost everyone. Not that they didn't have several months to work on it, but as far as updates and all, I'm not surprised at the lack of activity in this thread. Give us some time, eventually everything will smooth out.
Hadyn Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 haha, I know. ^^ For the most part, i was just rambling crap and exaggerating things to lead up to the 'Now, if only you'd put me on the project... '. A bad joke, really. I'm being strange today. sorry. I have faith in DS, and most of the mixers, and I know this'll turn out fine in the end ~Hadyn
Daethar Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 Understood, Darangen. Looking back, I realize I stated the obvious, as well as that a project manager likely doesn't want to hear some know-it-all telling him what he already knows. As for your list of obstacles(?), it was more of the people handing in their projects I was focusing on, though I briefly forgot about the holidays (crazy). Looking back, I probably should've been less antagonistic. Patience might be recommended, Darangen, but it is hard when it is this close! Pair that with the misconception that final turn in indeed did mean the release was right around the corner...yeah that was my PoV. So, apology to any workers I irritated. No hard feelings taken, Darangen. Keep on trucking.
suzumebachi Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 Track 28/29 - Dream Hunter Theme by Suzumebachi OGG: http://kirby.herograw.com/FINAL/KAProj_DreamHunter-TheBalladOfSirKibbles.ogg MP3: http://kirby.herograw.com/FINAL/KAProj_DreamHunter-TheBalladOfSirKibbles.mp3 choose your flavor. ok afk.
Hadyn Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 That's some damn tasty guitar and piano work. The synths are a little less brilliant, but overall this is an awesome piece. Great work
Darangen Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 Suz, I noticed some clipping throughout the mix. I took the mp3 and did some production to it to take out the clipping and bring it out a bit more. Ballad of Sir Kibbles (Dar's Tweak) If you don't like my work here, you can always go back and fix the clipping parts yourself, just trying to lend a hand. To say what I thought, I *really* like that intro riff And the background synths are really cool too. I like it a lot
Hadyn Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 I never knew you could tweak EQ and all so much after a piece has been compressed to mp3... Nice job, it sounds better Oh yeah, and those synths have really grown on me now. Great work suz, and nice fix dar
suzumebachi Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 yeah, these headphones have really high tolerance, so i don't hear clipping as much as i would otherwise. thanks darangen.
Patrick Burns Posted December 22, 2004 Posted December 22, 2004 Bas, please take out the saxophone and change it to something else. It simply does not fit. *outsider's opinion* I think a soprano sax would fit in nicely there.
Vilecat Posted December 23, 2004 Posted December 23, 2004 Bas, please take out the saxophone and change it to something else. It simply does not fit. *outsider's opinion* I think a soprano sax would fit in nicely there. Or a oboe? I kinda agree that the sax sounds more or less appropriate. I still can't wait for this project to be finished, it looks extremely promising
Kirbymixer Posted December 24, 2004 Posted December 24, 2004 I gave up on the sax -__-;. I've tried litteraly each instrument that exists, but it helps nothing, and I still think (out of my minimal composing experience ^__^) the altosax is the best choice. I'm now working on a new part, hope to be able to upload it soon. *EDIT* http://www.soundclick.com/bands/1/kirbymixermusic.htm there's V3 *EDIT 2* I leave for one week in 4 houres, so please comment
Spotnick Posted December 24, 2004 Posted December 24, 2004 I've got a feeling that it's quite dead on internet today, 'cause of the holidays and personally I'm not quite good on remixing, or mixing. But I think you should make some upgrades with the bass, more powerful, and more epic feeling should be great in the overall but I don't know anything in detail. Keep working and go for it...
Kirbymixer Posted December 24, 2004 Posted December 24, 2004 Thanks for the comment . I have no time more left to improve it anymore, till next week's sunday, so good luck everyone!
Spotnick Posted December 24, 2004 Posted December 24, 2004 Bye, and have a good holiday, so see you in a week! ...Just wonder what's happening with the other remixes...
Sir_NutS Posted December 28, 2004 Posted December 28, 2004 I am very sorry and I want to express my apologies to Darkesword and the team for not being able to offer my entry for this project. I tried different approaches to remixing it, and I think darkesword got some of that, but they weren't good or enough for this project. Now I think I've given up at it. Unless a friend of mine that I already contacted wants to help me with it on a collab, I think I could be counted out from the project (If I'm not out already, I haven't checked the thread for a good while). So yeah sorry again, there's still a possibility I could make something but I don't want to give any expectations. Good luck to Darkesword and the team.
Hadyn Posted January 6, 2005 Posted January 6, 2005 Even though i'm not really involved with the project, I second that.
DarkeSword Posted January 6, 2005 Author Posted January 6, 2005 Apologies! I've been super busy with personal stuff lately. I'm at work right now, so all my info is at home on my HD, but as it stands Suzumebachi, analoq, Darengan, and Rellik are finished. KirbyMixer and Trenthian are very close to done with their tracks, and I talked to Trenthian about picking up Final Star, while GrayLightning is going to grab Hero of Lore. I'll pick up the slack on Great Ace, and I need to talk to Ellywu and see where he stands on his mix. I also need to start the Super Star bonus track. Lets start talking about album names, while we're working on music. Whatchyou got? I think 'The Adventurers' fits with the character theme idea. Any other suggestions?
Hadyn Posted January 6, 2005 Posted January 6, 2005 I don't think "the adventurers" really works. I mean, it's not about "adventurers" - it's about one adventurer, and how they grow from 'Water drop' to 'Super star' across their jorney. That said, I think the title could maybe have something to do with the passage of time. "Chronicles" seems to be a popular word these days, why not work that in there? Either that, or title it: "One Tough Cream Puff". Both work well, I think. Hell, you could mix the two ideas together - "Cream Puff Chronicles" ... Yeah, that's my suggestion. ~Hadyn
Darangen Posted January 6, 2005 Posted January 6, 2005 You already know my thoughts on "The Adventurers", I don't really like the Cream Puff Chronicles either, or Cream Puff, or Chronicles... And yeah, after saying I don't like any of the ideas, I don't have one of my own, LOL. I'll start thinking though, then you can tell me how bad my ideas are too .
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